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  • 251 weeks
    Lifes DM to you that you're a psycho

    So on October 28th I suffered a stroke while at work. In denial, I stayed at work, then drove 60+ miles from Orlando to my home in Lakeland. I stayed in denial (it's just a pinched nerve) right up to the point where I lost control of my bladder and the right side of my face went numb. By that point there wasn't anything they could do to mitigate the damage. You have 4 hours people. I didn't

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    89 comments · 4,539 views
  • 298 weeks
    You'll Get It When It's Ready, But I'm Not Dead Yet. Also Sneak Peak

    See title. Work is work, and not a lot of time to write. I'm still around, I'm just as tired of answering the when is the next chapter coming out question as you are of asking them. I know it's shitty, I know I've let it sit too long, but it is what it is. This is why I don't accept donations for fanfiction. It remains a hobby, and thus very low on the to do list of my wellbeing.

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  • 410 weeks
    Update 2: Beta Editing Received, Performing Hard Edit, Finishing and Adding Omake

    I've received preliminary 2nd draft copy from a beta reader. I'm currently performing my first hard read out loud edit of the whole mess. Initial reports are about what I expected. Part of the difficulty of writing this chapter is that it was always going to be a set up, explanatory type chapter. Making it interesting is a serious challenge, but I felt as though if I DIDN'T show the

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  • 411 weeks
    New Chapter of Quantum Castaways, Rough Draft Completed, Sent to Prereaders for first Editing Pass

    Hey folks. Just a quick message to anyone who still cares, I have tentatively finished the rough draft for a new chapter of Quantum Castaways. Current draft weighs in at right around 12000 words, and that WILL change as the editing process moves along. Bear in mind that it has been a long, hard road to get this material out. It is a Frankenstein nightmare of bits and pieces jumbled together

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  • 469 weeks
    Ethics of Fanfiction

    So as everyone who pays any attention to the comments and blog posts and what have you knows, I've been having a really rough time of it. This last year has, frankly, been hell. I've had a couple of people offer to donate money, for which I am extremely grateful, but it actually brings up a topic of some interest to me.

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Lifes DM to you that you're a psycho · 7:57pm Nov 22nd, 2019

So on October 28th I suffered a stroke while at work. In denial, I stayed at work, then drove 60+ miles from Orlando to my home in Lakeland. I stayed in denial (it's just a pinched nerve) right up to the point where I lost control of my bladder and the right side of my face went numb. By that point there wasn't anything they could do to mitigate the damage. You have 4 hours people. I didn't even get to the Hospital until 8 hours had passed. End result; right side was fucked. Through some serious physical therapy, I mean days of it, I have regained the use of my face more or less, my right leg, and though my right arm is still weak, and my hand is still uncoordinated, it's getting better very slowly. I am hopeful for the future.

One day at a time. So, what does this mean for QC? On the one hand I have a lot of free time ahead of me. On the other hand, I functionally only have one hand right now. So I guess nothing much will change. I haven't forgotten, it just not a priority right now. Sorry folks, I have to look out for me right now. This is not the end. I promise.

Report DustTraveller · 4,539 views · Story: Quantum Castaways ·
Comments ( 89 )

Oh my god man, that sucks. Hope you get better soon, your health is certainly #1 in priority. Good luck.

over the years i haven't given up, I've been here since the beginning, and ill only be done when QC is complete. I'm praying for your good health.

There isn't anything I can say that can really help. It feels wrong to just say "I hope you get better", and sorry just feels hollow.

I hope you recover and have friends and family with you.

A stroke can take away a lot more than muscle control; it sounds like you came off relatively well, all considered. Here's to that improvement continuing!

Your health takes priority, we are nowhere near as important. I pray that you recover full mobility. Get well soon!

Oh dear... wish you all the best!

I hope you get better, and I wish you luck for the future. Your health always comes first, so don't worry about QC. We'll be there when you get back to it !

I won’t say that there’s any proof acupuncture does anything, but I will say I had a friend who spent a lot of time trying to restore feeling to the right side of his face, and acupuncture restored like 80% use of it.

Oh my gosh this is horrible. I don't know what to say other that you'll be in my prayers and I hope that you fully recover! God bless you brother:fluttercry:

I hope you will get better soon and wish you full recovery!

No. I'm not going to let you persuade people to waste their money on scams. