
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

How The Friendship Games should have ended · 5:05pm Feb 28th, 2016

Despite the fact that it's been awhile since the movie, I decided that the ending of Friendship Games was somewhat unsatisfactory, in regards to how Principal Cinch was dealt with. I've decided to take that scene and change it. This is the result.

Cinch is not going to walk away in this story, not after a higher authority shows up unexpectedly. Want to know more? Read the story.

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For those even MORE curious (And many shoutouts!) · 12:56pm Aug 21st, 2015

I have been quietly working on a different aspect of the writing realm since I did that guest chapter a few months back.

I was approached awhile back by Firesight, to become a pre-reader for him. A task I am honestly enjoying here.

If you don't have a clue who he is, I would suggest checking out his stories:

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Turnabout Storm and RavenRegios · 2:06am Nov 4th, 2015

So, for those who don't know, I was somewhat involved in writing the last few chapters of the novelization of Turnabout Storm. This particular novelization, on the recommendation of the redoubtable Firesight, highly expanded on the material from the original videos by NeoArtimus, and was done with her permission. It's a very solid story, almost

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Reflections · 12:28am Oct 21st, 2019


In which son_of_heaven176 reveals something he likes most about the brony fandom.

Yes, the fact that this blog post is up means that there is no BronyCon Highlight for today.

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PFIV Chapters 1-4 Updated, Side Projects · 5:19am Dec 17th, 2015

So, after far too much dilly-dallying, I finally got my derriere in gear, hunted down my muse, and am in the process of refurbishing the earlier chapters of Pony Fantasy IV. This will lead into the next full chapter being released, hopefully by the end of the year, although I make no promises on that account.

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Done for the Year · 2:40am Dec 18th, 2020

I had a great year, I really did. Not personally nor as an American living through the pandemic in one of its worst-hit states but on Fimfiction I had an outstanding goddamn year. Two new stories featured, one won an award in a competition with over 100 contestants, and one featured on update. I met a new friend on and helped him fight a brief if sharp, drama war over some silly Aryanne clopfic I helped bring into the world. I said hello to the Brony Discord community and gained

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Hiatus has set in & a word on Firesight's ongoing story, Into The Storm · 12:57am Aug 23rd, 2019

I was hoping to get one more chapter of... something out before the World of Warcraft paralysis set in but the hype has finally won out and overtaken everything else. The game comes out next Monday and I'm going to be tied up with that for the foreseeable future. I've got gold to farm and Horde filth to slay while I wait for my auctions to buyout. It's going to be nice being rich in Classic WoW at a time in the game's history when most players were dirt poor. I'll be back just not sure

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The Last Chapter of "Dibs on My Sister" Has Been Edited · 2:40am Feb 21st, 2021

Before I talk about the edits, I have a couple of facts for you. This story peaked at number 1 featured story for a short period of time between 1 and 2 PM and 3 PM-4 PM US Central Time on 2/19/21. The second is that this story has accrued more upvotes than any other story I have posted since 15th September 2015. How long ago was that? Let me give you a list to help me explain:

- The United States president was Barack Hussein Obama. :twilightoops:

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Turnabout Clopfiction: The Miraculous Recovery of Social Distancing · 1:25pm Apr 24th, 2020

I wasn't there when The Scent of Prey featured back in 2014. I'd fallen asleep and woken up to an ocean of "you lucky bastard!" comments which were sadly deleted after an extensive edit back in early 2015 (the 2.0 edit with Firesight mentioned in the long description) saw the deletion of chapter six, Among The Stars. As people who've followed me for a while may know I have a complicated relationship with TSoP. I've come to accept that it featured despite its many, many flaws as a story and

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The Scent of Prey is Being Worked on + FoE:TAoO After-Action Report · 2:12am May 17th, 2019

Starting off with some good news: Fallout Equestria: The Angels of Oasis performed exactly as I'd hoped, briefly featuring and wracking up 48 likes over the course of a week. While this may not sound like much next to the RGRE powerhouses, TSoP, AGP, Movie Night, and FG, FoE stories have a habit of being roundly ignored and in fact 48 likes puts it in a two-way tie for 15th place out of the 157 stories currently sitting in the Fallout Equestria Group's

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New Story Draft Completed and Other News · 5:13am Dec 15th, 2015

It's true, I actually have been doing something over the last few months. Not much, given my lack of inspiration, but... something. The new story is going under the name of "Movie Night" and features Richard, AKA "Stuntman", and Roseluck enjoying a movie together.

Of course there's clop silly! :pinkiehappy:

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It's been awhile. What I've been up to and a promotion for Firesight's Best Story Ever. · 5:23am Sep 21st, 2017

I don't do too much these days on Fimfiction. I'm not gone or anything like that. Just not as active. Still watching all the new MLP when it comes out. Gotta say the second-half of the season has been much much better than the first. That episode with Applejack and her parents? That might be the finest episode of MLP to ever air. Seriously. Ever. :ajsmug: The latest episode, about Rarity's mane of all things, featured a magnificent tribute to the Flower Trio surpassing their appearance

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CX · 9:04pm Mar 29th, 2018

A whole week of not writing. I daresay it was necessary. It was nice to be able to dive into gaming like I used to, but I know better than to let that sink its steely, pixelated hooks into my flesh for a second time, so I finally ended the little vacation yesterday. I won’t be seriously into writing again until next week due to a busy coming weekend; I just don’t see the point of trying to pick up steam when I know I’ll have to hit the breaks again. Still, I am writing again in general, so it’s

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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results