
Viewing 161 - 180 of 298 results

Java · 2:20am Jun 28th, 2015

Eyes bleary, DJ smacked the iCoffee and waited semi-patiently for the thirty seconds for the heating element in the machine to warm up the water so she could slap the coffee pod in and get her big mug of brown joy. I really need to get her the newest model, but she’s always like “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with what I have!” The humanized pony sighed. No, dear aunt of mine, what you mean to say is, “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with

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Pictures Saved Just in Case · 3:21am Sep 8th, 2016

I have the picture Stands saved to my hard drive. Not a really important thing to be writing a blog about but it gives me like 27 photos I could use for later story ideas or cover images.

Plus I have had a lot of older blog picture links break at some point and thats the worst if it was a really important or cool picture that I can't find anymore.

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A Long Awaited Update · 8:34am Feb 1st, 2016

Hello guys, it's certainly been a while since you've seen anything from me and for that I sincerely apologize.

I've been busy with college, translating, and other things. Admittedly, I've been playing a lot of a certain game in the last week or two when I just want to relax and I blame GTX. xD But in all seriousness, I can't blame him. I should be replacing that gaming time with "serious art time" or "serious writing time."

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Pre-canon Celestia is tough to write · 7:45pm Apr 18th, 2019

Mainly because I have my version of her as being still pretty guilt-ridden over Luna's fall from grace and writing about a depressed character and their thoughts doesn't exactly put a person in a good mood. Harry being in a similar's not exactly sunshine and roses. :raritycry:

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Dawn of the Second Day · 6:00pm Jun 27th, 2018

- 48 hours remaining -

Just two more days and then I'm free from that pig!

But on a more positive note. I just bought Pokemon White!
Yeah I know I'm years late, but I've avoided spoilers this whole time and it looks to be the best Pokemon game ever.


Nobody will never understand me · 12:32pm Mar 18th, 2019

I always like to think people are different. Every single one of us. We are all unique. But... Are we really? I mean, I definitely am a unique one, but I feel like everybody around me are all the same. They follow the exact same mind pattern and have almost identical life choices. And I share none of them.

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Moving Sucks and Writing Paused · 5:09pm Sep 28th, 2018

So, deadrose and I are in the process of moving from the Emerald City, to a much less interesting city fifteen miles south, because this house got foreclosed on (thanks to my landlord dying and his heirs being unlocatable), and that city being about the only place I can afford to move to (housing costs here are insane, thanks primarily to Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, and a city government that bends over for them at every opportunity), which is still even moderately convenient for work. Not

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Celestia Sucks You Off out now! · 9:43pm Sep 4th, 2022

Hope you all enjoy it, it's glad to be back posting on here again. I love doing this series and I hope to continue it from here! ❤️


10 adjectives to describe Big Ed · 1:15pm Jun 21st, 2021

1. Gross
2. Unhygienic
3. Spherical
4. Uncultured
5. Whiny
6. Cringy
7. Disrespectful
8. Insecure
9. Intrusive
10. Untrustworthy


Too Much Crap · 10:49pm Apr 10th, 2017

So much bullshit going on in my life right now. Looks like all my serious writing, and especially reviewing, is going to be on hold for a while. No clue how long, but definitely for the near future. This sucks.


Make Your Mark - Chapter 4: Cutie Blossom Bash · 10:01pm Nov 7th, 2023

Cutie Blossom Bash? Oh, at least Misty won't be in that one.

Oh, crap, it's Misty again.

After all that, they still hang out with her? Damn plot armor!

Cutie bashing is actually cutie-honoring. Go figure...

Misty almost killed ponies without breaking a sweat and now she's worrying about crowds? Come on, Misty, you're a literal killer, you can do this.

No, Misty, you didn't jinx it by saying it. You jinxed it by existing.

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Fears Reawakened · 4:44am Mar 11th, 2022

An ancient fear has been reawakened. I was happy in my skin, with myself, until... I read someone's story who transitioned and then detransitioned because it broke them.

I don't want that.

I don't want to be afraid that I could be unhappy if I undergo changes to myself, it's terrifying. Am I even trans if that's scary?? Do I desist my fantasies or embrace them as my reality??

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The Cadence fic is on the way! · 4:33pm Apr 23rd, 2023

Just wanted to let you guys know that was the next installment in the series, and work on it will start soon. Thank you all for the support and see you soon!


My first blog, a glimpse into my so-called life. · 8:08pm Last Thursday

I've been meaning to post a blog, but have been having trouble deciding what to write. The hard part is that I don't want to post a blog on Fimfic's shitty mobile version! (I hate typing on my phone's tiny keypad, anyway.) So, I'm writing this on my antique laptop. It's close to 20 years old, and runs WinXP. Thank Celestia that Mypal 64 was designed for "legacy" devices, and actually WORKS!!! Every other browser I tried, from Opera to Chrome, kept giving me bogus "Security Certificate"

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Season 5, Episode 10, "Princess Spike" Is The WORST Episode of FiM. · 3:35am Jun 21st, 2015

Derpy, mate, there's a far worse episode than Slice of Life now. This episode is the absolute WORST since Rainbow Falls! Almost NOTHING ABOUT IT WORKS! The comedy? Flat. The characters? Aside from Fancy Pants, completely awful. Moral? Interesting, but gets ruined by the bullshit ending. It is ungodly contrived. Yes, more contrived than Vinyl having a dubstep car, because that was at least amusing to me. This is flat-out NOT CARING. At least the only problem with A. Most Wanted

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Progress Update · 9:04pm Aug 11th, 2018

Nope, not dead, just quiet. Work's coming along slowly and steadily:

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Your Monthly Reminder That Teen Titans Go Does NOT Suck · 1:54pm Aug 23rd, 2018

Featuring Khary Payton's incredible singing voice, a terribly catchy song, and Wonder Woman.


Why Are My Celestia Stories so Emo? · 8:14pm May 16th, 2017

Working on a Lunestia thing, and there's an awful lot of sad in it. Like not sad-tag levels of sad. It's just when I think about it, Tia's had a lot of sadness in her life. Lost parents (Okay, that was me, I did that to her. I don't think 'Tia's parents murdered by Discord' is anybody else's headcanon), lost sister, then loses literally everybody she loves because she's immortal. What must it be like to bury your great, great grandchildren? No pony else understands what it's like to live

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Here we go again. · 3:24am Feb 6th, 2021

You know, I'm really starting to think that February is just a bad month for me.

Last year I decided to take a break because my writing spirit was out of whack (then again it was 2020 so who could blame me.) And now...


I'm sorry, guys. I know many of you are waiting on the next chapters of Kingdom Hearts and Spider-Girl, but for some reason I just can't come up with anything for them at the moment. I'm stuck.

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Random Ramblings CCCXCIX · 8:29pm Apr 17th, 2020

Hello. Been awhile. Do you like adorable talented Japanese teenagers? Too bad. Here's my oshi Aiko with her newest song.

Best Girl. And I will brook no argument on this. Read on, because even I have no clue what will happen.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 298 results