• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon

More Blog Posts243

  • 9 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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    23 comments · 1,552 views
  • 10 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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  • 13 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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  • 25 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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  • 33 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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TEK General Update Blog + Writing Stuff Update · 6:50pm Jan 30th, 2020

Just want to talk a little about what’s coming up for the series and the like. I’m also going to be talking a little about my future in the fandom, so if you want to read that, and don’t want to read TEK spoilers, control+f “NOW FOR THE WRITING PART.”

Spoiler warning for TEK!


After years of me swearing, “you guys, when we get to that part it’s gonna be great”, we finally got there in a bumpier way than I expected.

First of all, a moment to thank all the people who are still actually reading despite my massively sporadic posting schedule. 2019 was not a kind year to me in many, many ways, and I think my writing suffered a lot for it. My erratic posting schedules was always a great source of anxiety to me, especially because I know that TEK is a story that unfortunately relies a lot on fresh memory of the past chapters. If you stuck that out, thank you. Despite the grief this story has caused me, I still fervently believe in the message, the story, and the buildup and payoff. Thanks for riding it with me.


So we are now entering the last arc of Act II, which will comprise of two chapters and two interludes.

All four of them will be posted either the same day, or one after another during a weekend. I am doing my best to get things going, and I’m hoping to potentially release before the end of February if all’s willing. February is a complicated month, namely because my partner is moving in with me, but I want to try and write as much as I can this year.

But Mono, you say. You said that last October! And look when you updated!


Anyway, after Act II is over, we have two more acts left which are in various stages of planning.

Act III, I hope, will be around 10-12 chapters, maybe, if god is willing, and will be much more adventure focused. A little throwback to TEL where we’ll get the RariTwi Trek Through Equestria AU we’ve all wanted. There’s also one major twist planned there which I hope pans out well.

After that, Act IV will be about 10 chapters max, and it will be the essential culmination of the story, of Rarity and Twilight’s relationship, of Twilight’s journey, and of Rarity’s journey.

And then that’s it.

And now for the writing part!

Also known as the hard stuff.

In the interest of honesty and transparency, as I’ve always tried to be with you all, it’s likely that 2020 will be the last year I work on TEK (and other fics, most likely), which is why I will do my goddamn best to finish it this year.

Writing is hard, yall. And time consuming, and it’s just a lot when I’m also struggling to get my career going somewhere. I moved to Los Angeles about three years ago, and still have... well, not a lot to show for myself, and as much as I love my fanfiction, as much as for me they are stories that are good and valid and meaningful, to the rest of the world, well...

It’s not something I can show, or that will get me hired where I want. And more and more I’ve started to feel myself resenting my stories for it.

It’s also just a lot. I’ve dedicated literally half of my twenties to Enchanted Library and its sequel. And I did it because I love it, make no mistake. I will die for this series, which is ironic because this series has been the only thing keeping me afloat during some of the darkest times of my life. I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for TEL. I am a half-way decent author because of TEL and TEK, and all the rest. The experiences it gave me are things I probably would have never learned in school or elsewhere.

But I’m afraid it can’t give me more where I want. TEL and TEK aren’t things I can really paste on a portfolio. The prejudices against fanfiction, in my experience, are still strong and difficult to overcome when I have nothing else to show for myself.

So, here I am, stuck at this... crossroad where I can’t figure out if fanfiction is fine to keep doing, or if it’s just holding me back from doing stuff that can actually help me in a more physical way in my career. I know people say that you can just keep working on both, but I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t want to still be writing this in 2021, 2022, 2023... I don’t want to be here in 2022 and just rush the entire story because I’m done.

TEK will be written with as much quality as I can provide, and the second I feel that’s going to be hard, is the second I stop. I’d rather stop that give TEK a shoddy, half-assed, rushed ending.

So, as I said, I want to finish this, or as much as I can while maintaining the quality I’ve had thus far. I’m not going to start rushing out half-baked chapters either just to finish it. I’m just going to dedicate myself to TEK this year, as much as I can within reason and quality, and if by 2021 it isn’t done, unless somehow my career has taken off, and I no longer feel like time is slipping away, I’m going to probably cancel it, and if I do, I will release an outline or 2 hour video or both explaining in detail the end of the series.

Of course, this is all still officially undecided. Maybe it’ll be December 2020, and I’ll be like, FUCK IT, ANOTHER YEAR, but admittedly I’m already mentalizing that this is what’s up. This also unfortunately will apply to most of my other works. Unless my life situation changes somehow, unless my career stops feeling like it’s being hindered by how much time I spend writing fics and thinking about fics and etc etc, Monochromatic will officially retire in 2021 except for a few one-shots here and there.

I hope it’s not the case. I desperately do not want to end TEK with a blogpost and an outline, because I know that will haunt me for the rest of my life. Honestly, if I wasn’t forcing myself to stop, I probably would just keep going until it’s finished. But I need to also think of my career, and advancing in my job, and getting a job that will pay me better.

So... I don’t know what this is. It’s not a 2020 OR BUST, but it’s a... yo guys, maybe 2020 and bust? I hope not but maybe? Everyone pray Disney hires me this year and then I’ll feel valid using my free time to write fanfiction?

