• Member Since 26th Jan, 2019


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Twilight Sparkle appears before you, from the real Equestria or not you do not know, all you know is she's ready to give you hope and she feels nice like the galloping of horses in a valley of grass.

Chapters (2)

What Spike saw in the doorway of King Sombra's crystal palace hasn't left his mind. The fear of Twilight abandoning him haunts him through recurrent nightmares. Anxiety taunts him when he's at his most vulnerable, reminding him of all his failures, all his inadequacies, all his wounds.

One night, this fear and anxiety manifests itself in a full-blown nightmare, dragging Spike face-to-face with his greatest fear. What if Twilight never needed Spike in the first place?

Takes place right after the Season Three opener (before Episode Three).

Thanks to RGLloyd for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library!

Check out the YouTube reading by the awesome Chinchillax!

Check out another YouTube reading by DJ Tazzlez from Hive Radio!

Rated Teen for some dark elements.

Chapters (1)

A tough week for the Princess of Friendship has ended with an extended stay in Canterlot to repair broken friendships while also successfully getting Moondancer to embrace it again.

But as Twilight and Spike head home to settle in for a long night's rest, a sudden realization hits Twilight like a sack of hardcover books, leaving her utterly distraught and Spike as the only one capable of consoling her.

If he can, that is...

Chapters (1)

Restaurant reviews for the school paper aren't an exciting job by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, Sunset's friends thought she was nuts to volunteer for it. But it turns out that the position is quite fulfilling...

Contains: fat girls, obesity, gluttony.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has been baking up a storm for the Hearth's Warming rush, making sure cakes, cookies and pies get sold to everypony she can manage.

But one day, a peculiar stallion emerged in the bakery, with some magically delicious cake for Pinkie Pie to try, said to contain a 'special ingredient'.

What will happen when such a treat comes in contact with the sweetest tooth in Equestria?

A new story I just finished a few minutes ago! I really hope it's up to par for you all :fluttercry:

Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming! :yay:

Chapters (1)

Spike has put on some weight after a slow week at the library, so much that Rarity refuses to take him gem hunting. Things go from bad to worse when Twilight puts him on a diet and he realizes how much he'll miss eating gems and his favorite fattening foods. The Cutie Mark Crusaders see this as an opportunity to earn their personal trainer cutie marks and put Spike on an exercise program in hopes that they'll get him back in shape.

EDIT: Popular Story on 2/15! Thanks, guys!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been attending Canterlot High long enough to learn some things. The first is that despite the school's more limited resources, the fact that the other students are more welcoming and accommodating means her studies are actually less hindered than they once were. The second is that other students being accommodating to her studies makes it easy for her to get close to others. Third is that she really likes being close to other people, certain people especially. Fourth, she might like girls. Fifth, Sunset Shimmer is really hot and Twilight just might be in love with her.

Not knowing how to handle this situation, Twilight falls back on what she knows best: studying and research. Can her new friends help her with her latest research project, or will she have to improvise? The horror.

The end of the year holiday encroaches ever further into our spooky good time. So I wanted to show more Halloween love this year. I believe this is my first time writing for the human Twilight, so I'm personally looking forward to the experience. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween and leave me either a trick or treat in the comments.

Chapters (1)

Following the Changeling Invasion of Equestria, Twilight and her friends decide to enlist in the army, all 6 of them getting placed in an Equestrian tank. During a mission, they go deep behind enemy lines, where by the day, they go through supply issues, constant enemy resistance, and questions are raised about the ethicality of war. Friendship seems to be cracking and the technological advances seem to be a counterbalance to a thousand years of Harmony. Just how strong can their friendship hold?

Chapters (1)

A diary is a place for you to store your inner thoughts without fear of being mocked or scorned. It can be very important, especially in one's formative years.

This is Diamond Tiara's diary, showing her inner thoughts over what would turn out to be the most important year of her life.

My entrant into Princess Amore Dudette's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest (in which it placed 3rd)

Chapters (1)