Displaced 4,420 members · 1,267 stories
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Group Admin

Following an update and lack of stories in our Quality Works, nominations are open. Please post the story below, add it to the Nominations Folder and explain why you believe it should be considered. We reserve the right to reject crackfics or any fics used in a joking manner about Displaced.

Please Note: Submissions made by the author of the fic will be viewed more critically.

Now implementing two new rules; Fics under a 5% voter to reader ratio will not be allowed without three letters of nomination or unless already nominated. Fics above a 10 to 1 LD vote will be reviewed first and anything below 5 to 1 will be denied automatically.

I would like to nominate The Tale of the Silver Scourge For quality works.

I believe it meets the criteria for a quality story despite the usual Displaced hatebombing that they usually receive.

EDIT: I don't really have any concrete explanation other than I believe it's good enough to be put in the quality works folder. As I am the author, I don't want to give an overly biased opinion other than: "I think it's good enough for it."

I'd like to nominate Prometheus: Awakening for acceptance to the quality works collection.
While I've had significant difficulty uploading new chapters lately, I've had quite a few people give me postive feedback on what I have thus far. I think the reason I haven't gotten more feedback is because of the limited exposure this story has gotten. If I can get it accepted into your quality works, I feel like more people would notice it. If not, hopefully I can find out why it didn't make the cut so I'll be able to fix it.
Thank you for your consideration.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Nomination: The Tale of the Silver Scourge
Author: The Villain in Glasses
Submitter: "
Rating: 6/10
Decision: Rejected


I can already say I hold no bias towards the Sentai fanbase or shows, if that's what this is after I've looked at the description. I can say though that the backstory mentions in the description is interesting, though I'm not entirely sure how well that gives allude to the story itself but I can say more once reading it. Sex, gore. and anthro don't promise much considering the stereotypes surrounding these tags, but I'll try to ignore that for now.

After reading the first chapter, I can't say I can read more. It's decently written but the execution is odd and as the characters get a minor introduction and immediately start dealing with an alien invasion, though I get why considering the basis, I can't say the story itself is looking like I can accept it so far. The story could be good but this start isn't necessarily a great one though it's not a horrible one. An introduction of the characters would certainly help, if done properly instead of launching them at us like a shirt during a pep rally. Also, Flurry Heart was an odd choice, though not necessarily a bad one yet.

The story isn't all that spectacular when compared to other Displaced, but the writing being decent is a plus.

These three are what got me hooked on the Displaced as I was exploring Fimfiction this year.

I would like to nominate The Mighty Warrior of Epicness by shinigamisparda for it's quirky comedy. It's an excellent adventure tale with a sequel that's still ongoing, and it does an excellent job writing a paragon hero. The story's grammar is also near perfect to my untrained eye.

My second nomination belongs to Overlady- Loot Equestria by Schroedingers_Katze. I originally read this story for the sex tag (yeah I admit it so sue me) but the terrific writing is what got me hooked and kept me reading. This story pleasantly surprised me with an enigma of a main character who loves evil, but constantly tries to do what she thinks is right for herself and those she cares about.

My last nomination goes to The Root of my Pain, the Core of my Growth by Flax_of_Lume. The story is young, but I see great potential in its future because of its action scenes and development of the main character.

I won't nominate my own story till I take the time to go back and edit it.

Group Admin


Add them to the nominations folder please


I can't add their stories onto the notifications folder. Every time I click on Add Story it only allows me to select my own work. Am I ignorant of a function that allows me to place other author's stories onto another folder?

Or am I only suppose to nominate my own work?

Group Admin

Go to the stories themselves and click the little button with people on it below the chapter list

Thanks for the help but I've run into another problem sadly. I managed to get my third nomination The Root of my Pain, The Core of my Growth on the nominations folder but the other two won't work. Every time I click on the Displaced group to put them on the folder a Server Error message pops up.


Should I just give up on the other two or am I missing something again?

5953549 I tried to add Mighty Warrior myself to help 5953576 out, and can independently confirm that there was an error that blocked the process in my case as well.

Group Admin


Ill contact a sitemod about, even ive seen this

Oh, things have changed a little here since I was last on. I'm guessing my story "Hooves of Ice" was booted out of quality works due to a change in criteria, correct? Honestly I kinda expected that. I did a mistake in making too many crossovers in a row, bringing the overall quality down.

Holy crap, I popped onto the forum to see if there's any interesting discussions going on and I find this thread. I scroll down to see someone nominated me for Quality Works!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::yay:
Thanks man!!! It means a lot that you like my story!!

