
Viewing 61 - 80 of 452 results

DOOOOOOM. And a decision. · 12:13pm Aug 5th, 2018

At lack of anything better to do with my lazy Saturday afternoon, I found myself watching the pony cartoon show on Netflix. "The Art of the Dress," to be specific-- it's actually really, really interesting to compare the animation & voice work of the early seasons to the later ones. Things just seem to skew a bit younger-- or maybe the cast just haven't mastered their roles yet? It's worth going back to, I will say.

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UK PonyCon 2018, Friday: Muffins with Muffins · 6:13pm Oct 19th, 2018

These things are going up first on Louder Yay, but I thought I might as well copy them over here over the next few days. This will be a personal account rather than a proper report, so expect a lot of rambliness.

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UK PonyCon 2018, Monday: One Last 'Spoons · 6:46pm Oct 28th, 2018

Saying goodbye to Nottingham

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UK PonyCon still needs volunteers! · 4:33pm Aug 28th, 2018

UK PonyCon is the largest MLP convention in Britain, and this year it's on 13-14 October in Nottingham. One thing cons always need is help, and that goes beyond just the committee. Volunteers are always welcome -- in fact, without sufficient volunteers, some events simply can't happen. Even if you can only spare a few hours, that's still valuable! You'll generally need to be 18 or over and to have bought a convention ticket. (For the benefit of overseas

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Everfree Northwest 2018 · 4:15pm May 20th, 2018

I'm attending the con. I should probably have written something before today since it's the last day, but c'est la vie. As it is my first pony con (have attended several anime cons in the past), I'm not sure how it compares to others. I can say that the strong writing component seems very pronounced to me and I've had to wonderful opportunity meet some authors I admire. Authors I can think of off the top of my head would be Titanium Dragon, Albinocorn, Oroboro, Monochromatic, Novel-Idea, and

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Trotcon 2022, Columbus OH, July 15-17 · 6:12pm May 17th, 2022

Looks like I'm going to Trotcon in July!
Are any of you going?

Post to the Convention Planning thread Trotcon 2022, July 15-17, Columbus OH if you're looking for a room or a ride, or have one of those to share.
Deadline for submitting a panel proposal is this Friday.

Report Bad Horse · 209 views · #convention #con #Trotcon #Ohio

EFNW - I ate a lot. · 3:45am Aug 31st, 2022

So, how did this all take place?

I arrived Wednesday, and met Olden Bronie at the airport. We started a conversation that didn't stop except for each of us heading to our respective hotels/rooms then returning to talk at Maggiano's for a couple of hours. Waitress was lovely and sassy and swore the tattoo of the slimes on her neck came from Zelda. No phone number unfortunately.

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UK PonyCon report, part 2: Saturday – BaCon, ConCon, McCon · 7:07pm Oct 21st, 2019

I'll post these first on my Louder Yay blog, so that's the place to look if you want to read them as soon as I publish them. But I thought I'd copy the blogs over here for the benefit of anyone who's interested but prefers to stick to Fimfiction. Expect a lag of between a few hours and a couple of days before they appear here. If you've already read this on Louder Yay, it's exactly the same here; no need to read twice! :rainbowwild:

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Everfree NW 2019~! <3 · 9:09pm May 15th, 2019

Everfree NW will be starting in a few days~!

Wait, what's that name there....does that say...


Whoops. Looks like I helped sponsor a pony convention. :trollestia:

If anyone reading this is going then I might even see you there. Here's to a great time among fellow fans~ :heart:

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Report BlackWater · 211 views · #con #convention #everfree

Any Other Writers Going to CiderFest? · 10:43pm Jul 19th, 2023

I'm planning on attending my first CiderFest this year, and I'm applying for a panel, there. I have a lot to say about platonic affection's importance in humans and its wide prevalence in the fanfiction of our fandom, being sort of a specialist in it. Ideally though I'd like to have one or two other co-panelists to help guide and create discussion both among the panelists and with the audience. While I'm comfortable enough to do a solo panel, I think it'd be more engaging and smooth if it's not

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Mare Fair · 11:16pm Sep 27th, 2023


That's right turds and turdettes, I'm on my way to Florida, a state I was last to when I was 2 years old. I got 2 peeps with me, and we are making the 18ish hour drive down there.

