SunLight Sliders 90 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 47 )
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Amber Spark
Group Admin


Contributor Signup Thread!

Interesting in joining this epic universe-spanning adventure? Then add your name to the thread below!

Contributor Requirements:

  • Authors must have at least one story published on FimFiction.
  • Comic artists are exempt from this rule, of course.
  • If an author does not have one published story, they may private message a moderator with a link to a Google Doc with a sample of their writing.
  • Admin Team reserve the right to decline anyone's request to contribute to SunLight Sliders II.

Please note that authors will be vetted before they're accepted into this year's SunLight Sliders!

Current Contributor List:
Undergoing Vetting!

I missed the first one. I have no intention of repeating that mistake.

I guess I'll throw my hat in this time. Last year's one seemed fun.

January is going to be very hectic for me though - can we specify times when we'd be free?

Hello I am definitely not a stupid OC. Might I partake in your canon character shenanigans?

This moustache is very real and very not original at all. Super canon. :moustache:


Ill give it a try.

I shall join in this wild ride again.

Amber Spark
Group Admin

Seeing that with your avatar is kinda terrifying.

Oki. Doki. Loki.

When I put out the list, we'll adjust as needed!

You are actually one of the reasons I blasted out the initial announcement so wide. If you weren't the first to respond, I would have send you a PM. Don't worry, I didn't forget! :twilightblush:

Hello, fellow humans, is it possible that I could contribute?



6223992 I guess I'm just blocking up comments, but I wish you guys and gals good luck! While it'd be fun to try and contribute, I don't believe in my abilities to produce a story or even sample to prove my skills with in two weeks. And while that no doubt may seem long, it's still a bit of a struggle for me. Who knows though? — maybe I'll actually do something.

At the moment, however: I can't wait for this masterpiece to be published! Just looking at the writers, I know it'll be one heck of a ride.

Amber Spark
Group Admin

Awww. That's too bad, but I totally understand. All I ask is that you drop the occasional comment on various chapters as the story comes out! :duck:

Well, sign me up. I'll do my absolute best. :twilightblush:

6223992 The World's Strongest Writer is in!

Of course I‘ll be back again for a second round! Then all the new ones will have to call me senpai! (That‘s how this works, right?)

Maybe just try to avoid giving me the first week of Jan and the middle of Feb.

As requested, please consider this my desire to sign up!

6223992 I sadly missed the first one, but I had a great time reading through it! I'd love to try and be a part this time.

I'm interested in writing a chapter for this: It would be nice to write some alternate-dimension, sci-fi nonsense to intersperse with the time-travel, sci-fi nonsense I've otherwise sorta committed myself to writing for another ten or twelve weeks.

I've even previously used (but I won't try to plug a story here) Sunset / Sci-Twi as side characters if you want a reference for how I might write them. :derpyderp2:

Sign me up, friends.

I'm in. I read the first one and loved it! One of my all time favorites. So, as I would always say IRL. COUNT. ME. IN.

I read the first one and loved it! I'd be honored if I could participate in round 2.

You know I'm in. :pinkiehappy:

I can try to do that. Gives me something to do maybe?

I'm joining, if that's alright. I've been waiting for this.

I'll give this a go!

I am totally down to get in on this if there's still room. o-o I loved the first one and had no idea there was going to be another!

Hi, I'm posh.

Put my name on the list or I'll vomit seaweed fluids into your nose.

I'd like to join! I plan on having both writing and art. You can find my art here:

I thoroughly enjoyed the first and have no intention of missing out on this one. Sign me up!

Ooo, I'm interested. Sign me up!

I am 120% in! :pinkiehappy: And I'm already cooking up ideas...

Count me in, though I make no promises that I’ll be brief.

Amber Spark
Group Admin

2K hard cap! You're promising by joining! (Hey, if Aragon, MrNumbers and Oroboro can do it, so can you! :pinkiehappy:)

Yo, I was in the first one, y'all ain't continuing without me. Sign me up, in the name of the Emperor.

