
Viewing 141 - 160 of 293 results

Hearth's Warming Tidbit 10: The Cravings · 5:53pm Aug 21st, 2019

Sorry, this came out so late. I wanted to post it on time, but the day before I was hit with a massive cold and on top of that I lost the original copy so I redo the whole thing from scratch. To make things worse the cold would go away for the entire week. I tried my best, multiple times to get the work done, but nothing. So this is a week late, I'm truly sorry. This hits harder since how important this tidbit is to the story. This is one you don't want to skip at all as this explains so much

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Intro to Wanderhome, A Neverending Journey · 5:41pm May 4th, 2022


July Monthly Schedule / Journey To Hearth's Warming / New Prologue / Hoodwinked / Art Commissions / Birthday · 5:12pm Jul 1st, 2021

Hello everyone. I hope you are all enjoying my birth month. This month is going to be all kinds of fun with the start of a new season, a full season list drop with previews to boot, a new chapter for Hoodwinked: Pony Edition, and two brand new commissions; one already finished and another on the way. There is so much to cover but I'll keep things short here and go ahead and show off this month's schedule. At the bottom, I will be providing details about the art commissions.


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May Schedule / Three JTHW chapters / Three SWWC Chapters / Two Mother's Day Fics / Two SmolderXSpike FIcs / Stuck In Place · 8:07pm May 1st

Yes you heard that right. I posting all that this month. First off, Journey To Hearth's Warming was supposed to get a chapter last month, but university finals messed with my time table. Secondly, to ensure no more confusion, the missing JTHW chapter, it just went up, with the other two happening after the last finals. SWWC's finale isn't here yet, but the biggest chapters this season will be happening. I miscounted the chapters so next month will be it's finale. I'll do better next year for

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Release Schedule for "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity" · 12:34pm May 22nd, 2017

As promised a little while ago, let us now talk about the release schedule for "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity", the spiritual successor of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!"!

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The most elegant sentence I've ever written. · 4:53pm May 30th, 2017

Apple Bloom was hoping the success would continue to pass all these potions that were a result of trying to get her cutie mark on to somepony else.

This sentence..... I'm in love with it. I'm in love with it and I want to make many foals with it. This is the most elegant sentence I have ever written.
It conveys excellently four different things:

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 5.5 - Gole D Apple · 5:23pm Dec 19th, 2018

Yeah, I know this isn't the original tidbit planned but the more I wrote on Silver the more off track I got so that post will still happen, but it will go up later on, I have different plans for that one now. And I know this went up ealier then planned, this is due to me being busy the next few days. As for this current new tidbit, it will be about Silver's older brother Gole D Apple and yes in case you are wondering the name is inspired by One Piece. I chose this subject since it still

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Big Changes / Updates To Old Blogs / First Chapter List / Name Change / Avatar Change · 5:41pm Jun 27th, 2018

Yes, this is the blog that probably confused followers the most since all I gave in details was big changes. Well, there will big changes to many things. FOr one if you haven't noticed yet go check it out, Twilily Saga's main blog has been updated to include a new streamline setup with new stories. Another change will happen tomorrow where I finally drop the numbers on my

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Monthy To Do List / OC Profiles / Commission Updates · 2:21pm Apr 4th, 2018

Well, not much is really happening this month especially since I already posted the next chapter of the BOX. But I will give the base idea of what I'm doing this month with the usual schedule and stuff down below.


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Chapter Notes: Destination Unknown Epilogue · 10:38am Mar 31st, 2022

For now, Sweetsong can fly along the coast; if she goes far enough south she’ll find another harbor that has rail lines, or she could go north all the way to Vancouver Island and find a train there. It won’t get her off the island, though. Or she could put aside the train-jumping for a while and become a beach bum . . . there are plenty of options open to her.

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Updates and Changes for the previews and voting contest. · 5:30pm Jan 27th, 2018

Hello, fans as you originally knew I was going to have another voting contest to decide the next piece I commission in March. Well, things have changed, since the last piece sort of already cover both ideas, I decide to change the contest idea, from fighting to shipping. Yes you heard that right, shipping.

