Change of Eros plans... · 3:50pm Apr 25th, 2022
After working on the new Eros chapter for over a week but never finding it easy or enjoyable, I finally figured out why.
After working on the new Eros chapter for over a week but never finding it easy or enjoyable, I finally figured out why.
Get hyped for the first chapter of the Midway movie viewing, folks. If you need some help getting psyched, have some Sabaton:
Make that two chapters, since the total length of what I’ve written is 22.5k words, and likely to be closer to 25k when all is said and done. Yep, this chapter just kept growing and growing. In the end, that’s way too big for a single clop chapter, and I have a natural breakpoint in the middle. So it is officially getting broken up, but at least that means you’ll be getting two new chapters in fairly short order.
Hope you folks all had a good holiday, and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to new readers of Feathered Hearts - Eros! It didn’t feature—its like-to-dislike ratio isn’t really good enough for that at 6.5:1—but it still got a slew of new tracks and likes. I admit I was nervous about how the chapter would be received, given the subject matter isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Or in the case of the griffons, bowl of tea. But I was pleasantly surprised, and needless to say, I do not plan to let
That I caught the coof and didn’t even know it.
It’s weighing in at 7300 words of nearly nonstop human/griffon M-rated action. Nothing else to say, except get ready for a doozie of a chapter, folks. Speaking for myself, this might be my favorite chapter thus far!
Hey folks. Though it wasn’t my primary focus while trying to get the last main story chapter finished and published--I’m very pleased with how well it was received by the way; I actually had some trepidation over releasing it with some R-rated action--I’ve been working on Eros over the past several days as well. It’s now up to 5k words and will probably be in the neighborhood of 8k before all is said and done.
it will launch Monday night to allow for another editing pass and hopefully the final finished preread. Sorry for the delay, but I want to sleep on it and come back to it tomorrow before I pronounce it fit for reader consumption.
EDIT: Launched early Monday afternoon after final preread was in and another editing pass completed. Enjoy!
To make a long story short, we once again have an endlessly expanding chapter that’s already several thousand words bigger than I thought it would be. It’s now over 17k words, which means we’re reaching the territory where I have to consider breaking it up again. Regardless, I plan to finish it this weekend. I’m back to work on Monday but off on Tuesday for Independence Day, though I don’t know how much work will actually be done by anyone when you’re talking one working day between the weekend
There is a problem. What is the problem, you ask? This:
You’re looking at the comment list of Eros Chapter 16. It’s empty.
.......*that was the only sound that you could hear, you could hear the harsh wind moving about, but you couldn't feel it, you felt nothing, even the ground underneath your feet, when you finally opened up your eyes you expected blinding light forcing you to close them again, but that wasn't what you saw, in fact you didn't see anything, their was black everywhere you looked, it was suffocating, you started to walk around looking for something but after hours, or maybe minutes, of looking you
Sorry for the delay, but I ended up writing a whopping 3100 words of it that I didn’t use, though I hope to find a place for it in a future chapter. Unfortunately, as hot as I found it, it just didn’t fit at this point in the story. Ah well.
Target release date is Xmas day for the currently-6k word chapter. Be advised that this is heavily gay human/griffon action, though there’s certainly teasers for other types of action thrown in. No preview possible because there’s no part of this chapter that’s not M-rated. This is probably as close as I get to actual ‘drumfire’ clop, folks.
With myself fully charged on testosterone after receiving my pellet implants two weeks ago, and my masculinity thus being properly toxic again, I find myself with plenty of energy and ability to work on clopfics, Eros not the least of them. After last week’s release of a double-length chapter went so well, I thought I’d give folks some sense of where I was going to be heading with it and what was planned for the future, as well as ask what readers might like to see.
The next entry of Eros is finally nearing completion, as I intend to finish the chapter draft tonight and submit it to prereaders. It contains the start of our favorite group’s viewing of Midway, and I did make sure to include some screen captures of the movie with it.
Though the latest two are a bit of a cheat as I realized it would be better to break up a couple earlier chapters. In one case, I did it to bookend it around an important and very adult three-chapter arc regarding our surprise first human/griffon pairing. That involved fleshing out the broken-off chapter a bit more, as I'm trying to keep individual chapters to no more than around 5k-6k words. I then also decided to break up an early chapter that was well over 8000 words, putting some
Titled The Ties that Bind and weighing in at a healthy 12.2k words, it will be the final original chapter of this sequence and transition back to the original story. Prereads thus far have been very favorable, and judging by the sheer number of google doc comments from my reviewers, it should spark a lot of thought and (hopefully) good commentary among readers as well.
When I started getting sick on Monday and one of those home COVID rapid antigen tests came back positive. But the symptoms didn’t match, as even though I was shortly running a temperature, I had no trouble breathing, my coughing was productive, and I kept my sense of smell. Instead, I was chilled and achy with a yo-yoing fever.
And now I see a lot better some of what DEL was getting at with certain references and even parts of the storyline.
Well, I've been a busy boi. In the past week, I have written a whopping 16,000 words on both the main and side story, though mostly the side story. I've worked on two chapters for that, with a brand new one completed at 11k words. Though at that length, there's a good chance I'm going to break it in two, and then turn what it describes into a three-chapter arc. That would give me no less than five finished side story chapters, and put us on track for a Memorial Day weekend (late May) publish