
Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,203 results

900 LIKES!!! SMoTE Deleted Content, and Q&A. · 4:31pm Jan 31st, 2021

Thank you. I don’t know what else to say aside from thank you. I’ll be honest, I’ve seen a few comments that said we’d get here, but I didn’t really expect this to happen so soon. I mean… 900 likes. That means that 900 people read my story and enjoyed it enough to leave a like.

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The Final Donation Pool for Showing His Place: Sacrifice · 11:51pm Jan 26th, 2021

Welp, after spending over a year on this insane cuckolding story, it seems that we reached the final stretch. All that I have left to write is the Epilogue chapter, which will help to close any open questions and verify what's to come of our twisted truple. I already have a couple ideas confirmed for this chapter; one of which being Double R. Forrest's suggestion to make Shining look significant scrawnier and feminine compared to Sombra in the future timeline (similar to their appearances in

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Question For Readers · 9:32am Jul 30th, 2021

Hello all, followers or not. I'm wanting to thank all who enjoyed Lost and Fucked for the success of reaching front page for me second time. I'm glad many of you enjoyed the story. I come to you today though to ask a few questions and hoping to get answers. This doesn't have to apply directly to Lost and Fucked but can be anything that I have written in the past as well.

What about the story(ies) do you enjoy? Character choice, wording, scenarios, etc...?

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Improving · 8:55pm Jul 3rd, 2021

A shorter and less wordy update for you all. My father's health is improving. The doctors did their job and not only found a hidden issue he'd been having, but have him fixed up in a way that solves multiple issues he had internally. He's still in hospital, recovering but in stable condition.

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Awesome Art Project!!! · 7:39pm Oct 13th, 2015

Sooo... well, I'm quickly approaching 50 followers. And I promised when I hit 30, that I would make an awesome art thingy just for you guys.

Well, I've decided to mash the two together.

And for a little hint at what it may be...

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Just when I thought it was over · 1:55am Feb 3rd, 2022

Just under 2 years ago I suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts but after a long and painful battle I overcame my suicidal tendencies.

I didn’t overcome my bout’s of depression but I’ve learned to live with them and go about my life despite the what is the point attitude I get.

But today after I had a loud argument with some people I knew I headed home and collapsed on my bed done with everything and dwelled on how much I sucked.

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Delay in updating my story · 2:02pm Feb 24th, 2018

Hi all, I have been made aware of a spike in interest in Chifundo's little love story and it made me realise I probably should explain what is happening with my writing.

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Climbing Out of the Pit · 11:48pm Oct 13th, 2019

I have so much I want to say, but my powers of articulation still haven’t caught up to the range of emotions that have been roiling through me since yesterday evening. It’s not really sadness; not anymore. Even with all the feels that yesterday brought out, I think it was more of a sense of hollow resignation. We knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. Do you know that sensation of anticipation that comes the night before a big trip or vacation? It was that except the emotions were reversed.

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Thank you, your thoughts on Omnomnomicon, and what's next · 12:44am May 17th, 2016

Thank you!
Thank you again to everyone who read, gave thumbs ups, favorited, and commented on Omnomnomicon. I'm blown away that it spent almost 2 days in the feature box (non-mature). And it managed 1,000 views and 150 thumbs up before falling out of the popular stories box. I'm absolutely chuffed.

Request for Critique

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Life Updates, Late Thank Yous, and Other Things · 3:18am Feb 24th, 2019

Hi everybody. I know it's been a while since I've been on, and even longer since I posted anything. I just wanted to give all of you a head's up. I've gotten a new laptop, but I've had some technical issues to struggle through. Actually, I've gotten two laptops because I ended up being unhappy with the first. And on top of technical troubles, I've had a run of general bad luck over the last few weeks with various things going wrong.

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2 New Poems · 6:22am Jan 30th, 2018

2 New Poems both on different books on this site can you find them?


Merry Christmas! · 11:22pm Dec 24th, 2015

I'm just going to take the oppertunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hearthswarming and general well wishes to all.

I can't believe how popular 'Family' has become since I started writing it, I really expected a token interest at best. But with the response and comments/likes as well as the help given by those who assisted with editing and proofreading. It really means alot to me that you put up with my bad grammar :derpytongue2:

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Leading the charge: Editor. · 2:07pm Jul 31st, 2016

Hey everypony! Guess what? I was going to mention this last night, but I completely forgot. But, I now have an editor for Leading the charge! It is going to be edited by the wonderful Lyric the wandering bard! She is one of my closest friends on this site, and has been so kind and helpful to me. Go give her your love everypony! Thank you Lyric:heart:


25 Followers!!!! · 2:58pm Jun 2nd, 2016

Thank you all!!! I never expected to get even 10 followers. Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you all :heart: I checked my stats and my top story is still my very first one on this website, despite how inexperienced I was when writing it. :rainbowkiss:

P.S. Sorry I haven't been active in a while. Like, a long while. This school year has been crazy. Hopefully this summer I'll be more active :raritywink:

Thanks again!


Alternate Ending for Chapter 29 and Deleted Content. · 1:10am Nov 7th, 2020

I wrote this a while ago while I was writing Chapter 21. I originally thought of having a larger struggle unfold over the crown with the characters tripping over their own twisted perceptions until something large would force them to work together. I debated for a good amount of time about whether I wanted a more climactic and confrontational series of events, but I settled for a more emotional moment that allowed Skeletor to reflect on himself and what the crystal ponies meant to him.

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Hurdles of Art and Mind · 2:05am Mar 6th, 2020

(Art by me).

I am not writing this from a happy place. I'm sure I am not alone in this, but I sometimes feel terrible in the art I make. Not so much my writing as of late, that has been coming out alright. What I mean to say, is despite so many hours, I can't seem to get any progress done on drawing/painting.

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Thanks for all your feedback, everyone. :) · 11:30am Oct 2nd, 2021

Really appreciate the feedback I got on my new fic. If you haven't read it yet, check the tagged story section. To all my new followers, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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My PC does clearly hate me today · 12:03pm Oct 31st, 2021

Normally, the third chapter would have been as good as 70% finished. However, after saving and backup to another hard drive, both documents disappeared. And are now untraceable on both drives.

But hey, sure I like to rewrite 8,000 words again and pull as much as possible back out of my brain. NO THING!

Why? JUST WHY does the World hate me so much? - Just kidding, I'm fine😉


The final chapter of "Pride of the Apples" is up! · 8:16pm Mar 26th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yes, the last chapter is up, and so ends an interesting ride on a different potential side of MLP. I'd like to thank all of you readers for helping it get this far, and to all of you who gave so many likes and commented so warmly and positively. I couldn't have finished it without all of you!

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:


What the f*SQUEE* is going on?! · 2:32am May 11th, 2016



Guys, what did you do? I made this in like ten seconds. Why is it everywhere? This was filler while I worked on other stuff. Now people are yelling at me for making it.

Really though I'm too grateful for mere words to ever fully describe. I'm gonna go back over it and clean it up sense it seems it's now going to be everywhere. Thank you so much.

Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,203 results