
Viewing 201 - 220 of 702 results

And it's Ready to Go · 4:08am Aug 22nd, 2018

The RPG project I was working on is ready for playtesting, the tabletop version anyway. Drop me a line if you’re interested in being part of the playtesting.

I also created a Discord for the playtesting, click here to go to it


Non-MLP Projects · 8:36pm Jun 24th, 2021

So, I've been sort of working on a few story projects that are originally my own, several of which are something that would be considered clop if they were MLP projects. The Clop-esque stories I've been working on over on a website called Chyoa, it's a website that caters to Mature-rated stories, but they still have some rules that everyone should follow, and the site has a structure similar to Choose-Your-Own-Adventure type stories for all the stories on the site, readers of a story can even

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Big Update Post - Grab some snacks and drinks, m8s. · 4:59am Aug 25th, 2021

Hello. Hello. Hello to you all. How are you doing amidst this ever dizzying chain of events rattling the world like a cocktail shaker? Me, I'm doing okay for the most part. Again, I do apologize for the lack of any and all communication on... pretty much everything. I rarely talk publicly as, well... I'm a nervous wreck and would choke up at times when trying to sync thoughts to words. Bit by bit, I'm climbing out of that but at the snail's pace of going all along a proverbial watchtower. I

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YOU can help write the story! · 4:41am Jun 30th, 2020

Finally! Sorry for the wait, should get better as I write more.

Now, why do I do this? Am I lazy? Do I not have my own ideas? Well, I am lazy, but I do have enought ideas on my own. Heck, I have another 5 storys in the making, so...
No, the answer is that I simply want to know what you all think would be interesting, and what you think would fit into the situations I´m putting the characters through.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 4 · 4:43pm Oct 26th, 2018

Let's go for chapter 4 and as an introduction to this one, I'd like to mention that Project Horizons is definitely more fun to read than FO:E, mainly because the heroes aren't self-righteous assholes crying each time they see a scraped pony somewhere. It's refreshing to see something written in a most correct fashion. However, this chapter like the others have some good and... some bad too. Some things are worrying and some are encouraging to say things plainly.

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I'm gonna be part of the Pony ASMR Project! Also, other things. · 12:32am May 20th, 2022

The Pony ASMR Project put out a call for writers to apply a little while ago.

Guess who applied?
And guess who got a callback?
And guess who passed the audition piece they asked me to write?
And guess who got hired?


Not gonna lie, it feels pretty darn good to get picked for a job.
And it's writing! Sure, it's just to write one script, for now, but it's kinda nice to have a writing project again, and I'm having fun with it.

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Next Week... · 6:54am Oct 14th, 2022

Dunno when, but I'm going to start posting stuff next week. Don't know how much stuff I will post, but something is going up. I've been on a roll with my art, and I've been trying to get more and more writing done on top of that. Maybe it's because I've be re-immersing myself into more and more music, or I'm finally getting out of this weird funk I've been having for a couple years. Whatever it is, it's effective.

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Present Perfect vs. Project Horizons, Book 4 · 6:50pm Apr 10th, 2017


Calling all crossover writers! · 12:16am Sep 28th, 2018

If any of you are familiar with the story Triptych, you may have heard that its writer, Estee, has gotten into some family trouble recently. Estee has blogged about

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Being a Better Writer: Commitment · 11:40pm Jun 24th, 2019

Hello readers! Welcome back to another Monday installment of Being a Better Writer! A late one, I know. Sorry about that. Late morning.

So, really quick, before we get down to the business of today’s post, the news! And I can sum it up very simply.

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My Project: One Year in Equestria Audio Drama Series -- Writer's Call · 9:13pm Feb 1st, 2020

Hello, everyone! I am currently looking for some help with a project writers' room for my series of fanfics/projects, under the working title of "One Year in Equestria." It follows the adventures of the main gang in Ponyville after Twilight leaves to go rule in Canterlot in S9. This series serves as a bridge between "The Ending of The End" and the final scenes of "The Last Problem", and helps to fill in some of the continuity (Rainbow Dash becoming the leader of the Wonderbolts, Granny Smith's

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10 Mods That Turn Project Zomboid Into A HORROR Game · 4:54am Feb 12th, 2022


Updated A Slave's Freedom + Funny Project is Killing Me! · 4:01pm Oct 8th, 2015

If you haven't checked out that chapter, go read it. It's fu--very disturbing. O_o

Now you're probably wondering why I just dashed that swear word. Well, for school, I'm taking on a self-change behavior project that (over a six week period) I must change the behavior I picked to a goal that I have to set.

Guess what I picked?


I'm already doing my first day of baseline, and I've already sworn 26 times in four hours.

I so need an intervention...



The Dreams of a Yawning Graduate · 12:48pm May 14th, 2016

Hey Eagles! I haven't done one of these type of blogs in a while. With "Raise You Like a Phoenix" and trying to wrap that up and finals, and graduation and all that stuff. Well, here's some inspired projects that may or may not become a story. I'm still writing some of my older stories and most of these won't come out in forever. So let's get in it!

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Bi-Monthly Update (April 2018)! · 6:06am Apr 2nd, 2018

Hi everypony! I wanted to wait until after April Fool's mischief across the internet was done with before I posted a little update on what I'm up to. The semester is in its last months, so I'll have a lot of school writing to do; however, that doesn't mean I won't be uploading anything in April!

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Two new stories. · 12:26am Aug 3rd, 2017

Just a quick update.

One new story is (again) a Spiral Knights crossover. With a twist. It's set in the Crystal War timeline. And th other will be replacing Anon-A-Miss-Datastream. I'm sorry, but I really have burnt out all of my inspiration for it. This new one is EQG, but much better.

I present to you...


A mega-crossover where various fictional characters will be teaching subjects related to their skills at Canterlot high.

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Fallout: Equestria Project Progress Report · 7:23pm Jun 19th, 2015

I am finally making major headway with the Zebra lore, background and everything else. But this requires me to write out 4 different time periods of technological, political and economic development for 12 individual tribes in something as convoluted as game of thrones in its complexity.

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Present Perfect vs. Project Horizons, book 3 · 1:10pm May 20th, 2016


Shifting Gears · 9:14pm Nov 7th, 2019

So, I’ve had a lot of people ask me the same question over the last few weeks, especially as work on Jungle wound down and slowed. Sometimes their wording is a bit different, sometimes it’s the same. But all of it boils down to one simple concept: Now what?

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Idle Editing and an Announcement. · 12:18am Jun 4th, 2020

Lately, I've been going back and running a few edits over Dead by Sunset. Returning to it now I can't help but cringe a little bit at how bad my writing was when I was writing it.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 702 results