
Viewing 361 - 380 of 388 results

C&C chapter 39 in prereads - no Foolin' · 3:21pm April 1st

Though I’ve been tempted in the past to do joke chapters of my more serious stories for April Fools Day, when it comes down to it, my writing talents simply don’t include effectively pulling off that kind of parody. In fact, the only author I ever knew who was good at that kind of humor was the long-gone and still-lamented Denim_Blue. I asked him once or twice if he could write an April Fools Day prank chapter of Firefly as a guest author of sorts, but he declined and then eventually

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Midnight Rising/C&C update: April showers may bring May flowers... · 4:02pm May 2nd

But of more interest is the emergence of 17-year cicadas in my area. Big, ugly, red-eyed insects that are the size of your thumb but basically harmless, as long as you can get past all the shed skins they leave behind on leaves and the everpresent and disconcertly loud background sound they produce as a mating call. Fortunately, the outbreak in my area seems pretty limited. There's a few around, definitely, but they're not everywhere, and the noise is basically a low hum instead of a constant,

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AMA: Sunset Rising · 6:53pm May 24th, 2019

To Serve In Hell is getting a sequel. Jump through the mirror for a chance to learn more.


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The trapper & the Trader + Rise up dead man Mashup · 2:07pm Mar 30th, 2022


Another new Firefly chapter out this week - teaser included · 1:47am Jun 6th, 2022

Every once in a while, your muse kicks in, and then you get on this writing roll and can’t stop. Today was a such a day, as I took my new Firefly chapter from 1600 words all the way to draft complete at 9300 words. So at this point, you can expect it to launch by midweek and probably be in the neighborhood of 10.5k words after all prereads are in and all my editing passes are complete. As this is the fifth of six promised chapters by summer, this also means there should be no issue with

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C&C release finished, Harmonic Resonance release on Thursday night · 3:37pm Aug 24th, 2022

First and foremost, I’d like to offer a warm welcome to all new Feathered Hearts readers following the Sunday’s release, which featured for several hours and resulted in a slew of new likes and tracks.

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The Big T... · 4:16pm Aug 10th, 2021

... is Testosterone. I think I’ve mentioned before that mine is chronically low, so every four months, I get a fresh infusion of it in the form of implanted pellets a couple inches to the left or right of my tailbone. It starts with a series of lidocaine injections to numb the area for the small incision it requires, meaning Fortrakt would faint to see it. :rainbowlaugh:

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C&C Part 34 launches tonight plus some personal news · 2:54pm Mar 29th, 2023

Prereads are in, and they’re favorable, with the chapter currently weighing in at 14.8k words. So I’ll be launching the chapter tonight after one more editing pass. And looking ahead, the next C&C chapter is at 7100 words and growing. It’ll probably be double that when all is said and done, at least for the M-rated version. Just as before, the T-rated version will be considerably less, but still have substantial content that shows the (figurative) climax of the Gilda vs Cipio battle, and set

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Wow...I · 12:45am Feb 22nd, 2017


Paul's Thursday Reviews CX · 9:04pm Mar 29th, 2018

A whole week of not writing. I daresay it was necessary. It was nice to be able to dive into gaming like I used to, but I know better than to let that sink its steely, pixelated hooks into my flesh for a second time, so I finally ended the little vacation yesterday. I won’t be seriously into writing again until next week due to a busy coming weekend; I just don’t see the point of trying to pick up steam when I know I’ll have to hit the breaks again. Still, I am writing again in general, so it’s

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2022 Writing Retrospective and 2023 schedule · 9:29pm Dec 30th, 2022

Well, here I am at the office, though all I’m really doing right now is holding down the fort. There’s nobody else here but a custodian right now, which is fine with me. A nice quiet building with no work to do gives me the chance to write with no distractions. Thus, I can now report that the next chapter of Feathered Hearts - Eros is draft complete except for its initial editing pass.

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What a month... now what to do? · 7:10pm Jan 7th, 2022

Well, folks... the past 30 days have been one of my post prolific periods of writing on a single story ever, excepting perhaps that massive push I had last Spring on writing Feathered Hearts - Eros. I did indeed release one Eros chapter for Christmas, but also, count ‘em, six Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles chapters, and the cherry on top of all of it was a new Harmonic Resonance chapter that seems to have been well-received.

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Yep, It's The Same Voice Actor · 5:18am May 18th, 2023


Eros in prereads; upcoming writing schedule + question for C&C readers · 3:55pm May 3rd, 2022

With Eros now scheduled for a Thursday night release, Harmonic Resonance is on deck, featuring Gilda’s favorite filly. And I believe after that, I’m going to grind out three straight chapters of Firefly to keep my promise of getting six out by summer, with possibly one chapter of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles thrown in the mix.

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The baddest heroes shall be judged · 4:45am Aug 4th, 2016

I guess I better go see Suicide Squad tomorrow so I can get a review of it up. I always did like the idea of horrible people being strongarmed into doing good.

Wade, fetch me my fedora! We have a movie to see.


Paul's Thursday Reviews VI · 2:39pm Sep 10th, 2015

As of this review post, we are into the big stories. I have a lot of review sessions coming up with stories going beyond 100,000 or even 200,000 words, and it's getting harder and harder to keep up as a result. I'm still several weeks ahead of schedule, but if I keep getting these big stories I may lose my lead. In summation, there may come a time within a month or two where I'm forced to only release reviews as the sets are completed, rather than weekly. Here's hoping that doesn't happen,

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Harmonic Resonance release complete, Firefly on deck · 3:11pm Apr 11th, 2022

There was, unfortunately, a concerted downvote attack on Harmonic Resonance yesterday not long after it was published, where I picked up three in the space of an hour. Shady as hell, but no point in reporting it given the mods almost never do anything about it. Annoying, but pointless since I’m not going to stop writing it and the commissioner seems happy. Readers of Midnight Rising are invited anew to check it out since it takes heavily after that story, both in terms of the

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General story update week of October 23, 2022 · 6:42pm Oct 23rd, 2022

To make a long story short, the new Midnight Rising chapter is draft complete, more Feathered Hearts M-rated chapter updates are on the way, I’m restarting work on Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night, and I’m already looking ahead to the next new chapter release of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles sometime in November, followed by one of Feathered Hearts - Eros late in the month.

But before I get into all that...

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Badfic Slaughterhouse #27 · 7:05pm Jun 8th, 2016

To the surprise of all, the doors of the Badfic Slaughterhouse have opened once again. Five stories await judgment. Which ones are worth reading, and which ones will be thrown into a grinder for your twisted amusement? Click the button below to find out.

In this edition:
—Rarity subverts expectations by not subverting expectations.
—Twilight adopts Sweetie Belle.
—A pegasus bursts into flames.
—A rabbit just bursts.
—I make up a new question for Cards Against Humanity.

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F/F/T3K15 11/23: I see a Friday and I want to paint it black... · 3:39am Nov 24th, 2018

Welp, we've seen all the "Ponymon" stories and caught 'em all. Professor Oak would be so proud of us.

This week's a day late because we didn't want to take Turkey Day away from you. However, that doesn't mean you're off the hook completely. The stars just aligned so perfectly for this story.

Viewing 361 - 380 of 388 results