
Viewing 121 - 140 of 418 results

Double Fic Review: One Small Ponecat/Some Days are Hard · 6:16pm Jun 4th, 2019

Okay, I’m a cute sort of guy. By that, I mean I’m willing to write cute little things. Just ask Strat, or anyone else who’s seen some of the one-shots I do. So, by that logic, I think I’d be perfect to review this particular story.

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Some OCs Review...Brotherhooves Social · 4:20am Oct 4th, 2015

As promised, the pilot/test for my review series, "Some OCs Review"

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Roughly seven chapters left · 8:41am Jul 27th, 2018

So there are roughly seven chapters left of 'to start over' and I will warn you, Sunset's mind is not a nice place in the chapter I will post sometime later today (as soon as I finish typing the ending up and editing some stuff I attempted to type while dealing with a headache that turned into a migraine from hell. But I decided to write this as a word of warning:

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Folders · 11:10pm Feb 28th, 2018

Okay now that I've reached four favorites folders I'v realized that descriptions on my favorites folders would be very helpful in their rankings, so that's what I've done. I've also taken those stories that have a higher ranking out of the lower ranked favorites folders.

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The Daily Grind · 1:52pm Feb 17th, 2016

Keep writing everyday. Write when you have writer's block, write when you don't feel like it, keep that engine running and don't stop. Ever. One sentence or one book, just write until you can't stop.

You're sad? Write happy fics, try to be as funny as possible.
You're happy? Write a sad, heartwarming fic, try to be as mellow as possible.
You have an idea? Write down the first chapter. The idea won't show itself.

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So then. · 7:02am Oct 26th, 2018

I'm still awake at 1 AM. I was bored, so I searched up the city I used to live in on wikipedia.

I used to live just a bit down the road from an IM Flash Technologies factory.

Turns out that same factory makes about 1 in every 14 flash memory chips in the world.

Also, the entirety of Utah's population is centered around Lehi, which I know from personal experience has been nicknamed "Silicon Slopes" to compete against California's Silicon Valley.

So yeah.

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new art (spoilers) · 9:14pm Jan 19th, 2019

some (sloppy) new art to fill out the new chapter:

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Another story · 4:30pm Oct 2nd, 2015

And, just as I said before, I wrote another story. The title I mentioned was "How my Night was Lit Up". It actually changed to "How the Night was Lit Up", for reasons. You can read it by clicking here, or by clicking on my username, but why would you do that when there's a fresh link right here? No SunLight there yet, but stick to it and someday it'll appear. I'll update the tags as time comes.

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Probably just about done here. · 7:44pm Sep 20th, 2021

The stories I'm still following have all but ceased to update, and others have skewed off into endless tangents that are leading nowhere fast.

What's new is... getting paper-thin. I've seen little worth a glance that makes it to the front page.

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Some news · 2:32pm Sep 5th, 2020

Hello guys, gals and npals

I hope Summer treated you kindly and that Fall proves better than the rest of the year. I've come to bring some news and there are two of note.

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"Passing Familiarity" updates TOMORROW (probably) · 8:10pm Dec 19th, 2021

Hello everyone! Due to work being busy this last week as well as some pre-holiday preparation, I wasn't able to get as much writing done as hoped this week. I'm therefore aiming to update tomorrow, most likely in the afternoon or early evening. My apologies for yet another delay, and I thank you for your patience.


Wednesday, just like Monday · 3:58am Feb 25th, 2021

Oh boy, a new blog post when I still haven’t replied to comments from the last one. What new devilry is this?

Get your favorite beverage, this is gonna be fun!


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Happy International Women's Day! · 1:49am Mar 9th, 2016

Happy International Women's Day to all the female-identifying people out there! To the women who were assigned female at birth, to the people who were assigned female at birth but are unsure if they're women, to the people who aren't of the female sex but who are still women, you all are valid and you all matter! And to all the women and girls who struggle with body image, self harm, depression, other mental illnesses, you still are loved, even though you might not love yourself. And to all the

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Alive and Well · 3:17pm Sep 21st, 2016

Just letting you lovelies know I'm not dead, one of my prereaders is reading over my TLS stuff, and that Gilda story I talked about is still in the works, with a full outline already typed up. Just a matter of going from point A to point B. So expect something of substance soon™

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BP#16 - Hmm, Approaching 50 followers... · 4:49am Nov 21st, 2016


Attention Whore Season 3: The Third One · 3:04am Apr 23rd, 2016

It's absolutely that time of year again. The kiddies are all leaving school, and they need to get their jollies somehow, so they fuck around in the interest of getting people to look at them. Sometimes that involves faking terminal illnesses, critical injuries, suicide attempts, rapes, or even just parental restrictions. Sometimes that involves indignant outrage over a thing that may or may not involve the person in question, which then quickly becomes ABOUT that person anyway as they go about

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Project Announcement · 7:53pm May 10th, 2016

So, today, I am announcing the first of many projects I hope to bring to FIMFiction, which, like many others, is a crossover work. This crossover brings the decomposing living dead to a bright and cheery Equestria, with all the hell of series that inspired this, and all the magic of the other inspiration.

The Trotting Dead.

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Have you missed some of the story? Its coming · 5:17am May 10th, 2016

Give me time. Been watching movies. Have to for a class.

I remember what I thought of when I first made the story- teen supernatural mystery.

Well I think I have the ideas for the next two chapters- just have no time for the new two? weeks til I write something.

Sorry this is what happens when real life and writers block happens

But yeah I'm coming back soon on this all thanks to this film I saw today.


Truth or Dare! · 1:15pm Aug 4th, 2017

Give me both, and I'll do one or the other

Just know that if there's any holes in your truths/dares, I will exploit them to see if I can work around it so

Please don't just say "I dare you to make a blog saying you're gay!" and expect me to actually write it any time soon because hey look! you didn't specify a time frame to post it


ize to ise · 4:09am Dec 17th, 2015

It strikes me as really weird that a lot of non-American types of English spell apologize & realize with Ss instead of Zs even though they were originally spelled with Zs. Not saying you have to spell those words with Zs, but this particular detail really bugs my mind.

I hope no one from England ever seriously lords over some sort of "we're the original" or "we're the true form of" English mentality. You know, since all the dialects have mutated so much.

Viewing 121 - 140 of 418 results