
Viewing 21 - 40 of 139 results

Birds are the omen of nightmares! · 9:12pm Apr 18th, 2020

Today's blog needs a short backstory:

I have thalassophobia.

And some week ago, I had a nightmare where I was on a sinking ship, getting attacked by a kraken monster.
And when I woke up, I couldn't sleep again because a stupid bird kept twerping his stupid beak off (,stupid) !!!

Back to regular blog:

Today I woke up by another nightmare where I was catching some creepy spider octopus thing who kept trying drag me into the depths before I could put it in a cooler and popcicle it.

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Changing Tastes · 6:49am Sep 11th, 2018

Is it odd that I very much prefer stories back from before...I probably wanna say the ending of Season 3?

Everything felt far more varied and creative, whereas - to me, at least - it feels like every story nowadays is a rehash of something done five years ago in some vain attempt to capture the same feeling, and it just falls flat.

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Happy Back to the Future Day! · 1:08pm Oct 21st, 2015

That's what we're calling it right?

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Yo, Sunset, what am I working on tonight? · 12:50am Oct 13th, 2017


I'll get the extra absorbent towels then...

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Interludes · 4:09pm May 5th, 2016

I will try to publish the next chapter today sometime. The meat of it is done, but I want to get in a bit more polish and get last minute opinions on whether or not everyone is in character.

In terms of format, I cut this chapter short because it was already dragging on at about 10k words. There will be a followup interlude hopefully with a much shorter turnaround time than a full chapter to further flesh out some of the character stuff before the story proper continues.

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So yeah, I kinda need some help this month. · 10:27pm Nov 18th, 2020


Goodbye, for now · 1:06am Dec 7th, 2015

It's 7 PM. I'm in my hotel room. My family is gone, but I'll see them tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I pledge my life to my country and leave my old life behind. I'll be AWOL for about 10 weeks. My only hope regarding ponies is that this site still exists by the time I return.
Hopefully, when I return, I will be able to get my feet under me and start writing again. But, what can I say but, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

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Well this stinks.... · 10:50pm Feb 2nd, 2023

Anyways... -sigh- Apparently me, my dad, and my brother have tested positive for COVID-19. :/

Thankfully we don't have any of the symptoms for it (mainly I still have a cough to deal with while my brother has a sore throat.). So we have to deal with 5 days of quarantining at home and then 5 days to wear a mask (or face shield in our cases).

Then we should be back to normal by then.


Face Reveal... Thing... · 8:48pm Jan 4th, 2016

Since you guys told me to do a bunch of stuff... Including the majority of you picked a face reveal... It looks like I'm stuck doing that. Now, I'm warning you- I'm human Fluttershy. Camera-shy, in this case. So it isn't the best picture. Heh. Well, here you go:

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Things I Hate About Things I Love: My Best Friend · 1:14am Jul 22nd, 2015

This one is a bit more personal, and I don't expect everyone to have a similar relationship with their best friend. However, I believe that most people understand the difference between enemy hate and brotherly hate. This is mostly the latter.

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Quick Update: College Sucks! · 5:33am Aug 19th, 2015

Blog time, once again! This will just be a quick update to explain my new writing schedule just to show why my story updates will be very slow for a while. Basically, thanks to the school year starting, my college classes have put a lot of strain on and stolen a majority of the time I usually put into writing. During summer break, I was writing every day, for about six hours a day, and because of that, I was able to get out a new chapter every three days or so. My college classes take up almost

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I am completely re-writing the first chapter. · 6:53am Aug 16th, 2021

I really should have put the damn thing on hiatus, I haven't had any time to work on the stupid thing until now. but yeah as the title of the post reads I'm completely redoing the first chapter to add a bit more context as to what the hell is going on. I am really sorry, honest to God.


A Cold and an Idea · 2:46am Jun 19th, 2016

So, I just posted the latest chapter for Relationships are Evil. It actually took longer to finish than expected, as I came down with a cold. I blame my brother-in-law as my sister and her family came to visit earlier this week. Unfortunately, they visited my house as my mother is still staying with me for the time being. Little did anyone know, my bro-in-law had a cold and decided to "give" it to all of us.

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The Fanfiction Train Never Ends · 6:14am Nov 19th, 2018

(And there are like...five more things on this list if I scroll down.)

Gonna keep at it as long as my fingers still work though.

Stay classy.


Coronapony · 6:55pm Mar 10th, 2020

Soooo, anyone freaking out and running around madly like ants after somebody kicked in their anthill and then set it on fire?

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Should I Redo Case Eleven? · 1:53am Oct 13th, 2019

Hey all,

I've finally finished the final chapter of Case Eleven, and am planning on releasing it as soon as it's proofread just so I can get this case over with.

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Cartoons that I hate and why I hate them · 2:09pm Jun 3rd, 2020

The Amazing World of Gumball - The worst show in Cartoon Network, Gumball is stupid and douchey, Richard is the dumbest dumbass and a lazy slob. Everything about it is just despicable. Need I say more?

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends - Bloo is a troublemaker who makes things worse, Bendy gets away with things when it's obvious that he did something terrible and everyone witnessed.

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Oh Look, It's Thursday · 1:06pm Jul 9th, 2015


[Review] Metroid Prime: Hunters · 3:26am Mar 4th, 2017

You there!

Is your wallet burdened by the weight of money? Do you just walk around the city and heave a giant bag of cash everywhere because you have to buy a few groceries? Ever wanted to just waste it all? Well fear not! Introducing Metroid Prime: Hunters, the DS experience that is sure to have you saying: "By god, I wasted my money..."! For just a measly TEN FUCKING DOLLARS you can get the experience too! So get on the Wii-U E-Shop and purchase Metroid Prime: Hunters today!

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Things I hate about boomers · 9:19am Mar 3rd, 2020

1. They don't take responsibility when they did something wrong
2. They refuse to apologize for the mistakes they made
3. They don't admit their faults for hurting others
4. They pretend that these things never happened
5. They always use the "I'm old" excuse to get away with wrongdoings

The time to break this toxic cycle is now. Stop sweeping stuff under the rug and start acknowledging the fact that when you're wrong, you're wrong. Not only to boomers, but to people from all generations.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 139 results