(Not taking my truck, cause it may not make that kind of drive.)

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Trotcon 2020 is cancelled; Everfree is not · 7:39pm May 13th, 2020

See If you're registered, you have only until June 9 to get a refund.

So, my only pony con this year will be Everfree NW, in Seattle, August 7-9, which I'm going to mainly because they invited me and airfare is cheap this year. The con hotel, unfortunately, is sold out. There's also a nearby hotel offering rooms for $150 a night, but the first night is non-refundable.

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HarmonyCon · 6:35am February 1st

I still can't believe there's a pony convention in my city!! Needless to say i’ll be going so if you’re looking to get lit (and enjoy some wubs), hit me up!


To (some of) UK PonyCon! · 7:13pm Sep 28th, 2023

Yes, I'm off to Nottingham tomorrow. Sadly for a variety of reasons, not least the continuing financial fallout of that car accident in June, I can only attend the Saturday daytime (until about 6pm) portion of the convention this year -- but that's much better than nothing! This year's guests of honour are Kelly Sheridan and Elley-Ray Hennessy, and while matching last year (Actual Fluttershy, Andrea Libman herself) would be impossible, that's not a bad duo! A train strike means my evening

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Ponyfest Panels! · 12:37am Apr 25th, 2020

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow is the online pony con, Ponyfest!

Yes, it may be kind of dorky to run a convention on Discord, but let's face it - we're all under quarantine here, and could use some fun!

The schedule can be found here.

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Fiesta Equestria Meet-up · 5:14am Jun 27th, 2015

I am currently attending the Fiesta Equestria convention in Houston. If anyone wants to meet up with me but are having trouble finding me due to lack of custom usernames on the attendee tags, be on the lookout for a guy in a Luna or Nightmare Moon t-shirt carrying this satchel.

Report Humanity · 412 views · #convention #meeting #author

Give and Take · 11:12am Jan 14th, 2017

Bit of a good news/bad news situation. The bad news, such as it is, is that I've finally cleared through the last obstacle keeping me from actually doing my job. The accounts have been made, the permissions have been given, the SSL keys are in the SSL locks, and now I have no excuse when it comes to actually getting work done. (It says something that we finalized the process on Friday the 13th, doesn't it?) As such, my available Fimfic time will be dropping drastically as I start bug hunting in

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Vren55 at Bronycan 2016 · 3:02pm Aug 3rd, 2016

Hey, story fans, I'm heading to Bronycan again this year and speaking at not one, not two, but THREE 1 hour panels! Everybody in Vancouver, Canada, watchout, here I come on August 19-21 at the Richmond Airport Executive Hotel. I've figured out my schedule using so you can come and chat with me whenever about the Alternia-tive Verse, about writing, or anything in general!

Panels I'll be speaking at (all led/moderated by the awesome GaryOak)

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Report vren55 · 500 views · #Bronycan #convention #meet me

UK anime convention · 10:33am May 29th, 2017

I know this is a little off topic, so I won't make a habit of it.

Some friends of mine are running an anime convention in November. They're all people who've been going to anime conventions for years and years, and wanted to give something back.

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Everfree NW · 12:35pm May 13th, 2016

I realized this morning as I was getting ready for my flight that I never made the announcement here.

As I believe I've said in previous blog posts, I'll be attending Everfree NW this year, continuing the tradition as it were. I'm going to be appearing at several of the panels. Here's my full schedule of where you can find me at different times:

- Friday, 11:30 - 12:30
--- Writing Processes, Tips, and Tricks
- Friday, 12:45 - 1:45
--- Fanfiction Advice and Mixer
- Friday, 5:00 - 6:30

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 452 results