• Member Since 12th Oct, 2017


Only those who follow their dreams will get to see them come true!

EqG: Magic in Canterlot City (Season 1) 6 stories
Found 6 stories in 27ms

Total Words: 64,589
Estimated Reading: 4 hours



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This story is a sequel to In Need of A Hand

Fluttershy can't decide whether to use Rarity or Rainbow Dash as her art model and she is only losing time by not starting to work on her art project. Meanwhile, Flaming Star is having trouble communicating with Steely Armor to come to a conclusion about what has happened.

Edited and pre-read by ChudoJogurt and Stinium Ruide

Artwork by Short-tale

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Parry and Riposte

Sunset's hand has been badly sprained after her last encounter with Flaming Star. Even though she says she doesn't need help. Applejack realizes her friend is in need of a hand.

This story has been proofread by ChudoJogurt

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Boundary Apart

Sunset must keep her promise to Steely Armor and try her best to talk to Flaming Star. But he doesn't want to listen. It may take a fencing battle to break through him.

Chapters (7)

CHS has two new comers, and something tells Sunset Shimmer that these two boys might have a little something special about themselves.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Time for a Conversation

Sunset Shimmer finds herself with odd stuff about one of the newbies in CHS. Perhaps new friends don't want you to know something. But what if history was at the urge of repeating itself?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Control the Power

Flaming Star felt as if his father was trying to force him into becoming a business man, but being the music lover that he is, he came up with a plan to maybe put an stop to his fathers attempt. But was it successful?

Edited by Helping Hoof

Chapters (2)