Idk! I don’t know, but it will be fine. We’ll make it happen. We can do this, I just need to have faith I can do this, and having your support always helps a lot.



- Mono

Report Monochromatic · 953 views · Story: The Enchanted Kingdom ·
Comments ( 28 )

Updates are hype. But for the rest..

Never feel bad about chasing after life. And don't forget that every story has an ending. That's nothing to apologize for. Both for TEK and for writing in general.

Good luck Mono! I believe in you!
I wish you the best in your endeavors, whatever they may be after you are finished with fanfic.

Oh boy, do I feel that on a deep level.

I hope you accomplish everything you need to before you depart for bigger and better things.

You know Mono, I always supported your decisions and I will.

All the best in your endeavours! Current and future :twilightsmile:

Instead of dwelling on hypotheticals, I'll just say you can do this, Mono! Wrap up The Enchanted Kingdom and get that job by the end of 2020!

I can understand where you're at, Mono. sure most of us don't pressure you but I know that each of us pushes ourselves if we do indeed care about what we do. You know we wish you well in your career and wherever it may lead you and how that affects your writing here.

Just remember we believe in you and are here for you. And always will be!

I am glad you shared this blog with us, Mono :D

If you feel it is time to transition from Fanfiction to "real" fiction (I honestly don't see a major difference but that's me) then all I have to say is that I am glad you shared your stories with us over the years! (I am also wearing the EnchantedCon T-shirt from the last EFNW so...)

And last year wasn't all that good for my writing too, because you might have a sporadic update time, but I've not updated in *years*, so you're ahead of the curve on me!

No matter what, though, I wish you all the luck in the world! Because you, my friend, have talent, and I am sure if you choose to turn your talent towards things beyond fanfiction you'll do well ;3

TEL and TEK are the most amazing stories i read in last couple of years!
I think all of us will wait for updates, no matter how long.

I'll always be happy for the lovely works you have given us. But you be you as you need away the time. Only want the best for someone that gave so much to thr community already.
I will also buy a copy as soon as I can because I really need a dead tree about a living tree filled with dead trees and a tragic little pony lost in time. : )

Look forward to everything you offer, but will love everything you gave.

It’s good to know that you have plans, and I definitely concur that writing is time consuming, but hopefully the conclusion to the series isn’t too much to hope for.

Also, is it possible that the retirement of you as Monochromatic will mean we won’t get updates on original fiction? Or to see notes/restoration/etc of any older stories as part of a “farewell so have these” kinda thing?

The hype is real! I do hope that you let us know where we can follow The Future Adventures of Monochromatic once you have left our little corner of pastel pony paradise for bigger and better things.

100% I think that you're on the right track here. You're jumping from a good thing out towards more good things, and that positive change is important. You are absolutely headed for new bright things, and if there is anything we can do to help you in your quest to finish out this legacy, please ask. To witness the final completion itself is pretty fantastic. Great Heart was not denied.


Thank you for being open about this. Do what must be done, and we'll support you. And thank you for the years of wonderful raritwi :heart:

I am a half-way decent author because of TEL and TEK, and all the rest.

Your work was literally voted the best stories on Fimfiction.

I expect nothing from you and appreciate everything. Whatever you do will be incredible, and I'm glad to be along for the ride. Thanks!

That's the absolute most wonderfulest thing about FiMFic: Practice and feedback! Ask any pro writer, and if they're honest, they will admit to the hundreds of thousands of early words they've written that they will never show to anyone. Here, we have a place where we can show our "stretching exercises" and get invaluable help with improving our work. (Along with a lot of hostile nit-wittery, but let's concentrate on the positive, shall we?)

I enjoy your work here and I will miss it, but I will also love knowing you are moving onward and upward!

And, if I may be selfish for a moment, please, please, please finish the last bodyguard story! :fluttershysad:

To be honest I can't see why you can't show off TEL and TEK. These are not typical fan fiction. If nothing else it shows the ability to do projects that will take a long time to complete. It's also very well done.

I hope things will turn out for good.
You are the best!

Best of luck with all the pesky real life stuff!

As long as you come by to say hi every once in a while?
: ) ?

I will die for this series, which is ironic because this series has been the only thing keeping me afloat during some of the darkest times of my life. I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for TEL.

So did l, darling
So do l
Best wishes :heart:

Came here to write this exact comment :twilightsmile:

Best of luck with everything going on Mono :raritywink:

I want hard bound copies of these books. They are such good reads and you are such a good author. I trust you to do what you must for yourself though. As much as it would sadden me to not get a fully finished story, I want you to succeed first.

I'm very much hoping that you can finish the story as well, but if that's not possible, I am happy that you have already decided to make an outline of the end. No worse fate for a story than to just be left to die, never updated, never finished, with no ideas as to the end of it.

So come what may, I'm happy you're dedicated to at least give us what the end is going to be like :twilightsmile:
Here's hoping that the story will come to its end, in the natural way.

This fandom is more immense and greater for you presence, and will be much diminished by your absence.

TEL and TEK have been helping me process some of my own mental issues, so I thank you for what you’ve written and fervently hope you are able to finish.

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