I also second ThatWeirdDragon's nomination of The Mighty Warrior of Epicness by shinigamiofsparda. One of the better and more hilarious Displaced fics out there in my opinion.

I would also like to nominate Spirit of the Sacred Forest by Princess OtakuGeek. The description of the story itself is lackluster, I'll admit. But after that, it's actually fairly interesting to read since the main Displaced character Ori is fairly weak like in the game itself. It's still in its early stages and Princess OtakuGeek is still working on getting through the main introductory crisis for the story, but I feel it has potential. The grammar's decent so that's also a really great plus too.

Group Admin


Following the release of FiMFiction 4.0, I would like all of you to try adding your nominations. If this proves to have fixed the error, then we will begin doing more reviews shortly. If the error is not solved, I will contact Xaq or knighty with a bug report.

Server error.

Same here, got a server error when I tried to put Overlady- Loot Equestria on the folder.

Group Admin


I've informed the site mods

Nominating A Matter of Genetics, because while it's not necessarily a masterpiece, nor is it a huge variation on the concept, I really enjoyed the writing, storytelling, and approach to the concept so far: I think its a good example of a relatively typical Displaced fic. One thing I can say against it is that it's very slice of life, as he only recently started hinting at the main antagonist, but that's a matter of personal preference, as it's very fun slice of life for what it is.

It's also gotten some very good reception.

To go by your own criteria from that other thread, the spelling and grammar is competent, the story is relatively fresh and approached well, and the characters are, if not always complex, well enough written that I can find them believable and even potentially compelling.

I'm also wondering if "A Skitch In Time" qualifies for this folder: it's not really "Displaced", because they are turned into a pony who already exists in Equestria, but it has heavy elements from Displaced, including a Displacer. Should I bother nominating that too?

Also wondering about fics that were cancelled a couple years ago, because Equestria Digital might be worth looking at too.

Group Admin


Nomination: Prometheus: Awakening
Author: Sheriff
Submitter: "
Rating: 5/10
Decision: Rejected


I went in expecting something decent, if not mediocre and that’s basically what I got. Other than a few twists to old ideas in the beginning it’s an odd start and painfully disorienting one. There’s no explanation, it just flies out rather quickly and bluntly. The writing is also mediocre and the characters are edgy and somewhat flat.

I don’t have much else to say, this fic is rejected.


Nomination: The Mighty Warrior of Epicness
Author: Shinigamisparda
Submitter: Falx_of_Lume, That Weird Dragon, Voldine
Rating: 9/10
Decision: Auto-Approved

Nomination: Overlady- Loot Equestria
Author: Schroedingers_Katze
Submitter: That Weird Dragon
Rating: 6/10
Decision: Rejected


Okay, the writing on this one starts mediocre and the overall storyline is mildly interesting but to perfectly honest, it was an absolute struggle reading this. Seeing as the story mentions an Overlady and basic incarnation of evil, I expected something closer to Tantabus or Makuta Teridax, not what is basically a humanish version of Discord as a female, before reformation. This is denied just based on the low level of writing in the beginning and the sheer struggle to get past that first bit.

Nomination: The Root of My Pain, The Core of My Growth
Author: Falx_of_Lume
Submitter: That Weird Dragon
Rating: 3/10
Decision: Rejected


This one is most definitely denied for the following reasons, but primarily due to the substandard writing in the first chapter and overall general issue of the storyline as it starts. The main character, of whom we get neither an introduction nor an idea of beyond what is stated in the summary. Instead, the majority of the start is an attempt to sound mysterious, badass, and so on. All in all, it’s rejected.


Nomination: Spirit of the Sacred Forest
Author: Princess OtakuGeek
Submitter: Falx_of_Lume
Rating: 3/10
Decision: Rejected


This one is rejected because the first several paragraphs are fangirling, ranting, and overall attempts at the heartstrings or something. It’s a bad start and uncomfortable and literally permeates the entire chapter which is followed by a trope. It’s blunt, fast paced, and pretty lackluster.


Nomination: A Matter of Genetics
Author: Guardsman_Sparky
Submitter: RockstarRaccoon
Rating: 6/10
Decision: Rejected


An interesting start and a decent writing showed a lot of promise, until the story did a complete 180 into common territory for the beginning of a fic. I even continued on a bit further and I feel like this plays a lot on explored territory with very little branching out, seeing as I’ve seen this basic scenario somewhere around 500 to 600 times in the past in some minor variance. I would recommend this, but I do not consider it Quality, despite it’s at least decent overall grasp of the English language.

