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The Logbook · 9:27pm Jun 16th, 2017

Day blueberry, I haven't seen a drop of smut for ages and wonder if the succulent fluids will ever gush forth and inseminate our dry folds once more. There has been talk of smut storms over at Eka's portal and Furaffinity, but there aren't any links that go there, how am I supposed to find it?
I suppose I will just hold out hope, one day the filth with rain once more, one day.

Wait... Is that a dear?


New story update · 1:28am Jan 1st, 2016

So some of you are probably wondering where the next story is (well, probably not, but work with me here). The reason it's taking a long time is because it's a bigger story: multi-chapters, each about 4,000 to 5,000 words each.
When will they be done? Well, I've already written two of them and the third one's about half done.
Where are they? That's a little harder to explain.

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New Collab Story With Skijarama! Little Changes! · 11:06pm Oct 28th, 2019

Hey all!

Just to let you know, there's a new collaborative story crossover between my Change series and the Little Flashes series by my good buddy Skijarama AKA Tone Shift. Some of you might recall a couple of joke crossovers of these two series in the Idiocyverse, but we decided we wanted to do an actual serious attempt of these two universes colliding.

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FlutterDash update, and yeah...stuff · 9:37pm Feb 9th, 2016

Chapter 4 is out. Next chapter is being polished and goes up Sunday. Currently wrestling with Chapter 6. Still need to write a new Chapter 7. Busy, busy, busy. It's so nice to have something to stimulate my bored housewife brain.

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New Story · 9:28pm Apr 21st, 2016

I was extremely depressed and wrote a one-shot thing. Now I feel less depressed.

Read it?


Changeling July · 11:51pm Jul 6th, 2018

July, what a wondrous month, so similar to June, with barely anything to mark they difference in the slew of summer and delight of free weeks spent with those cherished.

Such a deceptive time of year. The prime time for the hive of impersonation critters to spread their influence over the land.

In July, we have an event going on focused on change and trickery, going along with that is a series about changelings, with a story uploaded every week in July.

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A Secret Between Us Girls · 1:38am Aug 26th, 2018

Ey what up
So, for all those who have enjoyed Opening Up
Hears the heads up
I'm currently planning on just one more chapter
You can expect that next week
That's not what I'm posting next
Here within a few days expect a New Story about Twilight Sparkle x Gloriosa Daisy
Working title: A secret Between Us Girls
Here's a Preview–


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A Year to Spread and Expand · 11:24pm Jan 4th, 2019

Thus we rise once more, stand to the sound of the becoking call of the unknown we cannot but fear and revear equally, the fuel which propells us into vast stretches of never before experienced moments. The roads trails ever forwards, and who are we to deny its lustre?

Happy new year everyone, and I wish you a Fantastic Filthy Friday~.


Random Ramblings XXXI - One Year · 1:47am Jan 21st, 2016

Today, it has been exactly one year – 365 days – since I submitted my first story to this site. That story is of course Ponyville Holds An Election.

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Launching Patreon · 9:34pm Sep 7th, 2018

Today, I am launching my patreon, with methods added to earn commissions overtime and look behind the scene.
you can find it if you write /septia after the Patreon web address.
Be aware, it will contain naughty contents in the future.

Give it a glance when you have a chance.

But for now, have a wondrous week and a Festive Filthy Friday~.


New Story - Hymn For The Blind · 1:56am Nov 9th, 2020

[Adult story embed hidden]

I worked really hard on part one of this story, and I'd love it if you guys could give it a read. It would mean the world to me. I can't promise quick uploads, but I can promise quality on this one.

It's projected to have two more parts.


Marching Affection · 12:39am Mar 2nd, 2019

Rainfall reaches far, stretching beyond one person, one understanding, one experience. It cannot be taken and contained, not shaped and crafted to give a whole of its event experienced through a single pair of eyes. Who is to say what pespective, time, or length a rainfall truly is? When it is all a collective of numerous opinions, of subjective experiences.

Have a Fantastic Filthy Friday, and a Wonderful Week~.


Broad light · 2:25am May 1st, 2021

How deep does the worm burrow? Far enough to escape the light, far enough to escape the dry, far enough to be safe from the surface. Striaghtforwad, it seems. Yet why is the answer so clear, how do we know?
For the worm in the light shrivells, the word in torrid earth withers, the worm on the surface gets caught. Thus, they are no longer worms.
Thus we know, what the worm is.
Except, for those who dig far enough, those distant to our sight.

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A few steps from the past · 12:39am Feb 9th, 2019

Steps merge into one as we journey, one to the next, so that there is no longer any one, and the steps taken are long gone. There is just the next, for life does not slow down, and each action is in preparation to a future event.

Wishing you all a Fantastic Filthy Friday.


A wave to crash Against · 10:05pm May 7th, 2021

A rush of adrenaline gets a human being through a lot more than they would expect. Limitations broken, and new horizons located in those brief glimpses of time. To reach beyond the possible.
Of course, such acts carry a price, an overdose of the impossible sends shock waves through the material, and can leave ones strong bones brittle, and wills reduced to rubble. There is a price to reach the impossible, but how far we need to reach, lessens gradually.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~


New Story: "Getting drunk and contemplating life" edition! · 3:25am Sep 8th, 2019

Hello friends! It's been simply ages since I've posted a story (though I have a million billion ((approximately)) works in progress atm, many of them near completion. At least, in my head.) So I thought I'd post a story. Merry birthyear, and all that jazz.

EMagic, Maretinis, and the Meaning of Life
Twilight finds that it's easiest to work through what's bothering her while she's working through her third maretini. Pinkie is there too.
Silent Whisper · 1.4k words  ·  44  3 · 700 views

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A Word of Warning · 1:25am Nov 21st, 2020

Wash your hands for 30 seconds.

Sleep is dangerous. It is a threat to creativity and progress. We bow to it for our biology deems it so, and yet moments of grand inspiration and energy to work comes just during the small hours of the night where our body urges us to rest. Why this torment, why this torture? Why must we be besieged by the horrors of sleep?

Or. Mayhaps it is an illusion, of our own grandeur.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


The Future of Aincrad - Special Announcement! · 1:54am Feb 12th, 2021

Next week’s Episode is titled “Last Attack Bonus.” Enough said. I have a much bigger and more important announcement that I am sure you all will want to read. Bear with me, this will get a bit long, but it is important to set things up properly for the announcement.

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A Trade of Plans · 9:24pm May 28th, 2021

Trade up. A progression of profit for oneself and the craft one partakes in, experience is gained for the craft, whilst nothing visible is given.
To trade up is an exchange of good, whereby the goods you offer provides you with a benefit, as what you gain has a higher worth attached to it. Yet, two objects are merely that, the benefit is the implied, unseen force weighing down the scale.

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1 year anniversary over at Eka's. · 10:21pm May 19th, 2017

Over on Eka's portal, I have been posting stories for a whole year. 52 weeks, 52 uploads. So that is most of what I want to have said this weeks.

New pony projects will come as well~.

Wishing all you lewd ponies a happy new year of filthy fun~.

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