
Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results

Dreams are Always Weird, But This One Featured Estee · 12:26am Dec 24th, 2020

I dreamt Estee wrote a story were Pinkie Pie and a bat pony were going to have sex in a fancy mansion and it being a dream, I got to explore the mansion while flying around because I’m also a bat pony, and then later while on a mountain railway on a very long uphill incline, I got off and wrote the first comment on the story without actually reading it, and then later while getting like a college field study course lecture while underwater in a reef I had the epiphany that that now that I’m

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Report Super Trampoline · 237 views · #Estee

Signal Boost: Estee needs help · 6:54pm Sep 13th, 2018

My favorite percussive pianist is having serious problems this week with her mother. Learn more about it on Estee's The Disaster Where It's Bad Enough To Ask For Help and... help.

Report Georg · 426 views · #Estee

Let's help send Estee to Galacon (blog boost) · 2:32pm Jun 17th, 2023

Sending Estee to a pony convention on a continent with an active war and volcanoes. What's the worst that could happen? Let's find out.

Report Georg · 329 views · #Estee #Galacon

I'd like to apologize for my rudeness. · 12:54am Apr 9th, 2018

I recently was a fan of the author known as Estee. I'm generally a fan of his humor, although I don't read most of his stories. Recently I posted on one of his blogs with a short and somewhat blunt statement. I couldn't remember why I had stopped reading some of his stories, but I was reminded when he pointed our his reasoning for a dislike of one of my favorite authors outside of the internet. I posted the short, but admittedly rude statement:

Ah, I couldn't remember why I stopped

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Report Ralfil · 318 views · #Apology #Estee

The End is Neigh · 1:43am Oct 7th, 2019

I just posted a last (for now) chapter of Thoughtletts as we approach the October 12 EOTWAWKI, and thought it would be a good time to lead up to the final MLP episode with a story that has been perking in the back of my list for about a year now, The Substitute Librarian. As many know, I’m a fan of Estee and the Triptych Continuum. So what would

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Report Georg · 698 views · #GreenGrass #Continuum #Estee

Desperate Ravings · 4:20pm Jul 26th, 2016

It's no secret that I'm a huger-than-usual fan of Estee's work. So much so that when I got bitten by the live-reading bug again, I decided to do Permanent Record. Without further ado, my latest attempt at video:


Signal Boost - Estee's Blog on Dearly Departed Followers (and other FimFiction friends) · 5:38pm Mar 11th, 2018

Estee is musing on the friends we have made in FimFiction, and it is well, well worth your time to go read the blog post and comments.

I noted that my first 20 followers and last logins look roughly like this:

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The Triptych Tracks · 1:46pm Feb 11th, 2023

Those of you following Estee have no doubt already seen his post on the matter, so I guess I might as well advertise too.

Music inspired by the Triptych Continuum

Current Track List:
- Triptych
- Abeyance
- Gentle Arrival
- A Quiet Presence
- Her
- Down With The Diarchy! (Theme of the Murdocks)

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Sneak Peek - Green Grass and Estee · 1:42am Jul 10th, 2019

Since it looks like Estee might possibly maybe make it to Bronycon2019, I'd like to encourage a few of you to gently tap her Ko-Fi account, not because she's put out a frantic call for cash, but because she's just so darned flustered when she gets unexpected money. (I'm the Supreme Cheapskate, and I just did). In related news (and the sample bit that follows the

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Watching the Christmas rain fall and having Librarian thoughts · 10:28pm Dec 28th, 2019

As I doodle notes and bits for various projects under construction, I am inspired by the strangest things. It's raining outside. Admittedly it's three days after Christmas, and it's Kansas, so we're used to strange weather, but it made me write a little on Substitute Librarian, and I thought I'd share some of the wet and chill. Enjoy below the break.

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Tell them stories that don't go anywhere... · 12:02pm Apr 28th, 2018

Estee is secretly Abe Simpson:

But unlike his stories Estee's are really good... most of them at least... I have faved nearly all of them but I had to stop following Estee because I kept getting blog entries that annoyed me to no end... (why can't I just follow an authors stories... or at least have the option to have the feed default to stories...) Because of that I nearly missed one of Estee's newest stories...

Report Rammy · 397 views · #Estee #Abe Simpson #Feed

I'm Not Dead Yet - Sneak peeks from The Traveling Tutor and the Royal Exam, Letters From a Little Princess Monster, and a bonus prize · 4:22am Jul 13th, 2015

You know, it's been a month since I've teased anybody with my work in progress on Letters From a Little Princess Monster or The Traveling Tutor and the Royal Exam.

You poor things. I'm going to tease both stories right below the break, and introduce the most fantistic OC that Equestria has ever seen before, Phoenix ShadowBlade. (I seem to remember somebody saying that an OC with that name was doomed to be a terrible blight upon the land. We'll see. :pinkiehappy: )

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Signal Boost: The silence of the (to be determined) · 4:05am Jul 17th, 2018

I found this blog post actually pretty interesting to read. Check it out.


Estee's challenge: Turn A FIMFic Author/Reader's Name Into A Story · 3:20pm Nov 4th, 2017

Back in July, Estee made this blog post(with hilarious results) and it's been bugging me ever since - especially since I'd actually started to write something with the title Admiral Biscuit, but Firefox crashed and took my text with it. Now I've found my writing ability again, I tried once more and it got of hoof and turned into a three page thing. If you're so inclined:

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Spotlight - Estee and the Patreon (with sample chapter) · 3:24am Sep 7th, 2018

Many of you know I've followed Estee for some time, borrowed a few characters at times, and such. You may not know that I'm such a cheapskate that I only support one person on Patreon, even if it is for small change. (I excuse it by blaming my wife at times, because She Who Holds The Checkbook rules my life.) Once again, it is time for

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If you can see this, Estee needs help. · 7:08pm Sep 13th, 2018

A favorite author of mine, and a particularly sweet person, Estee is in need of our help:

If you can help, please do.


Signal Boost: Estee's Calamity · 2:06pm Sep 13th, 2018

Estee's mother is ill in a number of ways. Any help you can provide is appreciated. :fluttershysad:

My mother is in the incipient stages of dementia, so I know the feeling.


For your ongoing shut-in entertainment - Substitute Librarian snippet (long) · 12:35am Mar 30th, 2020

Just to let you know, there has been some progress on an arc in The Substitute Librarian, in particular a point where Emerald is enjoying his solitude in the middle of the night in the dark library tree. Nothing but him, his homework project, some cold medicine for his sniffles… and a midnight visitor, a mare who he refuses to look at for obvious (to him) reasons. See below the break.

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Signal Boost: GroaningGreyAgony's mother has passed away. · 4:43pm Feb 17th, 2022

This one's a little close to home for two reasons. GroaningGreyAgony is a good author I remember fondly from the Writeoffs, back in better times.

GGA's mother just passed away, and Estee is travelling with him to see her. Estee's blog on her passing has more information in case you want to donate anything to them for the trip, or just wish them well.


No Highlight today · 11:57pm Sep 30th, 2018

Just as it says on the tin: no Highlight today, sorry. However, I will hopefully have two Highlights out before next Sunday is done, as I am planning to finally post one of the two that I skipped between Where art thou, Firebrand? and FLUTTERBOMB! (this one will be entitled "Rain, Rain, Go Away") as

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results