
Viewing 801 - 820 of 917 results

Fire 3, Fire Free. · 9:15am Sep 20th, 2017

Thank god, the fires are gone~

Well I mean there's still a lot of fires everywhere-

They're alllllll gone!

Like, cutting through the middle of Washington and Oregon, and touching the tip of California is this big line of fires.

I'm perfectly safe!

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Regarding the series finale · 2:16pm Aug 26th, 2019

So, the show is officially over. Its time has come. I'll definitely say this:

I can't believe they reformed Starlight. What a battle!


deh is so depressing like · 5:15pm Aug 27th, 2017


"Father Knows Beast" Review: Sludge & the Dragon Hunters · 4:10am Oct 7th, 2018

So, in this episode, there's something that intrigues me and got me thinking the most, but I'll come to that later. First, the obvious elephant dragon in the room..... Sludge. Spike's dad, or, at least what he wanted to make Spike believe he is.

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Existential Ficlet: The Eternal Return · 12:27am Oct 21st, 2019

Twilight Sparkle found herself in a strange place. It was of light and shape, but not of matter. Though she could not remember where she was or how she got here, the place seemed familiar and comforting.

Out of the mist, though, came a demon. A strange, misshapen beast. Twilight took a step back at its approach.

"Who are you?" She asked. "What's happening?"

The demon then leaned in close, a pained look on its face.

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Stalk Me While I Write Christmas Sunday is live at 12:00 noon Pacific Time · 8:03pm Dec 25th, 2016

So far I am up to having worked on my current story, "King Sombra's New Sweater" for 5:00 hours on the nose and am at 4,464 words. My goal is to finish it up and publish before Xmas ends. Having peeps there on the chat cheering me on would really help that goal, so grab your eggnog and kick back on the computer after your own celebrations to help me get there and give me and my readers the best Christmas present a Sombra-obsessed fangirl could have - a new story to read of our favorite Umbrum

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Talking Is Hard: One Year Old! · 4:09am Apr 5th, 2017

Heh, I just noticed this. Talking Is Hard had a birthday just a couple of days ago, on the third. I missed the one-year birthday of my own practice collection. Does that mean it's not worth remembering, or is the fact that I'm blogging about it now mean that it's more important that most of my other stuff?

I dunno. Just felt like bringing it up.

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crush update · 1:40am Jul 29th, 2018


A Plea For a Modest $15 Loan for Three Days · 10:58am Oct 1st, 2019

You'll notice I never ask for donations, always loans. That's probably my pride talking. As you know if you follow my blogs, my boss recently cut my hours from 36/week to 12/week, because I'm a whole-ass mess. Hopefully, if I perform well this week as I have the past few weeks, she'll bump me at least partway back up, but in the meantime, I'm broke as a joke. Forget CiderFest, I need to finish paying what is now last month's rent. Actually, I have, at least the rent itself. The $50 late fee is

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about Celestia's replies · 6:50pm May 1st, 2020

I will most likely not be writing them, but that doesn't mean you can't. Snow (may he rest in peppers) set a really good tone for Celestia in this story, and I know I will 100% fuck that up. The Celestia I originally planned to write was much different from his, but I'm glad things turned out how they did because I like his Celestia way more.

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Waiting? · 12:42am Oct 10th, 2022

Yea so Chapter 8 is being worked on I can guarantee that but as we all wait for what the hell James is doing and aching to go back, page and page, refreshing and refreshing. I might as will provide a little detail for this chapter and that is.

It's gonna have some useless scenes but! A little twist is about to rear it's face along with that I m nearly done with it but damn.

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MECHANIC: What I got for Christmas at the Shop! (part 1) · 3:15am January 12th

So I already told you what I got for Jinglemas, but let me tell you what I got for Christmas (and New Years) at the shop!

Fair warning, those of you who are used to my normal mechanic blog posts where it's a mystery until the very end, this one was not a mystery for very long. Fixing it on the other hand . . . well.

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Things have gone from bad to worse · 1:41pm Aug 21st, 2022

Following HBO Max’s purge of many series, Infinity Train will no longer be legally available to the public.

Cartoon Network has deleted posts about Infinity Train on their social media accounts, including videos about it on their YouTube channel, and Warner Bros. Discovery has removed the soundtrack on music streaming services, making it seem like the show never existed.

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Okay... · 4:04pm Nov 12th, 2015

So if I'm snarky/rude or giddy/slap-happy, I purely blame my lack of sleep last night. And the night before. And the night before that. And so on. I... am a light sleeper. If I hear-a-loud-noise/feel-something/see-a-bright-light, I will likely wake up. It also takes an hour or so of staying still to get to sleep... Blegh, it doesn't help when a certain someone I will not name decides to watch a movie/tv at normal volume.


*AGGRESSIVE HUMMING IN THOUGHT* · 3:26am Jan 20th, 2016


Happy Thanksgiving. · 2:46am Nov 27th, 2015

Now, I'm gonna get back to watching Batman: The Animated Series. I've been liveblogging it on tumblr for the past couple days and I'm honestly having the BEST TIME. It's not only been a trip down memory lane, but also fun to watch because omfg there were so many bad puns I LOVE IT. I'm not as far as I want to be, but I'm close to reuniting with a childhood favorite of mine:

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Spookseeker · 9:09pm Oct 17th, 2017

So last year, when October came rolling in, I wanted to do a comedic 'Nightmare Night Special' chapter for Truthseeker. It would have revolved around Lyra freaking out because she was certain that, it being Nightmare Night, something bad was bound to happen, while all the rest of the Owls knew that nothing ever happens on Nightmare Night. I dropped it because by the gods, I cannot write comedy it was dumb filler. Instead, I released a pair of horror stories that no

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I managed to get some internet access! · 4:24am Dec 25th, 2015


[Humility] Going Forward? · 5:17am Mar 8th, 2017

I've just spent about two hours reading through Humility, and damn do I want to write for it again.

So I'm, uh, gonna start doing that soon.

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small silly screenwriting thing · 4:13am Nov 21st, 2019

a co-worker, my boss, and I have a small weekly screenwriting meetup going on, and I'm supposed to deliver PAGES OF SCRIPT TOMORROW which I didn't do, so I was like I'LL JUST GRAB A FIC AND LAZILY SCRIPTIFY THAT AND THEY'LL NEVER KNOW and so I was like "guess I'll do TEL because I know it like the back of my hand so it'll be quick and easy" and--

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Viewing 801 - 820 of 917 results