Nominating Headless, not Heartless for speedy inclusion.

While I haven't read through most of the series, it's one of the defining works which solidified several now-common tropes, and is widely considered to be one of the best written of the bunch. (Also, First Displaced War in one of the Sequels) It has well over a 10% view-to-like ratio and it has what I'd consider to be a very acceptable level of writing quality.

Nominating Casting a Shadow and Awakening of a Tactician for speedy inclusion.

Similar reasons. Both are used as examples of great stories in a few official places, and while I haven't read Tactician myself, I think both seem to be good works worth reading if the concepts interest someone.

I appreciate the feedback. This half-baked potato of a fic was overdue for some criticism.

I have yet to read far into Hollow Shades, but you gave it a very positive review, and it has well over a 10% like-to-view ratio. Should it be added?

Group Admin


There is an issue with some stories being added to folders and such, Hollow seems to be one of them.

I've been avoiding the nomination of my own story, but since you mentioned it would qualify, and I'm revising it to make it even better...

TDisplaced into Nothing
While studying an alien spellform, Twilight makes the most important discovery of all time... The one which could doom her planet. | Horror Rationalfic with Lovecraftian & World of Darkness elements. Deconstruction / Subversion of Displaced.
Rockstar_Raccoon · 91k words  ·  1,071  76 · 17k views

Reasons why I think it's something special

  • It has well over a 10% view-to-like ratio.
  • The grammar and spelling is, to my knowledge, very good. It's written around a college level.
  • The content is extremely fresh: some of the things in here I've only seen once, if at all.
  • The mechanics are clearly defined and thought out using actual science and stuff, which is something that most readers may not appreciate, but it's something that makes it very unique.
  • On that note, it may not be the smartest one here, but I'd say it may be the most "unapologetically intellectual" Displaced fic I know of, because it uses the works of real-life thinkers like Einstein, Crowley, and Nietzsche to justify itself.
  • As an experienced writer and proofreader, I consider this to very polished for a fanfiction.
  • As of Chapter 5, it is firmly solidified as a Displaced fic.
  • It's mostly written out and should actually be complete soon, which I think should count for something.
  • It was written, in part, to be used as an example of doing things differently and doing them well.
Comment posted by fanficlover 1 deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by DisplacedWriter deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by fanficlover 1 deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by Kaffeina deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by fanficlover 1 deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by Kaffeina deleted Apr 8th, 2018
Comment posted by fanficlover 1 deleted Apr 8th, 2018
wlam #36 · Apr 8th, 2018 · · 1 ·

Your story is less than 10k words long and in no sense of the word a "quality work" that should be especially highlighted to a group that already has nearly a thousand other stories and almost three thousand members.

There, now you've got a second opinion on the issue. Drop it.

Comment posted by fanficlover 1 deleted Apr 8th, 2018

Actually, if I could make a request before I fully leave. I would like for you to delete the entire conversation so to not leave me with temptation to respond. It may be presumptuous to ask this but I do not like arguments in all honesty when it is with fellow people I could possibly get along with had the circumstances been better.



It is possible for you to delete your own posts. The button is in the upper right. I do not think anyone will be willing to delete the entire rest of the thread solely for your benefit.

Very well, I will do so, so that I may at least try and control myself with some dignity. But what of the posts that hold my responses in them?

wlam #41 · Apr 8th, 2018 · · 1 ·

Unless you were actually quoted, a deleted post will be inaccessible from any post that previous linked to it. It seems that no one actually did so.

Thank you for telling me that. I have not made a forum before so thank you for telling me.

Group Admin


I'll remember that while i'm reading not only the thousands of books created by famous Authors but also small time fanfiction writers who created the works of art that they believed in.

If you're reading thousands of books right now then you must be missing a lot and that explains your attempt to promote your story with a slightly overinflated ego with no backing. They might believe in it, but, you should never claim quality on your own, others dictate what is quality, not just you. If you find something good in your eyes, that does not mean it's good to everyone else. Quality is dictated by the many, not the few.

And to your comment of not submitting anything, I will respect your wish as this is only one of hundreds of different groups I could possibly join. If I really want to be somewhere, I'll gladly go to the hundreds of other group owners and suggest myself to them while hoping they can see the same quality I do.

