
Viewing 121 - 140 of 254 results

Season 6, Episode 16 Thoughts and Review · 2:06am Aug 28th, 2016


i mean he’s not wrong · 4:43pm Aug 10th, 2021

Pharynx: Your head being a bitch? Well, fear no more! With this great invention, all you headaches will be gone.

Pharynx: It’s called a guillotine.



Holy CRAP have I been productive lately. · 9:00am May 8th, 2020

Or, "How Tonk ended up writing three 3k word chapters in a row for a story that isn't even published yet".

Also, we've got a lot to set up with the fic, so there's a 5-chapter long prologue arc that'll all be published at once. :raritywink:

Don't forget, the story drops on June 10th! I post little blurbs of the story pretty much daily on my Discord server, too!


Happy Thanksgiving. · 2:46am Nov 27th, 2015

Now, I'm gonna get back to watching Batman: The Animated Series. I've been liveblogging it on tumblr for the past couple days and I'm honestly having the BEST TIME. It's not only been a trip down memory lane, but also fun to watch because omfg there were so many bad puns I LOVE IT. I'm not as far as I want to be, but I'm close to reuniting with a childhood favorite of mine:

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Talking Is Hard: One Year Old! · 4:09am Apr 5th, 2017

Heh, I just noticed this. Talking Is Hard had a birthday just a couple of days ago, on the third. I missed the one-year birthday of my own practice collection. Does that mean it's not worth remembering, or is the fact that I'm blogging about it now mean that it's more important that most of my other stuff?

I dunno. Just felt like bringing it up.

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Stay Writin' · 6:14am May 31st, 2023

Heyo, just wanted to do a quick update. All the chapters of Stay Golden that are currently written added up with all the future chapters that are finished and ready to move onto the editing stage equal 66, 422 words. That's a lot, especially when you consider the story isn't even fully written yet. I'm putting a lot of work into this story, so the more people that read and comment, the better. I know it's a seemingly unconventional Ice Star piece, as there is no Sombra, no Lunbra,

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I am in love with what we are, not what we should be · 9:55pm Oct 18th, 2021

it's my birthday. Ish. I'm posting this at almost midnight, when it'll technically not be my birthday anymore, but in my defense -- I'm very busy. So here's a BUNCH of short comics! I've been trying to get better at short punchlines, literally just cause it's a fun challenge for myself, and that way I have something to do whenever I am not working on the next Big Comic, which is coming along nicely.

So, here you go. I hope you like them.


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A Hearth's Warming present: "A Matter of Principals" · 8:38am Dec 25th, 2019

Happy holidays! Hope the season is going well for you. I'm working a double shift tomorrow on Hearth's Warming — but I can still celebrate, by giving everyone a present!

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One thousand six hundred and ninety-seven · 11:19am Oct 15th, 2016

I just spent the last hour trying to tune out distractions and managed to put out 1,697 words of prose.

It felt really good.

I haven't been focusing lately. Just sort of been letting myself be distracted, not really focusing on anything I didn't have to do.

It feels good to actually get some stuff done.

I'm all the way up to the last scene of this story. It is probably going to end up being about 10,000 words long.

It's been a while since I just randomly powered out a story.

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Coming soon to a Fimfiction near you... · 10:04pm Nov 26th, 2019

The Fixer, a Berylverse story

After the eventful summer that found Sable Loam involved with warring mercenary factions and the very firmaments of the universe, the ex-army school teacher finds himself becoming the Admiral of the newly ascended Princess Sunset Shimmer's fledgling guard: the new SIRENs. Between that and his job at Equestria County Alternative High, Sable hardly has any time for a personal life.

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The Open Road hype blog! · 3:41pm Jul 31st, 2020

Since it’s coming in a few days, it’s time to hype The Open Road! Thing is I’ve always sucked at hyping stuff lmao, but dammit I’ll try. I’ve shown it off before, but I’ll throw the cover art in here again, as well as the description, an excerpt from the first chapter, and a thematically appropriate song that you’ll likely ignore.

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Five Night's At Freddy's just got a hell of a don't really know how to describe this actually... · 9:18pm Aug 8th, 2015

Unique and I regret nothing.

And by the way, we know what's in the box at the end of FNAF4.

It's another box. Myth busted. Half-Life 3 confirmed.


50 questions · 2:56am Oct 20th, 2020

I stole this from Ice Star so now you can all know how boring I am in real life. Also I needed a break from my constant drawings of horse guts.

1. What is your first name?
Would prefer not to say, I'm not fond of it anyway. Just call me some variation of MayhemMoth or Enigmadoodles and we're good.

2. How old are you?
Please don't remind me that I turn 24 next month.

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Two Tidbits of News · 4:23am Mar 16th, 2016

Tidbit #1

These two snowflakes are the focus of my writing for the next week or so as I finish Dazzling Sunset's 7th chapter. Right now, I am anticipating a word count somewhere near 4-5K, maybe longer.

Tidbit #2

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La Princesse · 6:37pm May 9th, 2016

I feel like this weekend could basically be summarized with the following...

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Writer's Block Update 2 of ??? · 7:22am Aug 16th, 2017

I'm sort of working through it tonight. Thank you, the Power of Clop, to motivate me with a complex string of mildly negative emotions into writing horse words! This is literally the most words in one sitting I've managed in 2+ weeks.

Stay frustrated.


Update to last blog · 4:46am Feb 24th, 2021

Okay so, good news is that the cats seem to be recovering from their colds. Perhaps I overreacted a bit, but with experiences like mine it can't be considered too much of a surprise, and with how frail Reeses seems a times I especially couldn't help it. Thankfully I've managed to convince a vet trip for her sometime within the next few months, which is more than I've convinced before, so that's good. Going to have to pay for it myself though, so I might be pushing my commissions a bit more.

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I've come to make an announcement · 7:37pm Apr 24th, 2019


Sabrina Online Review | The Best Writing I've Seen with Pornstars and Furries · 7:38am April 27th


No Second Prances, various thoughts · 7:24pm Apr 30th, 2016

This is an episode that had me worried since last week when I was surprised by its announcement. I've been waiting for Trixie's return, ever since the wait for Season 5, and I was happy to learn she'd return for this episode, but for that synopsis.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 254 results