
Viewing 1 - 20 of 548 results

Thy Little Filly Twi' · 5:49am Sep 26th, 2015

So, after two years of writers block, I finally come out with a new story. Thy Little Filly Twi' is my first story in nearly two years. I'm actually nervous to see how it will turn out. I'm not exactly too keen on the ending.

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Report Muggonny · 238 views · #It's #Here

It's Hereeee. · 10:29pm Mar 20th, 2016

Mother Chapter Five is LIVE
Back to writing now!

Report Foals Errand · 533 views · #it's here!

The FNAF Halloween DLC is finally here. Also, the FNAF World trailer has dropped. · 5:36pm Oct 31st, 2015


*clambers in hesitantly · 5:20am Dec 16th, 2015

Okay.... I'm here now.


Now what?....

I suppose I should get to work, uh, if anyone wants to check out my artwork here are some links. I'll be right back...

Report PeculiurPony · 278 views · #new here

I'm about to post a story. · 8:26pm Aug 5th, 2015

If I do something wrong, by all means, stop me.

Report Cracked Egg · 319 views · #Here goes ???

So, I know I haven't been as active as I used to be...4k+ and counting. · 9:34pm Nov 7th, 2017

First off, here:


Moondancer’s head moved in the direction of Naruto’s presence. She could tell it was him so accurately, even though she was sure he wasn’t using his magic.

‘It’s possible that he’s using his chakra instead.’ she surmised before turning her attention back to the group of changelings that barred her path.

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Report Nasha Rei Kun · 441 views · #Still Here

I'm not dead · 1:11am May 1st, 2018

Hey, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here. I know it's been a month since my last update. I'm working on the next chapter now, but I've hit a few snags. Depression sucks majorly and it's been giving me writer's block. I have been managing to get a bit typed out every so often, but it's been a struggle. But I promise that I have every intention of finishing the stories. It's just taking a bit of time.

Report Sky Trotter · 378 views · #Still here

Happy new Year! · 11:16am Jan 1st, 2020

To those who are reading this, a blessed 2020.

Now, let's get to work!

Report Mkchief34 · 186 views · #2020 is here!

When in doubt d r i n k m a l k · 8:21am Aug 24th, 2020

there is something in the air

something is poisoning them

their lungs collapsing from nothing

their them decaying into nothing

their nothing becoming n o t h i n g

that something is me

and i return to sow again what i reap

the nothing in the end all see.

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And it's out. · 7:01pm Sep 30th, 2019

She Drives Me Batty is out folks.

TShe Drives Me Batty
For five long years, Nightingale Mooncrest has suffered from a terminal infection of Diamond-studded cooties; she is perfectly alright with this.
I Thought I Was Toast · 121k words  ·  332  12 · 3.8k views

When Patrons Do The Impossible · 4:17am Jul 8th, 2021

Once upon a time, I set up my Patreon account, and started attaching links to it with each chapter I posted. I think I started that practice during The Gate, as well as the early access.

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Report computerneek · 217 views · #no tags here

Still Here · 7:14pm May 5th, 2019

Hey guys,

Darkfire here to let you know that I am here LOL! at any rate, I must apologize about the speed of which I am releasing chapters for my Fanfiction "Light of Harmony." I have a lot going through my life right now; what with a job (3 am mornings can leave you tired) and admittedly a loss of confidence chief among the issues. However, in the meantime, I have been reading professional novels in an effort to improve my writing prowess.

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The Good Dinosaur · 1:32am Dec 3rd, 2015

Was nothing I expected it to be.

Besides a bit of corniness at an otherwise emotional moment, this movie was excellent.

The biggest surprise? This story had a central theme: Fear.


DAMN TV!! IT'S TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! Why am I listening to Christmas songs...? · 9:48pm Nov 18th, 2016

So, back to the randomness on my page.... I'm listening to Christmas songs already!! The thing is, I don't know why I can listen to them year round, but get offended when TV commercials are showing Christmas shit before Thanksgiving comes. Where I live, stores had Christmas stuff up a month before Halloween!! Are kids that thirsty for toys they do even play with!? They'll play with them for about one week and bitch when their parents say, "Honey, it's time for breakfast!" or "Honey, time to go

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New Here · 12:49pm Mar 4th, 2016

Hey guys, and everybrony! My name is JaysLimelight, but you can call me jay. I have so many fanfic ideas for all to discuss!

for example, Dinky Doo being on the CMC and as the CMC got their marks, Dinky didnt get hers. Thus making her more jealous of them as each day passes to the point where she believes "If i don't deserve a cutie mark...NOPONY does!!" Yyyyeah kinda like a villain's path to darkness kind of thing.


Maybe I shouldn't complete the invasionish of Equestria? · 2:13am Feb 3rd, 2018

In case anyone gives a damn about this story, I got a revelation after a few years of denial. I'm sure that if done correctly, the invasionish of Equestria could've been a way better Fic if I was better at writing compressed stories back then, but what condition the story is in, it would have to be scraped. Don't worry if you're somehow a fan? (or congratulations for anyone who hates it) I could refit parts for smaller stories or sometimes stand on their own as shorts. It will never be

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New Training is Magic Chapter! And It's the Future! · 10:06pm Oct 21st, 2015

The new chapter is here: Chapter Three: Sweetie's Magical Day Happy Reading.

I'm off to go watch Back to the Future 2 in threatres! :pinkiehappy: ...Only without a Pepsi Perfect bottle... :raritydespair:


Arrival · 11:08pm May 28th, 2019

I have watched MLP:FiM for a while now, and only this year have I checked out this site. The authors here are inspiring, and while I don't have any plans to make a story currently, I do plan on reviewing stories.

Report SunflowerSwirl · 176 views · #why im here

Status: Still working on it · 1:12pm January 23rd

As many of you have been aware, I have not updated this fic in a while but rest assured it has not been abandoned. If anything Words of Advice from the Many Worlds of Twilight has been on my top priority as of this year to finally conclude it and make way for its sequel. So far however, I've been struggling with draft after draft to present it as perfectly as I could possibly manage. For that I apologize for the long delay for the next chapter.

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How do I put this... · 4:11pm Dec 30th, 2022

So uhh remember that I said I was gonna do Terminator? Well turn out after looking at my fucking toddler grammar I realized.

Damn I was unorganized.

Damn I wrote that?

Either way I had no planning with that better than the General destiny and tbh I enjoy reading that than the clusterfuck I made of a story.

But while it was fun it's time to close the book.

But really how it ends is simple..

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 548 results