
Viewing 41 - 60 of 114 results

Question of the Week #34 · 1:40am Dec 5th, 2021

Hello everyone, sorry for the late blog. After last week I have just felt a bit more tired than usual. Probably just recovering from the 4-day weekend. Anyway, the question for you all this week is that, since it is technically winter now (at least here in North America), do you like snow?

Personally, I'm not a huge fan. It's just too cold. I don't like being cold. If snow was warm and fluffy I'd love it more, but that's just me.

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Snowdrop - MLP Fan Animation · 3:03pm Feb 7th, 2022

A very interesting fan animation


New grim dark holiday story coming soon See you 12/25 !!!! · 9:02pm Dec 6th, 2019

New grim dark holiday story coming soon

Hint : A beloved fan animation with my grim dark twist

Look out Snow drop!!!!!!!! ;)


In a Snowstorm, by Michelle Creber · 8:54pm Dec 15th, 2023

With the holidays looming closer, I figured I'd get us into that festive mood with a new song from Michelle Creber!

You know, when I was listening to the song, I noticed it reminded me of When Life Gives You Snow...

Honestly, I can see In a Snowstorm as the tale's unofficial theme song!

What are you thoughts on that and the song itself?


Snow Sucks · 8:35pm Dec 26th, 2016

So got stuck in a pass on my way home from the holiday. Damn snow. No update on BIE because I'm looking at the 3K word chapter and I'm not 100% satisfied with it so I will be working on it today and tomorrow.

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Funny comic art I found. · 12:37am Aug 22nd, 2016

Now everyone who knows me knows I'm a huge Trixie-fag. I love anything that has her... even if she dies in it cause the fact she's there is cool. XD:scootangel: So, I know it's my civic duty to help spread more Trixie to the masses... and Adagio and Sunset I guess... they're cool too.


No School Tomorrow! · 2:35am Feb 8th, 2016

We didn't have any school on Friday either, so that makes this a four-day weekend! And, of course, I have plans for tomorrow... namely, watching anime and LPs and getting hyped for Bad Luck by Pseudonymous Bosch, which comes out on Tuesday. :pinkiesmile: (Silently praying for Max-Ernest to actually make an appearance in this book)


"The Iron Horse" (slightly-late) Holiday Special is up! · 1:32pm Dec 26th, 2015

So, yeah, I meant for the story to go up ON Christmas, but it seems a lot of story approvers were celebrating the holiday as well and it got a little delayed. :twilightsheepish: Oh well! Ladies and Gents, for your reading pleasure and submitted for your approval at the link below...

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"A Tender Touch of Snow" starts tomorrow · 12:50am Dec 20th, 2018

Hi All,

Really excited to say that my new story starts tomorrow, just in time for Hearth's Warming.

I hope you are looking forward to it and will enjoy it.

it's called...

A Tender Touch of Snow
A story by Duskhoof, Edited by Synesisbassist & AmorousArts

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Hey everyone I just wanted to reccomend a fiction written by my BBBFF and Co-Writer Snowy~ · 10:46am May 18th, 2019

Hey everyone, I just wanted to take the time out of my day to say that my BBBFF and Co-Writer Snowy (AKA Thunderchaser23) has been writing a wonderful story, and if you're looking for a good read that's actually thought out, it's very much worth it. I'll drop a link to both Snowy's page and his story below. All I can say is, his story "Only A Mothers Love" is wonderfully written, the emotions are real and being privy to knowing what happens next, all I can say without spoiling it is, you're in

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The Four Goth Ponies · 5:56pm Dec 14th, 2019

Had a shower thought yesterday that the four "goth" ponies we see in the main show represent four aspects of goth culture. Allow me to explain.

Inky Rose -- Fashion

This is the most obvious one, as her debut appearance in "Honest Apple" is all about fashion. Beyond that, in my headcanon, she is not the only pony in her family who represents the gothic culture.

Snow Hope -- Hair/Make-up

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Poem #13 · 4:23pm Jan 17th, 2017

The Winter Night (Previously: The Winter Sleep) (13)

I walk in the woods on a cold winter night,
Wind blows in the trees, and light soon fades from sight,
Clutching my chest in closed arms my teeth chatter,
Night fallen, snow underneath, clothes tattered,
I look for a place to rest, but I know I can't,
The wind is harsh, and the forest silent.
I trudge on for some warm fire,
The seconds turn to minutes, and the minutes to hours.

Slowly, I come to a stop to rest.

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Is it?? · 2:53pm Nov 13th, 2015

IT'S SNOWING ERMERHGERSH YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS :rainbowkiss::heart::heart::pinkiehappy::yay:

But it's not sticking:raritydespair:


Snow Bullet is in the Hospital! · 1:14am Apr 20th, 2016

Hey guys sad news. A Fimfiction user that i think is pretty awesome has been in an accident, a Hit and Run to be exact. She has brain damage and a broken arm.

If you wanna give your "regards and best wishes" go Here. Thanks for caring.

I'm gonna beat that asshole half to death THEN give him to the police, that is if I find before the 5-O do.


BOOOOOOUNCING! · 5:43pm Nov 21st, 2015

It will never stoppppp


Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 12 · 10:27am Aug 27th, 2020

Hey hey folks. I have another two stories from two separate events I participated in; one is from the RBAIA contest and the other is from Krazy's Warm and Fuzzies event, so there should be a little variety in them even if they're both shippy. Hopefully one might take your fancy to read.

With luck, I'll have a new story posted by the end of the week-end with regards to the Cozy Glow contest, so stay tuned for that. It's about halfway finished and then will need a quick coat of editing.

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The special of MLP · 2:10am Oct 2nd, 2020

OMG it's almost here!!!!!!! don't forget to tell all your followers and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!


Drifting Snow - It's Here! · 4:09pm Aug 27th, 2016

The sequel has finally arrived.

Granted, the first chapter is mostly a prologue type deal, but I'll be doing my darnedest to get out a chapter every week or two till this one is done. First update should be by next weekend given what I already have done...

Cross your fingers and wish me luck. Hope you all enjoy.

(Now I need a cover image...)


Snow Day · 5:53pm Feb 5th, 2016

Its finally snowed this year, and I got to not have school.

I'm also trying to make a horribly dark AU, at least dark by my standards, for Undertale. I'm having issues involving how the characters look and how to draw a character lineup, but ill work through that until I get it correct. Ill do something about showing it to you guys at some point whenever I am done with it.


New Snow Globe-themed story out now! · 4:57pm Sep 7th, 2016

"Having been imprisoned for as long as anypony, including the Princesses, can remember, a villainous reindeer makes the best of his time inside his snow globe."

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 114 results