
Viewing 101 - 120 of 237 results

Another day, another plush: presenting Aurora Starling · 11:14pm Jan 30th, 2021

I was recently commissioned to create a custom plush of Aurora Starling, an original character with some very interesting hair colors:

She also has heterochromia (one purple eye and one blue eye), though it's kinda hard to see from these pictures.

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Character Designs · 6:21pm Jun 28th, 2022

So, if you've read part of this story, you'll know that one, it hasn't been updated in a while, and two, it's a Dragon Ball crossover. I have two Saiyan OCs in it, Butarega, who goes by Astral Shadow, and Peppa, who goes by Wild Ace. The two of them are rivals, and they used to date on Planet Vegeta. Butarega left because he didn't agree with the Saiyan's conquering nature, and Wild Ace chased after him because she acknowledges that Butarega is her greatest rival and doesn't want to let

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Some OC's of Mine!! · 10:43pm Jan 11th, 2019

I have some OC's that'll be in an upcoming story of mine!

The first is Shachor, a monster and I love him.

And the next is his adoptive son Clover

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The Legend of Gold Osburn · 5:00pm Jul 18th, 2019

Gold is a legend that's been passed down to generations some believe that he is a god that cannot die or the name is passed down to generations as well as the legend says about him he also have titles like protector, guardian, hero through time and space there is always one guild that surrounded around him Hero For Hire Guild of course that is for another time you can only find gold in certain locations muesli bars and rich places but occasionally running around with his team of 4

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Injustice Styled Interactions w/my OC (Update 2) · 5:24am Apr 16th, 2022

So, I've been getting interested in Injustice, and while I don't have either of the games because I don't have the proper console (although praying Nintendo will make a port for Switch) I do have the movie, and I've seen plenty of clips on YouTube. I came up with some interactions similar to the interactions between characters before a 1x1 fight, but with my OC, Knightshade, the son of Batman and Poison Ivy from another Earth, and wanted to share some of them. Let me know what you guys

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The Nightmare, the storm king and grogar. · 7:09am Aug 16th, 2020

My OC The Nightmare is the "father" of the real Grogar and the Storm King. In my fan stuff I have that the real Grogar is still alive, thats also why his Bell still works. He lives in the Shadow World. It is a mirror world to the World of Light which is Equestria and the lands beyond its borders.

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When Oath met Skill Tree · 6:34pm Dec 13th, 2020

I've been playing the game Them's Fighting Herds on Steam and I wanted to draw Oath in that style or as close as I could get. I'm experimenting a bit with different things and seeing what works or what I enjoy.

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Pilotwings 64 Crossover released and Rodeo Rumble update in the works. · 6:26am Sep 10th, 2023

What the title says. I'm currently in retraining to a new job. I'm writing little updates here and there for Rodeo Rumble. I expect an update to be released next week. Also, check out Pilotwings MLP!


Wonderbolt my Heart and where it's going. · 9:18pm Feb 2nd, 2016

SO today I decided to give everyone a heads up on an upcoming story. Wonderbolt my Heart ended rather abruptly I will admit, but i had to end it since I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with it at the time. Now I decided what I was going to do and here's the basic premises.

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Merry Late Christmas Everyone! · 8:07am Dec 26th, 2016

A bit late to have this post, but it's only 2 minutes after midnight here at the Pacific so Santa is technically still making his rounds! Hope every one of you had a fantastic Christmas this year, and if not Christmas, then happy holidays!

this last one is still a work in progress


G5: an old series of fics · 6:48am Nov 29th, 2018

I'm thinking of psoting some very, very old stories I did way back when. They're titled simply 'MLP G5' and were my first attempt at a bunch of MLP stories, featuring original characters in an original setting, but still based around the My Little Pony brand (and featuring reimaginings of old villains). Let me know if that's a good diea or not, especially considering they might be rather short and kinda...not well written, maybe.


Jongojiverse Bio 12: Chelsey · 2:32pm Oct 30th, 2018


An Awesome Feeling · 7:00am Feb 24th, 2020

This is copy-and-pasted from my DeviantArt account, and was posted there on February 8, 2020.

First, a bit of music to set the mood.

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Yui Fun Sketch · 10:45am Nov 10th, 2021

Just a little something I got bored and found a base to sketch around. I am by no means an artist when it comes to sketching and you'd probably be able to find the picture I used to draw this. But this was just a fun drawing to pass the time regardless, but ta-da, Yui in her hood with her scar after the events of the final chapter of Indomitable. Drawing ponies is tricky.

And I don't use any software to draw but I've been sketching traditionally for years :twilightsheepish:

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Hero For Hire Guild · 8:02pm Jul 18th, 2019

The Guild is located several miles underneath the ocean any seal the bubble this underground city where some locals call Atlantis has a tower right in the middle of it's is a massive Tower where it is is built outside of the barrier that keeps the seawater out as it goes up heads to a floating island above the city where it mostly is realize the tourist attraction where are other creatures from around the world goes and has their vacation inside of the city there are several skylines but there

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What I'm presently working on... · 4:23pm Nov 7th, 2020

I've introduced a new variant of the Kitsumi Nova story called I am my own OC. I hadn't originally intended to post it but when I discovered that I had over 80-thousand words of nearly finished material I figured, why not, I'll go ahead and post it. About all it needs now is a halfway decent ending.

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Character Art · 2:59pm April 22nd

Placed below the break for anyone who has not read past Chapter 2. If you haven’t, no clicky!

A simple sketch of Night Cloud in her hospital scrubs, done by Helmie. Helmie’s Patreon here.

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Lyric and my/her Stories · 2:08am Mar 4th, 2016


'Cosmic' Update – Chapter 2.5 · 11:11pm Oct 27th, 2017

Howdy, y'all.

I've been hard at work on the third chapter of Cosmic, but I realized that the first part of the chapter really works better as the end of the second chapter instead. So after consulting with my proofreader and mulling it over, I've decided to do just that.

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New Resurrectionists Up · 5:21pm Jan 10th, 2018

This ones got death, violence, three fucking Princesses*, ham-fisted religious symbolism and a trigger warning for self harm in the chapter notes.

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 550 views

Only one more chapter (and a very short epilogue) left to go!

*But not three Princesses fucking, though that would probably be a pretty good clopfic.

Viewing 101 - 120 of 237 results