5.8k in, and I'm sure this is going to have a pretty good length to it. · 5:34am Oct 19th, 2015
Probably 9k. So enjoy this update for now.
Probably 9k. So enjoy this update for now.
Fuck Donald Trump, fuck Kanye West and fuck Tai Lopez.
We need Banana for president.
I would like to put it on the record that I had nothing to do with the "Runaway Fresno Unicorn", and in no way engineered the whole thing as a stunt to attract attention to my fanfic "Disco Inferno", which just so happens to have the exact same plot.
...Although I sure wish I did.
First off, I know it was too much to hope for, but the normalacy of this episode was sad. I was hoping for something truely out there. But this episode had some of the best Rainbow Dash faces ever.
But wait, there’s more! (It’s not reading more Twilight, thankfully.)
I can do better than this. I know I can. And to prove it, I’m writing Gloaming (thanks to Bugsydor for the title), a story that takes parts of the basic plot of all four books, some of the characters, as many of the unused good ideas of the series as I can reasonably explore, the lessons I’ve learned, and ponies, and stuffs them into a blender. Please read it.
Oh gosh...I'm so confused, it feels like 1 minute ago I was a nobody with only 0 followers...Wow...
Oh BTW I'm rewriting Seven and I unpublished all the chapters until further notice. So don't have a panic attack. Also I changed the image. Yay!
I've been reading lately and some books have brought up a pretty good case about the punishments dealt with the villain's
discord: turned to stone for 1000 years separated from the outside world through everything but sight and ears which something of harmony decedent wouldn't no... shouldn't do
I just changed my avatar.
Yeah, I think that's pretty much it.
I wonder if I should change my short bio.
Suggestions are welcome.
...actually, it’s been done for a while, it’s just taken a bit to come up for air and post the sucker.
Anyway, A Smashing Good Time is a fun bit of EG comedy, and part of the Sunset Rising continuity.
We’ll see more of Sunrise and Luna, and even get our heroes from different worlds together for a bit, later on.
I waited until I'd gotten around to watch the final episodes before thinking about this Yearly Blog Post™ of mine. Then I wrote something in a Google Doc, and never got around to fleshing it out, nor posting. Oh well.
In case that you haven't watched the finale, don’t worry; this blog contains no spoilers, just a vague opinion of mine.
So, this really has been a ride now, hasn't it?
Some people say the show ended after season 2, others season 3, others season whatever.
Tomorrow I'm gonna swamp you in Miley Cyrus songs
Did I ruin your thoughts that I was a respectable person? I am a respectable person. I'm gonna do the old songs.
All you guys need to know is that I'm going to be re-constructing "More than Magic" and possibly "Lost in Darkness" completely.
Sorry for the inconvenience, both stories will have the same premise but other than that, I'll be changing alot.
for those interested specifically in "lost in Darkness", do not fear, for I will start first with MtM, since that is the story with the most changes.
stay tuned! I'm not dead!
Greetings and salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Get ready for some wreckage, because I'm reviewing 'There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me', a Wreck-It Ralph/MLP crossover. In this story, everyone's favorite good bad guy ends up raising Nightmare Moon. I got to admit that I found this story quite entertaining. Since this story takes place after the movie, Ralph is finally getting the respect from the Nicelanders that he was denied for 30 years. This story shows that it's a lot
It#s not that I don't have ideas on where to take my stories to. I'm just... lazy. I mean, it's summer, and while I want to get stuff out for you guys and my YouTube channel, my body just replies with "sit your lazy *** down and watch some Attack On Titan." It's kinda frustrating, but at the same time, I can't really stop it. So I apologize for being slow. It really ticks me off when I don't feel like doing anything. On the plus side, all this good Sonic news is getting me rarin' to get back to
Oh god, we're doing this again, aren't we? @_@ I haven't even watched the show during the hiatus. This is yet another reason why mid-season breaks are fucking stupid. Getting back into the show always feels like a chore.
So I have at least six OCs to my name. As of yesterday, actually. Here's a quick-ish summary.
I hate catching a cold. But, sometimes, when you do, you need a few WAFFs to go along with the tea, chicken soup and Mucinex. And that's where a nice redemption-fic comes in.