
Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results

Not Dead! · 2:53am Feb 16th, 2018

Yeah, I haven't updated The Second Pony to Become an Alicorn in about eight months. But to prove that it's not dead, here's an exert from the next chapter that has been in production for... I dunno.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Ten Analysis · 6:01pm Apr 19th, 2023

Okay. Vacation time’s over, people. And all Theresa can say about it is that France and Ireland should have been nicer to her. Now she’s ready to get back to the grueling grind of trying to move coins with her mind. She describes it as the most boring and frustrating thing that she had ever done. (I promise you that reading about it is even worse). She’s most frustrated by her lack of any kind of progress, which might not have happened if she didn’t take so much time off to go visit countries

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Empress Theresa: Final Chapter Analysis · 5:06pm May 26th, 2023

Here we are at the last chapter of this literary abortion. The world starts to panic as Theresa’s plan to put everyone into a deep sleep begins to gradually overtake the globe. However, Stinson and Blair, Theresa two biggest, lame-brained, lobotomized, numbnuts cheerleaders assure the entire world population that while it may seem like a bad thing, nothing that Theresa does can ever be bad, and that Theresa can only be good and do good. Why is this a good thing? Because Theresa needs time to

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Oh look, the trash queen is getting older! · 4:37pm Jan 10th, 2016


Empress Theresa: Chapter Fourteen Analysis · 6:06pm Apr 28th, 2023

What a way to open a chapter that we have here! Theresa is being heaped with praise and love and admiration for her plan to create rain around the world. This strikes me personally as very strange, because the last time this happened a drunk from the slums and his family had to build an enormous ark, take two of every animal and ride out the flood without dying of starvation, dehydration, incest, unhygienic conditions, or just plain boredom. You’d think that a devout Catholic like Boutin would

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Romance Novel Titling · 7:10pm Jul 27th, 2018

So. I had a little nugget of an idea about exploring the idea of the Choosing Stone, mentioned briefly as a Pie family tradition and then never brought up again. I haven't got it fully formed just yet, so it won't be written for... awhile, but I do have the rough outline. But I do have one question for y'all; which of these titles sounds better for a rock farming romance about Pinkie's parents?

-Sentiment and Sedimentary

-Sediment and Sentimentality

-Feldspar and Feelings

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G5 Movie Review · 9:28am Mar 24th, 2022

This is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Not a single second of it was the least bit decent. Every frame of this piece of shit is an abomination! There is no number low enough to rate it with, but I guess I’ll just go with 0/10!!!!!


Empress Theresa: Chapter Nine Analysis · 8:18pm Apr 17th, 2023

We're getting two chapters in one day because the last chapter was so damn pointless.

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Document 6.docx, paragraph 7/8 · 4:27am May 4th, 2020

The Elements begin to crack as they are put under strain never before seen—a direct attack backed by the full might of Daybreaker herself. The Element of Magic is the first to shatter, but in doing so unleashes a torrential burst of magic, triggering the other elements all at once and striking Daybreaker.
Y'all know I pulled a little sneaky on ya. :raritywink:


New Fanart. · 2:49am Jul 15th, 2020

Sylph of Void, Mage Ameliorate Reverie as she fights Saway and Luna back in Dream Diver. I didn't expect my friend to draw Amelio with Sunset Shimmer cutie mark cloak clasp. I couldn't think of any other symbols that would fit her. But either way I like how the colors mesh a lot. Let's just say Amelio found a cloak that belonged to Sunset and decided to wear it. ;)

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Sixteen Analysis · 6:08pm May 3rd, 2023

This chapter opens with Theresa crying about the unfairness of the position that she’s in. Truthfully, she should be crying about how her own brashness and stupidity led to her being in the position that she’s in. She’s in a situation where no matter what she does, people will die. However, Theresa seems to fixate much more on how people will stop loving her no matter the outcome. We already know that she’s a callous, unfeeling, self-centered, myopic woman-child. We just never knew how much of

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Two Analysis · 5:46pm May 17th, 2023

After so very long, Theresa is finally going home to America, but not before tipping the butler ten million dollars (Scarecrow, I think I’ll miss you most of all). She and Steve hustle their way through the airport, Theresa keeping up her Karen act as she ignores all of the people who are praising her as she passes by them. She says that if they don’t like it, that’s too bad.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Twenty-Five Analysis · 5:44pm May 23rd, 2023

We’re doing things a bit differently this week. Since this series of analyses can be done by Friday, we’re getting one chapter a day now, until the end of this literary travesty. Everyone ready? Let’s go.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Thirteen Analysis · 5:57pm Apr 26th, 2023

Here we are. Unlucky chapter thirteen. First thing in the morning, Theresa decides that she’s going to raise fifty-six water columns at the North Pole. She calls upon everyone in the house to gather around and watch the show that’s being broadcast on TV. She even calls in the family that is hosting her, who is so unimportant that they haven’t shown up between now and since they were introduced to the story. They’re so superfluous that Theresa doesn’t even want them as part of her planetwide

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"Lost In Yesterday's Thoughts" Illustration by Rutkotka · 11:09am Nov 4th, 2023


This is (not?) a teaser. · 8:18pm Apr 27th, 2020

What happens when a robot is granted it's freedom, and released into the world? And what if it's got existential problems?
TheMajorTechie · 1.4k words  ·  10  0 · 256 views

Paul's Thursday Reviews IV · 7:23pm Aug 20th, 2015

Nothing much to announce today, folks. The one big issue I'm facing at the moment is that I have a lot of long stories (200,00+ words) coming in the next month of reading. normally this wouldn't be a problem, but with my current lack of time due to job searches and the like I am starting to think I eventually won't be able to keep up. That's not really a problem today, because I ahve all the reviews set up for the next two three weeks, but at that point I may have to consider posting review

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LISA: The Painful - Awful Done Right · 7:58am Oct 11th, 2020


New Fanfic Idea: Past Sins Reimagined · 9:28pm May 3rd, 2016

I've been wanting to write an AU version of Past Sins for a while now. My first idea was to create a version of Past Sins based on one of the alternate timelines in the season 5 finale, specifically the "Nightmare Moon" timeline. But that would also require that the alternate version of Nyx NOT be a revived Nightmare Moon, since she's not gone. So I was gonna make it so that Nyx was actually a Changeling who would become the revived Queen Chrysalis, since I planned it so Nightmare Moon had

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You're going to hate me for certain after hearing this awful joke... · 10:09pm Mar 25th, 2017

What is a terrorist's favorite video game to play?


Viewing 41 - 60 of 89 results