
Viewing 21 - 40 of 120 results

Anyone there? · 9:49am Jul 7th, 2017

So... I'm halfway through writing the next chapter, and I'm wondering, is there anyone actually reading my stuff?

Is there anyone enjoying it?

And what can I do to improve?


New MLP Season 5 Episode - Slice Of Life (100th Episode) · 7:56pm Jun 14th, 2015


Interesting things you might find...well, interesting.

1 - Doctor Whooves is almost exactly like Doctor Who's character here. Hasbro's been reading the fanfics, it seems.

2 - Continuity with Cranky and Matilda.

3 - Roseluck steals Lily's 'the horror, the horror' line.

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Discord? · 6:29pm Sep 19th, 2020

Normally I wouldn't even consider this but a random conversation I had got me curious. If I made a discord server, how many of y'all would join it?

(Not explicitly saying I am, just trying to see how much interest there would be in such a thing if any at all. From there I'll decide if I will make one or not)


Would anyone be interested if I continued IFL? · 8:02am Mar 18th, 2018

Hey everyone. So its been forever, I know. I was just looking over some documents on my google drive and came across the unfinished IFL sequel, and then all the notes. I know I kinda just left it for 2 years, but would anyone be interested if I continued? I feel like writing it again. I really want to finish it. I really want to show you what I wrote in my notes.

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A Fascinating Look At Past Events · 8:21pm Mar 16th, 2023


Someone Needs Your Opinion · 10:03pm May 22nd, 2023


Long Past Quote · 5:41am Dec 13th, 2020

I found this in my phone's notes:

"Introverts aren't anti social, just trapped. Trapped by their fears and anxieties, or trapped by their lack of a mental capacity to run on such highly social activities. We aren't refusing, we're in a prison. Our prison... Is our mind."

I must have written that on one of my emotionally low days, and my "third eye" opened. I still see truth behind it though, most introverts are trapped by their own psyche.


From re:Childhood to The Nameless First · 11:05pm Jul 26th, 2016

Clean the Slate just updated with 'The Nameless First,' originally titled 're:Childhood.' If you haven't read it yet, give it a gander and tell me what you think.

There was obviously a change in the chapter title name, and this came to me literally seconds before I published it. See, I didn't want the re:Childhood title as it suggests a sort-of timeskip through Quantum's childhood. I couldn't do that for two reasons:

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A voice through time · 5:51pm Apr 18th, 2018

If there is one thing you watch today, please let it be this. It's an informative, thought-provoking, and inspirational little mini-documentary using only past footage, no voice-overs. It examines Lauryn Hill's impact on popular culture, but not just that-- maybe also the impact on society and the empowerment of millions.

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The Memoir · 6:04am Nov 15th, 2018

Unfortunately I have lost interest in continuing The Memoir. I will publish the last chapter with only the illustrations I did but none of the writing as I did not finish it. The commission for the cover art was never finished. I did not lose any money however as I was going to pay for it after it was produced. From this experience I realize I biy off more than I can chew for this story. But it was fun and a learning experience. Thanks Xin.


Released a story · 3:21am Aug 4th, 2020

Can't really put it here cause its a mature thing, but yeah the story is done cause its a one shot. Rule 63 Fluttershy shipped with Rainbow Dash. So that was rather fun to do a slight kind of twist on the Hurricane Fluttershy episode. Love that episode so I wrote a take on it.

If you want to read it, you can. If you don't want to, you don't have to.

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I HAVE THE POWER OF GODS!!!! and So I'm Nightmare Moon now... this will be interesting · 6:09pm Nov 10th, 2018

So I wanted to give you guys a quick update on my two stories. Yes I am still writing both of them I'm sorry that it's taking me so long but a few things have happened one I've hit a slight writer's block or these two stories that I'm starting to come out of and the other one is life hit me pretty hard in the face recently a lot of family stuff is going on and I've been dealing with that to the best of my abilities I want to take this time to apologize for taking so long with these two stores

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Police Unions · 11:03pm Apr 25th, 2021

It's in the Twitter feed again that The International Workers of the World, aka the IWW or ‘Wobblies’ , do not consider police unions as unions, and will not show solidarity with them. Thing is, they’re totally right, but apparently it's not being explained very well.

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Postmortem? · 11:21am Jul 5th, 2015

I'm a little unfamiliar with any kind of process or "duties" that an author has following the ending of a longer fic. I've seen some authors do things like talk a little bit about the process of writing the story was like, or they clue the readers in on inspirations for certain things, or they host an AMA thing.

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Something interesting I realized · 4:13am Dec 6th, 2020

Pegasi: High but gravelly voice
Unicorns: Intellectual sounding voice, be they dumb or not
Earth: More down to earth voices

Anypony else realize this?


It’s here · 3:16am Sep 18th, 2021

In an hour or 2 the new chapter of It’s not easy will be out and in the next few days the next Sweetie alone should be coming out.


What are you all up to? · 3:12am Oct 8th, 2020

During Covid? I figure I might as well just open up conversation for anyone who's interested. Curious if any of you have been doing better, doing worse, w/e. And see if I can't offer any words of support. Given I can't do any writing right now at all I figure I might as well check in for anyone who's interested.


An Update On New Story/ Story Idea · 11:47pm Jan 23rd, 2017

After consulting with some reviewers/proofreaders, I have decided to change a story idea in my story "Not a Pony" from the serious self-insert that it was going to be into a satire not self-insert about some typical things we might find in a self insert. The main reason for this decision is because while my intents on what I wanted to make "Not a Pony" out to be, a sad literature about finding happiness through friendship, was derived from a theme rather than a plot in which the theme fits

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First FanFic Coverart · 10:18pm Sep 4th, 2015

Just accepted a request from Orudios to create cover art for his/her story Dragonic Guardians. Here's The web address to what I have so far.


An update with remembrance. · 6:18pm Dec 4th, 2020

I have decided to clear one more story from my published library.

WIth great reluctance, I'm parting ways with COD: AW - One Among Us. I lost motivation to write for it a while ago, and it just seemed...old. My writing has improved ever since I started writing it, and lastly...well, it may seem petty, but I need to focus more on stories I can write for.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 120 results