
Viewing 241 - 260 of 333 results

Did you know stories are hard, dood? · 10:57pm Jun 13th, 2015

I have hit that road again, even though I was probably going at a snail's pace, I hit it like I was on a scooter... the dreaded Writer's block, dood.

So... for the next five chapters of Twilight's Misadventures... it's gonna focus on bullshit friendship episode problems that TWILIGHT has to solve to become an Alicorn, so a chapter dedicated to each of the Mane5, dood.

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Sorta broken block... · 7:42pm Jan 26th, 2016

Well... I did get some writing done, but not as much as I would've liked... Certainly not enough to finish any of the chapters I have in progress... I've gotten rather horribly distracted by cross-stitch and helping the rest of the Troll Squad with their writings. :twilightsheepish:

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A Blocky Blog · 6:09pm Jan 24th, 2017

So, with the conclusion of my The Division Crossover, I figured a new one should take its place.

So, I present to you...a crossover with one of the best cross-platform sandbox games ever....


A crossover with Terraria came to me today, and as it (Alongside Minecraft) are my favorite sandbox games ever, I decided "Why not?" and decided to write one. It's going to be EPIC!

Yeah, get psyched.

It's coming very soon...


Silence · 5:43pm Jun 26th, 2018

Yeah, sorry, guys. I've been quiet for the last few weeks. I've been trying to write but everything that I've done so far is complete crap. I've had three false starts on Stealing Las Pegasus, which is making me think that it may not be time to write that story yet. I'm gonna kick a few things around over the next few days and see if anything clicks.

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O Where O Where Has My SciFiPony Gone? · 4:51am Jul 1st, 2016

It has been over two weeks since I cracked a 100 followers. Woohoo! I have to say it: "Thank you. Thank you, everypony!"

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Here we go again. · 3:24am Feb 6th, 2021

You know, I'm really starting to think that February is just a bad month for me.

Last year I decided to take a break because my writing spirit was out of whack (then again it was 2020 so who could blame me.) And now...


I'm sorry, guys. I know many of you are waiting on the next chapters of Kingdom Hearts and Spider-Girl, but for some reason I just can't come up with anything for them at the moment. I'm stuck.

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Ever Have One of Those Days? · 6:47am Jul 1st, 2021

I am. Every day. I get on my computer, see the open text documents, go "I need to write something today," and basically Nope on it.

I'm sure that there's at least a few of you who's done that.

I'm stuck on writing. There are too many things I want to write, on top of myself suddenly jumping off into the deep end of the Ace Attorney fics and franchise. Now I wanna write two, maybe three, stories with that as a crossover.

Of course only one of them's going to be readable here.

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Well, that didn't work · 9:20am Nov 16th, 2019

Okay, I tried to sit down and get started on the finish for Princess ♥ Princess - before I realize I had completely forgotten what direction I was going back in May. My notes were only marginally helpful (since I hadn't thought about this one at all since then, unlike the fics I'll get started on once it's done or whatever).

I think I'll take this weekend to try and get it done - but if I can't, I'll just put it on hiatus so I can focus on what I truly want to write.

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The Cupboard is Bare... · 4:59am Nov 6th, 2015

By which, I mean that I'm out of buffer, and I don't have chapter 6 for CtW OR chapter 5 for TtS written... TtS is a full-on block right now, but I'm making SOME headway on CtW, so I'll likely break my pattern and update with chapter 6 next... Just as soon as I can coerce my muses into helping me... :ajbemused:

I'll post again when it looks like I can resume regular updates...


CMC Magicians Writer's Block · 10:14pm Jun 13th, 2015

What's that old saying? "Drama is easy; comedy is hard?" Looking at my update schedule for TFSD versus CMCM, yup, seems about write. Procrastination, ho!


Writing Progress... Or lack of same... · 4:23am Mar 23rd, 2016

So... The last few days, I've gotten a fair chunk written for both CtW and TtS... Syl helped extensively with TtS07, and Jim's been helping me a lot with CtW07. TtS07 is almost finished, I'm just missing the last scene. As for CtW07, it's probably around half-finished, but I've hit another block on it... This seems to be the trend when I'm able to get a lot done... Once I get a significant portion done, I run out of juice and can't even squeeze out another full sentence.


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Something. · 9:26am May 12th, 2016

I guess this is just something for me to vent through. Today/Tonight's topic/theme (what have you) is romance. Pure, gentle and genuine romance.

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Guess who's back! · 5:38am Sep 6th, 2017

Wow, I've been wildly inactive! My last blog post was on my favorite celebrity's birthday for Celestia's sake. I apologize for being away so long, snowflakes. I've just had a lot on my mind.

So, first things first, I'm going to do my review of Goodbye and Hello by JetStorm. I've neglected that and it's not fair to anyone that I've done so. So, it's going to be the first thing I do once classes are finished tomorrow.

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Story update: My Idiot · 9:55pm Dec 15th, 2015

I know...

An update on this story is long over-due.
As a black belt in procrastination, I have a perfectly true but weak excuse, that really isn’t any excuse at all.
I was doing other stuff and haven't been writing much.

With the holidays approaching, I should be able to milk a few more chapters out before the new semester begins, so that should hopefully make-up for lost time.

But I also thought I'd use this time to try something new.

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Well, hiatus (and writer's block) · 5:14am Dec 4th, 2016

Well, it's been a while. I've been playing pokemon Sun as of late, pretty much absorbed into it, and well, I've been having trouble writing for the past few months long before it. I'm not sure what to write. I've had an idea, for... two years now, but I feel I can't do it well, and when I sit down I'm going blank. Maybe I just need someone to sit down with me and slap some sense into me and help me get started again. I don't know, I'm having trouble at this moment making things work.

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MINECon is in the Guiness Book of World Records! (Plus the video from the convention!) · 2:29pm Aug 7th, 2015

MINECon now holds the world record for the largest convention ever held for a single - A. SIN. GLE - video game ever.

I congratulate the people of MINECon and the creators of MineCraft for this success. I play MineCraft quite a bit on my Xbox, and it's no freaking surprise really how Mojang have won the award. I love this game so much. It just lets me express my inner creativity really well, and I'm shaking with excitement for the hopeful eventual release of Command Blocks for the game!

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There's been a Lull. · 2:22pm Feb 18th, 2017

As you can tell, I'm not pumping out chapters at my usual pace, but they are still coming. They're just slower. Work and a social life leave me with less than adequate time to get more than a thousand or so words a day, and I've had quite the bout of writer's block. Fuck dat bullshit tho and listen to this. I found it very fitting for a good bit of Max's life so far.


Writing Out Chapters · 7:34am May 1st, 2017

As you may know I managed to write another chapter of Harmony and Chaos. The few of you who know that are probably like...

'Finally that Quartz Scale got off his lazy flank and got another chapter out. Yeah he made that Kingdom Hearts crossover but neglected his other story.

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Prioritized my Story Page! · 10:54pm Dec 15th, 2015

So, I finally did something beneficial to my hobby as a writer. For the past few years, I've been stuck, unable to simply continue. Long story short, I wrote several hundred stories well into about 4-10k words, and then lost interest.

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TED Talk for Authors · 9:49pm Nov 13th, 2021

A talented self-deprecating author asked me if he had the talent to do the hard thing. This “speech” is what bled out of me. It applies to all authors and artists. It tackles writer’s block and everything that gets in the way of our art.

Civilization, society, and inculturation create a censor in... our... head.

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 333 results