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Hey all. I just finished the saddest story ever, it was the book "Marley and Me". i'm in tears right now, and i was wandering what other peoples saddest story was. please tell so i know i'm not alone.:fluttercry:

2123735 I can't remember the exact name but it has to do with Pinkamina. There's also a very heartbreaking story about Pinkie's past which I believe is called "Not Worthy." Her parents don't even have the guts to tell her they hate her and just dump her off at an orphange. It's a mircale if their daughter doesn't hate them for it. :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by Ebony Gryphon deleted Nov 9th, 2013

2123735 I saw the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale, which was based on a true story. Now, I don't usually cry during movies, but this one... this fuckin' movie...

I was this for the whole thing.

Sisters: Chasing Happier Times. It's a fic on this site, don't remember who wrote it though.

2123735 Oh, I thought you meant my life.

2123735 Any story were Spike or Rarity dies always leaves me in tears. :fluttercry:

Non pony related, the anime, Angel Beats, has made me cry worse then the new guy in prison.

Private Peaceful is the only book who's ending made me cry.

I cried pretty hard to All Quiet on the Western Front, particularly this passage:

But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony--Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?


2123735 When I was in 4th grade I read a book called Jason's Gold, and it was heart-wrenching.
Then as I got older I got into the redwall series, and the book from that series called Pearls of Lutra was straight up tearjerking.
Then I played Final Fantasy 10, and that was also extremely sad.
When I was really young though, Land Before Time always made me cry, lol

2123735 The ending to Wolf's Rain.

Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got his Gun. A strange mix of heart wrenching and bone chilling.

Johnny Got His Gun. If I only had two words to describe that book it would be "Terrifying" And "soul crushing"


Didn't cry for Marley, Old Yeller, or even Hooch.

There was a story I read once about a kid who entered a dogsled race to win $500 to "save the family farm," and his old dog's heart gives out about 50 feet from the finish line. The Native American guy about to win the race stops and gives every other race participant this death glare, forcing them to stop as well while the boy picks up his dog's body and crosses the finish line ahead of them all to win.

I think that was how it happened, anyway. That one gave me feels.

I think I know what you're talking about. I don't remember the title, but I do remember that the Native American guy threatens to shoot anyone who crosses the finish line.

The last time I remember crying over something fictional was Puff the Magic Dragon... What I was like six and to this day I refuse to listen to it I don't want to feel that bad again.


When I realized I was out of brownies. :fluttershyouch: That was a very sad end to an adventurous week. :fluttershbad:


I hear you there. That song bothered me for the longest time as well. Peter, Paul and Mary was one of the first concerts I ever went to.

Another sad story is the real fox and the hound. And I'm not talking about that crap that Disney put forth.

2123735 Tyrion Lannister's wedding night.:fluttercry::raritycry:


Simply Rarity

Also, when I realized the song "Travel is Dangerous" by Mogwai is about the K-141 Kursk, I started crying like a little bitch... :raritycry:

2123964That was Stone Fox as I recall from fourth grade, I believe.

For me, Background Pony... Three times I have read that masterpeice.

I'd like to say that Mother 3 had the saddest story for me imo. The Land Before Time, Bambi and Lion King are also up there. They all had one thing in common that always jerks tears out of me: Children witnessing the deaths of their parents in ways they shouldn't and reacting to it. Not only is the concept of death hard for them to understand, but children hold their parents in such high regard and think that they are practically immortal. It is VERY heartbreaking to see someone you hold in such a high regard (especially your own parents) die in front of your eyes. It robs the child of that innocence, and the child would become a class 1 woobie because of it.

'Momma Fluttershy' it's sad for its demented humor, too demented for me, the Prince of blood, I laugh at IRL pictures of open fractures! But that story is to demented for my twisted heart, and it was also a sad waste of time. Read it and weapons at the twenty minutes you waste, as your keyboard seeps into your sick.



Not only is the concept of death hard for them to understand, but children hold their parents in such high regard and think that they are practically immortal. It is VERY heartbreaking to see someone you hold in such a high regard (especially your own parents) die in front of your eyes. It robs the child of that innocence, and the child would become a class 1 woobie because of it.

Or conversely, it could create Batman.

Speaking of, does anyone else feel sad reading The Killing Joke or A Death in the Family?

I couldn't wake you, because you can never wake up again... (long title is long...)

2123735 Hello, Sedna

That's a depressing one.

34 comments and no idiot put MLD?
It is a christmas miracle!

Comment posted by BasicBrony deleted Nov 10th, 2013
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