Failure Management
We've got a two-parter here! Mostly because it occurs to me that there's some groundwork that y'all need for the Intrepid to make any sense.
Unfortunately, this one's gonna be heavy on theory, which means that I don't have too many topical pictures. Luckily, Present Perfect and I are having a little, uh, disagreement at the moment, and so I happen to have lots of batpony pictures cued up.
*looks up, coughs, stuffs assorted Broncos merchandise under the couch*
…Howdy! Didn’t see you there.
Howdy, folks!
So, semicolons.
It’s been a while since I’ve written any blogs about writing advice or whatever, but I’ve been thinking a lot about semicolons lately. Why? Because I’m the most interesting person on the planet, obviously. Marvel at how much I have going on in my personal life. Marvel.
For those who want to have a better understanding of the hive to plan their strategies, here is a guide for all the hive mechanics introduced in the story.
Anonymity: How much suspicious ponies are of you. Once the anonymity level reaches 0, all the world will know about your hive, and they will react according to your reputation level with them.
I've promised this blog post and then I kinda forgot about it; luckily, one of the vehicles I got to work on today was a nice reminder. Like a sharp stick to the eye.
My manager knows everything. This is what he says every morning:
Yes, I know full well there's a problem with that quote
Y'all remember last week when we talked about rationality and circuit checks? Well, now we're going to be putting that knowledge to use!
I didn't get really in depth in failure modes, because it depends on a lot of factors, and often times the manufacturer doesn't tell us in the aftermarket what those modes are. Sometimes we have to learn by experience. Luckily, other times the manufacturers are pretty good at it.
For the non-self-demonstrating version, go here.
Footnotes*! To do them right, enclose (2) the number (c), and use exactly the same format in-text and at the footnote (4). Asterisks are right out*****.
*These things right here.
I don't normally use blogs to rant about my idiot manager, but. . . .
Oh, who am I kidding. That's, like, 50% of my blog posts.
What follows is the diagnostic procedure on three different vehicles, with three different results.
We're going to start with a Cadillac.
Y'all may remember from my network blog that various computers on the car are networked together, and how if there are communication problems, you can have issues that you might not expect?
I can't say for certain exactly what symptoms this car presented with.
I wrote chapter one of a new story today called The Many Sparkle Interpretation. It's a sci-fi murder mystery involving Twilight and Spike traversing the multiverse.
This is probably gonna be weird, and it probably won't be updated too regularly. Still, hope you enjoy.
Best Engineering College in Delhi NGF College of Engineering & Technology (NGFCET) is being run under the aegis of New Green Field Educational Society, Delhi. The society is in the field of education since 1964. The college
A while back, I was watching a Humble Mechanic video and he did a walkthrough of his toolbox.
I figured that was something y'all might enjoy, so I decided I was going to do the same.
I was just passing the time watching some YouTube videos, as one does when they know they've got lots of things to do but don't really want to just yet. Anyways, besides all the other fun people I subscribe to, there's this grizzled mechanic who works on Audis and VWs and other fancy furrin cars that occasionally gets my interest. Mostly when he talks about improvised tools or why you should save money and buy your tools from Amazon instead of the tool truck, that kind of thing.
Maybe in a month or so I would, but for now I am loving it, more than a week after I have bought it. Why I haven't discovered mechanical keyboards earlier I'll never know. Maybe it's because they're expensive, and they are. That's one caveat for those who might be thinking they can just go out and buy one. But it would be all worth it, let me assure you. And you will feel the difference right away as well if you have been using membrane keyboards for so long.
Hey Biscuit, fellow FimFiccer Latrans and I have a sherlockian mystery we would love to hear your two cents on if you're free later this afternoon/early evening: