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Interview: Perfectly Insane · 1:12pm May 19th

Normal format: Standard Questions.

1. What got you into My Little Pony?

Perfectly Insane
I actually had a friend in highschool who was into the show and told me about it when bronies first blew up. I watched it and just fell in love with the characters and the world and everything about it, and the art and fanfic people made of it just sunk me deeper in that rabbit hole until I was way too far in to back out.

2. What inspired your username?

Perfectly Insane
I was 13. That's about it, and I thought it sounded super cool. But now people have shortened it to 'PI' and its really stuck and now I'm too invested.

3. Who is best character and why?

Perfectly Insane

Pinkie Pie. I think she's incredibly emotionally complex. Her backstory is miserable, and she took that and decided to turn it into something wonderful and spread joy to other peoples lives. She may not be written consistently, but I think her concept as a character is just amazing.

4. What inspires you to write?

Perfectly Insane
I love thematic exploration and character focused storytelling. With mlp theres so many themes, so many characters, so many interesting directions to take them and ways to interpret them. Though, sometimes not in the ways I'd like to read, so I write them myself.

5. What advice might you give a new author, just starting out for the first time?

Perfectly Insane
Read, read a lot. That's the best way you can learn. Pay attention to how people characterize, how they write characters, how they do storytelling, and don't be afraid to experiment. Experimenting with things you're scared of is how you improve as an author.

6. What is your favorite book? (It doesn't have to be mlp specifically) and why?

Perfectly Insane
Breakfast of champions. It has fantastic prose and is one of my favorite examples of unique narration. Highly recommend it.

7. Would you like to say anything about the pony behind the writer? (About you basically) You may skip this question if you want.

Perfectly Insane
I’m passionate about this site as it’s molded me into who I am, and I only hope I can give just as much back.

8. Let's turn the table shall we? Is there anything you want to ask me? Be careful, you only get 1 question.

Perfectly Insane
9. What’s your favorite fic on the site?


TSapling to Seedling
Loss is as much a part of life as breathing itself. Now the Apples lay down another member of their family unto their orchard.
Dreams of Ponies · 1k words  ·  45  1 · 1.3k views

This one, without this story I wouldn't have met my wonderful fiance soooooo...

It was 2am at night I was doing my caregiving job and stumbled upon this and it just blew me away the detail, and especially the emotions conveyed in so few words. Truly, underrated.

Perfectly Insane
I'll have to read it then.

9. Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Perfectly Insane
You’re all wonderful :D

Follow them for more!
Perfectly Insane

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