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Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 1: The Wolf's Apple. · 6:15pm Aug 23rd, 2018

Now we get to the first of the tidbits. First off, I'm this got posted late yesterday was a very terrible day for me. Not only did all my laptops stop working but I got into a massive argument. But that over with now and I'm trying to move forward. Today, I will provide extra information for the Wolf's Apple, the tavern that Starlight and Twilight worked at and lived in while in the past. This place is the starting point in the story and this tavern, as well as the village itself, will be the

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 9: Clock Tower’s Altar · 5:56pm Jun 5th, 2019

So we finally come to the season one finale's first tidbit. I am so happy to be here. I never thought we would get here, but here we are. I hope enjoy this one as not only it a very special one, but it's also a very important one, of not just this chapter but for the entire story as a whole. Make sure to go back to this one often as it will become more and more clear the closer we get to the reveal of all answers. This is the most important tidbit for this series so far. This is the Clock

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February Schedule / Journey To Hearth's Warming Delay / New Stories / New Timeline · 5:29pm Feb 3rd, 2020

Hello everyone, the month of love is here and I have so much for you all. Updates, news, stories and so much more. First some bad news, due to life problems that happened in January I fell behind on Journey To Hearth's Warming, so I will be moving it's return to March and giving a double post in May. However this won't mean this month will be empty of new stuff. I have new stories and a new timeline to explore, to be more accurate, I am finally exploring the long hidden present timeline. More

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July Monthly Schedule / Very Bad News / I'm In Debt / One Commission Finished and One Commission Canceled · 7:11pm Jul 1st, 2020

First off welcome to the month of my birthday. I'm glad to see everyone has made it halfway through this harsh year. Hard times are on all sides as we enter the halfway point and I am hard press to say I am among those few hitting it hard. Due to a harsh storm last week I was without power for some time. However, it wasn't until that power returned did I see all the damage. Much needed to be fixed and the previous cost needed to be slashed, henceforth one of my commissions needed to be dropped.

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Sorry for the late post / Small changes to the Letters to the Gods · 5:53pm Jan 11th, 2019

Sorry for not posing on Wednesday like I said I would. I put things off because I found that I had a restaurant gift card that was about to expire. It was going to go bad at the end of the week and Wednesday was my only free day to use it. And so I decided spoiled myself with a big dinner. I then decided to explore my city's mall which right next door to the restaurant, something I rarely get to do. Either way I was far too busy to post on Wednesday, so I told myself to post on Thursday,

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 7: Raven's Eyes · 6:45pm Apr 10th, 2019

So last week I told you all that I would be starting my own work. This however doesn't mean that my main work Journey To Hearth's Warming will still be going as a fall back in case the original works don't last. This means that tidbits still continue. I might short the amount of tidbits next season but this won't mean they will be ending any time soon. Now we get to the next tidbit, Raven's Eye. The dangerous object that drives one of our villains' motivation. But which villain am I motivating

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 14: Unicorn’s Pflicht · 8:04pm Dec 11th, 2019

Well, this was a fun one to write and it makes perfect sense in this cntext. This is a short one, but very important for the later chapters. Simply put this is one of the possible outcomes Todeskampf. Give it a read, this is the order and rank known as Pflicht.


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Journey To Hearth's Warming Season One FInale · 7:06pm Jun 12th, 2019

Yes, the Season One finale is finally here, all kinds of stuff will be happening for this episode, this is why I went out of my way to write a blog about it. This is easily the longest I have written and it certainly will hit you will all kinds of stuff as all groups finally collide in an epic battle for the ages. So many things will be revealed so don't miss out.

Here is the link:


October Monthly Schedule · 6:17pm Oct 5th, 2021

Sorry for coming out with this so late. This month is already starting off very harsh on me. I have been nonstop busy since day one with all kinds of work. Unfortunately, only some of this work effects this site. For now, I have the next chapter of Journey To Hearth's Warming almost finished. And am working on a new big story for this site. I can't tell you too much on the new story only that it won't be out for a good while but I already have many chapters roughly done on it, I just want to

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 293 results