
Viewing 161 - 180 of 229 results

Coming soon: The Into Equestria rewrite! · 9:13am Jan 25th, 2020

I've went ahead and renamed the existing story to avoid confusion. The rewrite completely ditches the plot that the old story was following at the time, so I figured it'd probably be better to just post a new story instead and retire the old one.

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(SEASON 9 SPOILER!!!) Two More Christmas Story Ideas · 5:18pm Oct 3rd, 2019

Gift Givers As My Reindeer Pals

‘‘Twas the night before Christmas, you go to your cousin’s house for a family get together. Before your leave, your cousin gives you a Christmas gift. Once you open it, you couldn’t believe what you got from your cousin.

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Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk released + Why it's a special story · 1:37pm Nov 5th, 2016

Heya everypony!:rainbowwild:

As you may all be aware (or if not, you can look on my user page), I've released my third story, Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk. It is only the prologue chapter for now, but other chapters will be released throughout the months. Here's a link to the story: Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk

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New Fic! Ballad of the Dawn Published! · 4:14am Dec 27th, 2017

Hey guys, just a short post before I retire to bed for today. The first chapter of Ballad of the Dawn is published, and it is tagged in the blog post.

Also, I'm looking for editors, so if any of you are interested in editing, PM me!

Anyways, that's it for tonight! Goodnight!


Changes to Unpleasant Correspondence 2 (Reign of the Goddess-Queens) · 11:46pm Apr 25th, 2022

For those of you who followed Unpleasant Correspondence 2, I am going to let you know that I am going to make some changes to it. I have deleted chapters back to when Bright Beam was freed from limbo. I did this because I got stuck on where to take it from where I was nor did I particularly like what I had happen. I will be releasing new chapters (episodes) once I get them done, which I am hoping will be not too far apart given the events that have been going on in my life. Anyway, I hope

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What happens when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course. · 6:15am Jan 27th, 2020

Yup, it's finally here. I hope y'all enjoy. Link's right here: Into Equestria :twilightsmile:

Into Equestria

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I read a noir / drama fic for a friend - link included · 11:12pm May 17th, 2020

I felt bad about this one. I had promised a friend that I'd get around to finishing it over a year ago but never had the chance or energy to do so in the middle of a move. I had nothing to do in this pain-in-the-ass lockdown, so I decided to finish what I had started. Here's the end result -

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Between Dark and Dawn - Episode Reaction · 10:03am Jun 23rd, 2019

Oooooh boy, from the thumbnail I can tell which episode this is. One of those early releases that had half of the Internet put into a state, as it seems to be the much awaited Royal Sisters Shenanigans episode all been desiring these past years.

I managed to keep myself in the dark about this one beyond glimpses of gifs showing the sisters being all cute together. So time to get the context.

Let’s do this!

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Starfleet Characters (Grand Ruler Celesto) · 8:58pm Sep 25th, 2019

"A true leader is not made by how powerful he is, but by those who choose to follow him."
--Giving advice to Lightning Dawn

"Sometimes what you WANT to do, is not what you SHOULD do."

--Teaching Twilight Sparkle a lesson in heroics.

In your world you have Presidents, Kings, Queens and dictators. On mine there is only one-- The Grand Ruler

--Lightning explaining Celesto's importance.

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Happy Valentines Message 2020 - from FireRain to all of you! (And some specific friends!) · 10:04am Feb 14th, 2020

It's Valentines Day again.

It's a day of love and cherishing for loved ones. We're not talking about strictly only girls and boys in relationships, we're talking everybody, no matter who you are, on a global scale. I only hope your Valentines Day isn't spent sat in school where you're all made to pretend being nice to those around you, even if you have nothing in common, and your teacher orders you all to make a deposit cards to each other. We saw how that ended up in The Simpsons...

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Anyone here know Warhammer 40K or Dawn of War? · 12:03am Oct 4th, 2016

In a funny coincidence I'll be referencing Warhammer 40K twice in the next week or so in my stories, one in a long overdue reference I've been planning to do for about a year but haven't gotten to in We Remember Everything, and one more meaningful one in Equestria Was Merely a Setback.

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UPDATE · 1:08am Jun 26th, 2018

So, yes the next chapter is being worked on, I'm just busy working and doing daily life things. I'm also planning on moving within the next 3 to 5 months so I'm also dealing with that but no worries I'll still be working on the chapter when I can and I'll update periodically.

Thank you all for your patience.

Kindly yours,


Looking for prereaders · 2:59am Jan 31st, 2016

I'm antsy about keeping my story in secret for after I have at least few chapters done and edited, instead of releasing the first chapter as soon as it's finished... I just want the feedback! I want to share it with the world, for better or worse!

That's why I'm asking you, all my... Six followers... Huh, not too big of an audience. Oh well.

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Ballad of the Dawn Chapter VII is Now Available! · 9:19pm Jul 30th, 2018

Hey guys, Takarashi282 here! And no, I'm not dead, just had a stupid writer's block in the middle of this stupid chapter.

So yeah, the good news is that I'm now caught up to what used to be Chapter 3... four chapters later. Which means that Chapter 8 will be out sooner rather than later, because it's technically already done! I just need to go over it and see if there are any plot holes I've accidentally created and whatnot.

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Where I went very, very wrong - an apology to everyone that I need to say and be sincere about · 3:18pm Jun 24th, 2019

I'm not somebody that makes mistakes very often, but I have to say something to everyone. Right now.

Look, I'm just going to come out and spill it - I done shagged up.

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle OST - Dawn of Destiny ~ Enrico Pucci ~ Extended · 11:32am Sep 10th, 2018


Setting Up for Act (Arc) 2 of Ballad of the Dawn, plus Twitter and Stuff · 6:04am Jul 14th, 2019

Hey guys! Takarashi282 here! Just wanted to update you guys on stuff real fast!

First, Act 2 of Ballad of the Dawn is called an 'act' and not an 'arc'. Just like the word 'act' better.

Second of all, I'm going to take a little more time in planning Act 2. I want it to be the best that it can be, which means a good pace, more clear character arcs, and more consistent characterization. This means that it may or may not take longer for Act 2 to come out. But this is good, because...

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Villainous - Pilot - The Atrocious Dawn (Eng Sub) · 3:32am Jun 3rd, 2019


Nitpecking - Batman v Superman · 6:46pm Mar 31st, 2016

Let's first talk about the good stuff, because there's some good stuff. I really liked Henry Cavill as Superman. The effects were decent, even though sometimes it feels like Micheal Bay took over a little, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was A BLAST. He stole every single scene he was in.

Everything else, I didn't like that much. This is the first movie I walked out of thinking: "That was a bad movie."

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Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns audio drama · 4:11pm May 6th, 2016

A YouTube user named VocalSweets is in the process of putting on an audio drama for Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns. Head over to YouTube to subscribe and comment and support her. :twilightsmile:

Viewing 161 - 180 of 229 results