Oh shut the hell up, I never said you couldn't submit it. I gave you restrictions on doing so. And, a story of a mere 10k words is unlikely to get supported by groups on the site. Even less likely when it's a Displaced fic. You might see quality, and it may just be the best fic you have written but that does not mean it's great to everyone else.

Personal tip #2: You may own something, but there are others who own their own versions as well.

Don't act like your the only one.

Congratulations, I actually laughed. You might "own" your version, I am in charge of the group. My word here is law, and as such, do not contest me unless you are doing so in a manner to improve the group, especially do not do so in such a ridiculous fashion. That aside, You just suggested poor grammar. "Your not the only one", you used the wrong form of You're. Your implies ownership of something.

Edit: I'm not the one who down voted you or up voted myself.

For one, obviously not because the site doesn't allow upvotes of your own comments. Second, comment likes and such are literally pointless.

Really, just really, my god. I had finally felt like I could move on from this mess but you had to bring it back. Why would you do such a thing? You have already stated that you own this forum and group, so why restate it in such a way? As well as that, why would you point out a simple spelling error like it determines my ability to write in general? Are you simply trying to get a rise out of me so that you may feel superior?

Group Admin


Really, just really, my god. I had finally felt like I could move on from this mess but you had to bring it back. Why would you do such a thing?

Because, instead of acknowledging that you were given restrictions, you decided to whine and bitch and act like it was a generalized no. I brought it back up because you decided to flee the situation. That, and I had already written out the response and sent it before you deleted your prior comments (or, at least before I refreshed the page). You can't act as if you were the one trying to move on when you so vocally decided to try and cover it up. It happened, and, you did not allow response before deciding it was finished on your own.

You have already stated that you own this forum and group, so why restate it in such a way? As well as that, why would you point out a simple spelling error like it determines my ability to write in general? Are you simply trying to get a rise out of me so that you may feel superior?

I restarted it because while I could "claim" ownership, I choose not to. My word here is law because people have let it remain that way. I do not own the Displaced genre, but I can control it as no one has demanded I resign. I would also suggest not attempting to get people to ask me to do so, as the chances of the group collapsing into anarchy are high. I pointed out your spelling error because it shows the chances that your fic's grammar is also at the same level of quality as your comments, implication being that it is not HORRENDOUS but is likely filled with minor errors or possibly some major.

You make this assumption on the fact I still responded, yes? I am not one to let someone else back out of an argument. Prior information indicates that people flee from arguments they are unlikely to win, or simply because they started it without knowing what would happen. Furthermore, your comment leads me to believe it was the former. As you can read above, I had already started responding before you deleted your comments and before you wanted to leave.

I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you could just let it rest. The guy was willing to do so.

How do you win an argument based on opinions? Neither of us would win that, one would just think they did while the other would stew in anger. That was how I saw it and I did not wish for that to happen as it would affect the current chapter on working.

You call it giving up and I agree but I did so because this was not constructive in any way for me. Also, why would you give information on a possible way to turn a genre into anarchy to the guy you are arguing against?

Group Admin


How do you win an argument based on opinions? Neither of us would win that, one would just think they did while the other would stew in anger.

By RIGHTEOUS ACTIONS. (Kidding, obviously). In all seriousness, an opinionated argument should work more as a debate. Half the time, when I argue, that's usually what happens but the ironic part is because I tend to be right, not bragging, literally a factual statement as I tend to converse with others on the ongoing argument. In this case, I continued because you decided to back out and saw a few of the things I said incorrectly.

That was how I saw it and I did not wish for that to happen as it would affect the current chapter on working.

I highly doubt that, but if you can't argue and write in between comments I understand.

You call it giving up and I agree but I did so because this was not constructive in any way for me. Also, why would you give information on a possible way to turn a genre into anarchy to the guy you are arguing against?

Because, hilariously, the people I usually argue with have a tendency to attempt exactly that.

Edit: get a profile pic you heathen.

Group Admin


Wlam, baby, why you do this.

I feel like you aren't trying to not let this turn into another argument and I thank you for that. As for me backing out and you not liking that, I can sympathize with you for that to a degree but I also feel that when a person backs away, it is best to just let them do so like I have done before in my normal life (I say normal because I don't argue with people much in fimfiction).

From the argument, I still believe that your own opinion should matter greatly as it could help bolster your resolve to continue writing (I say this because I have lost confidence in my work dozens of times and deleted them part way through) but by no means does that entitle the dismissal of criticism (constructive mind you and not simply saying It's bad).

I hope now, we can part and put this behind us.

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