
Viewing 121 - 140 of 178 results

On: To Where and Back Again (Spoiler free) · 6:28pm Oct 9th, 2016

So, firstly, that episode (or, well, two episodes) was amazing, a great change of pace, and overall a great time. There were a few things I know some people won't like about it, but I've never been a very critical person, so I'm fine with how the writers worked it. I won't go into details, though, because spoilers and whatnot.

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Another Depressing PSA About The Capitalist Hellscape Vortex Incoming But This Time It's Relevant · 2:48am Dec 13th, 2021

So, Wattpad. Wattpad is a general fiction posting website, but it's mostly known for fanfiction. Wattpad, it turns out, has cut a deal with Viacom, to let Viacom mine the site's content for ideas for original IP, including tracking user behavior with invasive datamining to really see what's popping with those ineffable gen z'ers and millennials. They've even already moved ahead with making

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Hideki Naganuma - AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FUNKY BEAT [Lethal League Blaze OST] · 7:48pm Jan 26th, 2019


Paul's Thursday Reviews CVII · 9:57pm Mar 8th, 2018

And we’re back with another round. I’ll have to keep it short today, folks, as I’ve got almost 50k words to read (it’s a workaholic week), a car in the shop that needs picking up (my poor wallet! But the rental's sweet), 2,000 words to write (at minimum), my day job (writing about boring things so I can write about interesting things later), and a need to make a big meal so that the leftovers will last me every lunch for the next week (because it’s cheaper than buying six or seven small meals).

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"on the road again" · 4:03pm Apr 30th, 2016

so clean the slate is underway, and i have some pretty cool things planned for it. i'm not quite sure where i plan on going once that's finished, but that seems like a mile away yet, despite the dumb ideas floating around in my head. regardless, i hope any new followers (and followers from four years back, i'm looking at you, ragecake) enjoy themselves reading what i churn in my stomach before happily spreading on this website.

thanks a bunch!


Happy Valentine's Day! · 11:33pm Feb 14th, 2016

I know no one probably gives a crap, but yeah, happy V-Day. Though, there really isn't much going on to speak of to make this blog worth a post, 'cept for the fact that I'm getting back into writing, and I'm going to try to get a chapter or two of "Elements" out this month. Here's hoping.


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 5 · 6:29pm Dec 5th, 2018

20 more days before someone breaks in to your home to eat your cookies...


Wit this sharp cuts deeper than any papercut · 1:23am Jul 11th, 2015

An excerpt from "Earnest Hemingway on Writing."
pg. 135

Mice (E.H.'s nickname for young writers): "That isn't the way they teach you to write in college."
Y.C.: "I don't know about that. I never went to college. If any sonofabitch could write he wouldn't have to teach writing in college."


Marwile watches SAO: "Everyone is an Idiot" · 9:50am Feb 28th, 2018

If you're living in germany, you might have heard of the big news that a certain german TV channel decided to put an anime into their program for the first time (apparently not counting the One Piece movies). Their daughter channel already managed to revive the anime afternoon and has a weekly anime night with a pretty cool selection. (Only dubs, but it's better than nothing and at least they were all decent so far) So yeah, my hope is that if it does well enough we might get more anime and it

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We Remember Everything Second Anniversary Today · 9:19pm Jun 10th, 2015

Well, it's been two full years since my largest story ever has started, and I am proud with how far it's come. I'm thankful for all the people who have helped support it all this time, and I hope as it comes to a close soon people will continue to enjoy it and support it through their comments, favorites, and the like. We're at our penultimate chapter tonight, to be released in approximately six to seven hours, and I look forward to bringing us that one step closer to our end.

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In Other News... · 8:53am Aug 7th, 2019

I got myself a few things
One: A Honda ATC 125. It's a little 3 wheeler and it can pack a punch when flying down the road. They are dangerous though, I will admit that.

Two: Learning experience. Don't take sharp turns on this fucking thing. EVER. I learned that the hard way.

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My (Partial) Thoughts On The Witches 2020 And Some Shameful Confessions · 2:06pm Feb 11th, 2021

So...I've been hearing a bit about The Witches 2020 produced by Netflix. Apparently it's one of many things just about everyone on Youtube is saying is the 'Worst Thing Evah' and 'Ruins The Original' and various other rants that somehow make the creators feel like they've achieved something.

Now, I am something of an Anne Hathaway fan, mostly for her work in 2002's Nicholas Nickleby.
On the subject; Rest in Peace Christopher Plummer. Your legacy in acting will never be forgotten.

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Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 15 · 4:43pm Dec 16th, 2018


"Hey Ice Star, why none of that romcom story?" · 8:18pm Apr 2nd, 2023

'Cause I'm recovering from a minor surgery and my leg has stitches in it so I decided to finish something else. Namely, editing an interlude for a story long overdue for something of a wakeup. It's my bed-ridden recovery, I get to pick between editing and actually writing some stuff.

I've revised up to the Part 3 of the "Husband of Hers" chapters so cut me a break, thankies.


What Halloween Shenanigans Did I Do Today? · 3:07am Nov 1st, 2015


Misleading Click-baity Title: How Marvel is Killing the Movie Industry. Patreon Reward for Somber Star · 3:35am Nov 28th, 2018

Heya readers and, in all likelihood, moviegoers!

For his reward, Somber Star asked/allowed me to get some thoughts out of my brain concerning the current state of movies, of which I have many, but specifically we’re going to talk about “franchising” and how it’s literally destroying everything ever.

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My Review of Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths · 3:22am Jan 21st, 2022

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film

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Read It Later Reviews #69 – Cutie Mark Crusaders Alpha Pack Leader; Sweet Nothings; Rapunzbelle; The Truth Is…, A Long Time Coming · 11:08pm Mar 10th, 2017

I actually got this review set done before I reviewed Eternal, but I hung onto it so my 1000th posted review would be something special (I’ve actually got most of a Read It Now set done, too).

But with that now read and posted, time to post this!

Today’s stories:

Cutie Mark Crusaders Alpha Pack Leader by Estee
Sweet Nothings by Absolute Anonymous
Rapunzbelle by Violet CLM
The Truth Is… by Crystal Moose

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memes? · 11:30pm Oct 28th, 2015

I attempted to explain to my mom what memes were...:facehoof:
I think she's just more confused now :twilightoops:


Flurry of Emotions, various thoughts · 6:09pm Apr 22nd, 2017

Just a little episode of fluff, some Twilight in the spotlight, and character interaction. With no delay~

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 178 results