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Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon https://ko-fi.com/nailah

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Promoting friends and writers I know! · 1:23pm Sep 2nd, 2020

Firstly, I want to thank everyone reading Broken Promise for being patient with me, I've been working on and off on Chapter 4 but between my Etsy shop, and speedwrites, it's been a slow progress. I still haven't broken 2k yet, and this chapter was planned to be longer than that, so I'm going to keep pushing forward. Chapter 2 of Fiery Passions should be up hopefully by NEXT week. Sorry for the wait. And as for Derpy Princess. Maybe by October, depends on how things go. I can't make any promises. Now without further ado, since you are all waiting for me to get off my flank and do more, why not distract yourself with some good quality authors?

For those like me that love a good romance, there's one author who is way more talented that me with the ships, and I think they need some more love and attention.
I don't think this guy needs a lot of introduction but I'm going to do it anyways. Bill is a good friend of mine, and a fellow speedwriter and the two of us are known for writing cute, romance, and fluff. All the fluff. I've read A Diamond's Sparkle, and the connection between Rarity and Twilight reminds me of a more well known author. but that doesn't mean this story shouldn't get more love. The way Bill is able to characterize Rarity, and Twilight is just *mmmphm* it's great. You should read this.
Bill Cipher

TA Diamond's Sparkle
Rarity's lonely evening is brightened up by a friend.
TheLegendaryBillCipher · 1.7k words  ·  20  1 · 546 views

I don't like horror, gore or dark that much, or any of that scary stuff because it's not my thing but there's this guy I know that does it a lot, and maybe you'd like to read something more spooky, and creepy for the upcoming holiday of Halloween so without further ado. My fellow friend and speedwriter, Zontan.

EThe Carmine Line
When Rarity accidentally nicks Twilight during a fitting, she discovers just what alicorn blood can do, properly applied.
Zontan · 1k words  ·  547  13 · 7.4k views

I was very fasnicated by this story, and also a bit creeped out by how believable it was. It's not as frightening some others I've read, but it leaves an impact. The way Zontan writes is always entertaining, and I believe he has many great pieces that are just waiting to be opened for all to enjoy. So if you want some dark and feels, read this story for it's got everything you'd want in a story of this nature, and it's not even that long. Which makes it good for those of us that don't have a lot of time to read.

Next up is a story I think most could enjoy if they like Starlight. It does have a dark tone, but it has a slow and easy going pace that leads you into the events that come to fruition later on. Stinium_Ruide does an excellent portayal of Starlight before and after her reptemption and how she handles the change the comes with it. It's a story about Starlight, it's a story about growth, but most importantly it's a story about Perception and how it relates to us all. I found myself highly invested in this when I first read it, it's a great Starlight story, and would recommend it simply based off the style of Stinium's writing alone. He is quite talented, and if he's reading this now. You're awesome.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

Now I'd say this writer doesn't need an introduction, but I'm sure there are those of you out there that don't know the mighty Red Parade. Red and I have been fellow reviewers for quite some time. I remember vividly reading his Daring Do and Rainbow Dash story and how it made me cry. This man is beyond talented, even if he doesn't believe me, but instead of recommending the Daring Do piece, I'm going to recommend something different, that will be sure to leave you all with the feels.
Red Parade

A chance meeting on a snowy day leads to a friendship that lasts forever.
The Red Parade · 6.2k words  ·  44  5 · 559 views

This is a story about Lyra and BonBon, and the connection they share, and even though it's not a romance, the characterization here is quite vivid. You can easily see how much the two care for one another, and Red Parade has this unique way of telling a story through vivid prose and descriptions that I'm still trying to figure out how he does it!

Last but not least is a new and upcoming author. She's cute and adorable, and even if she only has one story on Fimfiction, I would shun myself if I didn't mention Rice. I interviewed her recently. You can read all about it in my blogs.

Erice's Speedwrites
A collection of my short speedwritings!
    rice · 2.3k words  ·  21  0 · 217 views

    This is an anthology of all her speedwrites, and all of them are unique, interesting and beyond entertaining. You could read one or all of them, and find something to take away from it all. Rice is an amazing author, and she also does drawings. She's so talented and I think she needs to hear it too. I mean I'm not the only amazing girl on this site. <3

    Now there's a lot of people I haven't mentioned. But I also can't mention everyone or this blog would go on forever, so some honorable mentions.

    If I didn't mention you, just know you're AWESOME. I love you all. <3

    Comments ( 2 )

    Yo! I know these dudes!

    If I didn't mention you, just know you're AWESOME. I love you all. <3

    Well... I wouldn’t say that about me... :twilightsheepish:

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