EDIT: 6225067 Oooooh! Now I'm really excited!

I was about to sign up, then saw my name was already on the list!

Just doing sign ups and I'm already excited. :pinkiehappy:

Here and ready to go!

Might as well give it a try. Count me in!

I'd like to give this a go. It's been a while since I've done a contribution to a group story, so it'd be fun to do it again. Sign me up, please!

No thanks, I have to work on my editing skills first, but I look forward to reading your work and nothing more.
I think that I should remain a silent observer for more reasons than just one.
But still, it's amazing to see this project return again, a sequel to one of the best stories ever put together by such a large group and amount/number of people. Good luck to this new team. I can't wait to see what you come up with. That is all.

Good luck Friend, may Balto guide your journey/writing. Or whatever you believe in.
Remind me to read your stories so I can judge how well I think that you might do please.
I have no doubt in my mind that your parts of the story won't be wonderful as I do expect great things out of you two.
Remind me to read your stories sometime too.
I like your avatar, I think that and the name is why I follow you.
*sighs* More stories to read, so many stories, so little time, you know the drill by now, remind me to read your stories.
*dies from cuteness overload from your pony avatar*
Stop giving me cuteness overload! I'm going to die of diabetes if I'm not careful! (no offense meant to those with diabetes).
Nice to see your face again.
Ally! *hugs you* How have you been? I can't wait to read your part of the story!
Gosh, how many stories am I going to have to read? Not that I'm complaining or anything. Also, nice good strong name that you have.
Okay, YOU are the best pony for that joke alone, pure genius and brilliance. I laughed so hard, thanks for making me smile.
*keeps adding more stories to my invisible bookshelf*
The shelves seem to be getting higher and my to-do list longer with every author that joins the project here.
I like your name too, mind telling me one thing you're not a fan of? Maybe you're not a fan of fans, eh? EH? *waits for laughter, hears none, hears cricket noise as no one laughs at my pun*
I'll just go and shoot myself and leave now...
Well, that's not a very POSH thing to do.
*once again hears no laughter from the crowd*
Seriously? NO ONE?! come on! It's just a pun!
*gets chased by an angry mob of commenters*
(I hope my humor is good enough to not be offensive to this crowd, I mean I hardly take myself seriously half the time, more or less, people overreact to the slightest thing like...
For one dramatic ACRacebest example)

I was too intimidated to try the first time, but I definitely want to give it a shot this time around.

You know what? Sure. Let's do this.

Amber Spark
Group Admin

6224974, 6224975, 6224986, 6224998, 6225008, 6225015, 6225027, 6225035, 6225059, 6225067, 6225079, 6225084, 6225091, 6225107, 6225111, 6225112, 6225119, 6225124, 6225131, 6225145, 6225164, 6225185, 6225207, 6225255, 6225272, 6225542, 6225546, 6225699, 6225720, 6225730, 6225829, 6225854, 6225854, 6226063, 6226375, 6226375, 6226586, 6226914, 6227233, 6227669, 6230659

Thank you all for your totally overwhelming interest! I'll admit, I did not expect this many participants! With this staggering number, we've had to make some hard decisions about just how big we wanted this to be!

After talking it over with the leadership of the project, we've decided to limit SLS2 to a maximum of 30 authors, with 5 authors in reserve.

One of the main reasons we made this decision (and it wasn't an easy one) is because if we took you all, this would go on for nearly half a year and end with a word count of nearly 100,000!

As such, we're going to have to close sign-ups early! We'll have the final list of authors, including the reservists, in a week or two!

Even if you don't get a chance to write this round, we hope you'll stick around and enjoy the madness of this fantastic journey through the multiverse!

Until then, you are all welcome to enjoy the chaos and fun of the official SunLight Sliders 2 Discord Server!

Thank you all!

I'm locking this thread to prevent people from accidentally signing up for SLS2! Please feel free to use the new Chat Thread or the Got Questions thread if you want to bring anything up!

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