PLEASE HELP · 12:54pm Jan 3rd, 2020
Soooo.... Would anyone be interested in helping me edit my story? I can't seem to get it into the format that they want...
Soooo.... Would anyone be interested in helping me edit my story? I can't seem to get it into the format that they want...
Sorry for the late post, work was really getting on my case. I was so busy today, luckily I already had this piece written up long ago. This is a major piece for Rex's character, so if you want to find out more about Rex then click right in here and find out what his title is and what does it mean for this world.
Vacation! has been put on Hiatus, pending rewrite due to personal displeasure with pacing, structure, format, and direction!
Author's notes: Running a bit behind on the writing thing due to the end of semester crunch and having to scrap a large part of what I had written because it felt janky. So, to tide everyone over until I can carve out some time to write, here's the last bit of information on the races and tribes of Nitor: the chosen ascendants of each Centaur.
This season will be a fun one with twist and turns in all directions. We are now in full force for this war, whether or not Twilight and the crew can survive this is unclear. It's all out war on all sides and soon it will spread beyond the unicorns in all directions. I hope you enjoy every minute as plenty of stuff has been building in the previous season and so much more will flow out in this season, from answers and even new secrets. Click in and find out what this season has for you all.
So last week I told you all that I would be starting my own work. This however doesn't mean that my main work Journey To Hearth's Warming will still be going as a fall back in case the original works don't last. This means that tidbits still continue. I might short the amount of tidbits next season but this won't mean they will be ending any time soon. Now we get to the next tidbit, Raven's Eye. The dangerous object that drives one of our villains' motivation. But which villain am I motivating
Sorry for coming out with this so late. This month is already starting off very harsh on me. I have been nonstop busy since day one with all kinds of work. Unfortunately, only some of this work effects this site. For now, I have the next chapter of Journey To Hearth's Warming almost finished. And am working on a new big story for this site. I can't tell you too much on the new story only that it won't be out for a good while but I already have many chapters roughly done on it, I just want to
Last season left off on a massive cliffhanger. This season we pick up where that left off, going into Pegasus Isles with a banger of a season. So anything to look forward to in this blog, from each episode title, to small tidbit previews of stuff to come from this season. We will also be exploring the world of the pegasi and their history. In particular their connections to the griffins and even the mysterious demonic Nuckelavee. Yes, the brand new species I unveiled last season, they too,
Hello everypony, this month is going to be a slow one, but that's understandable after a season of Journey Of Hearth's Warming has finished. And it was a big season ending after all. I have a few small things planned, like more Hoodwinked: Pony Edition and, of course, the Intermission chapter for Journey To Hearth's Warming. Hopefully, that Shining Force commission gets done soon so I can post my one shot on Fanfiction. Either way, down below is this month's schedule.
Hello everypony and welcome to a classic time for November. I more chapters for Journey To Hearth's Warming and Hoodwinked planned out. Now I did say if Stuck in Place did well enough I would do more with it and that idea hasn't changed. It surprised me that random one-shot got so close to being on the feature list so I will gladly continue it but not this month. Instead, expect an update for that in December. As for this month I have a few fun things plan including another possible one shot. I
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the second half of this year. You know what that means, right?! A brand new season of Journey To Hearth's Warming. I can't believe this series is five seasons in, FIVE. Unfortunately, I'm a little too broke to celebrate with a commission, but I'm happy enough to cheer for both of us. Me, for still writing this. And you, the readers that continue to tune in. I'm so happy for us all. Either way, we both know why this blog is here. I'm showing off the schedule of
Winter is almost over so you know what that means, Journey To Hearth's Warming has returned. I know this has been a harsh winter for most of us and especially me suffering through the center of that terrible blizzard in Texas of all places. However, despite the cold weather, I was able to get more chapters done on a lot of stuff and while you will only be getting two chapters this month I do have much bigger news. I have finished my original novel and just need beta readers and then I'll be
Yeah, we have a hyped month this November as my newest series reaches it's winter finale. That's right, Something Wrong With Canterlot will not get December posts. However, it will be returning a full month early in February rather than March like my other stuff. This is to ensure readers don't get too packed in during Journey's winter finale and another post of Stuck in Place coming that month. But that doesn't mean things will be empty on the story front, I have a few one-shots planned for
Yes, to celebrate my five years of being on this site I ordered a commission in secret based on my favorite character from the show. I know all my readers are fans of him so here he is, King Sombra as based on my oldest fanfic still up, Endless Time or Forever End.
So as some of you might have noticed, I didn't post everything I wanted to this month; well, this month decided to kick me hard. Really, I was lucky to have chapter 21 of Journey To Hearth's Warming already done before this month started because the rest of this month I got nothing done at all. From writing new chapters for Hoodwinked: Pony Edition to new chapters on Letter of Hope, everything came to a total standstill due to a massive head cold and losing a laptop. This month has been harsh
How is everypony's month going? I hope you are having a good one. This time around things are going to be so damn packed. From new Journey To Hearth's Warming, Hoodwinked, Something Very Wrong With Canterlot and even Stuck in Place. All my long running stories are getting new chapters. I have so much planned and so little time to do it. Warning, all the chapters for each are finished for this month except Hoodwinked, but since those chapters are the shortest, that shouldn't be a problem. As for
I have so much planned for this month and January that I can't stand still. We are on the edge of expanding our universe tenfold with brand new ideas and stories. Yes, we're getting new Hoodwinked and new Stuck In Place, but outside of those is the ever-expanding universe of Journey-To-Hearth's-Warming/Something-Wrong-with-Canterlot/ Yes, after posting SWWC as a side story to Journey To Hearth's Warming, I'm also posting side stories for SWWC as well. Yes, you heard me, multiple. As in during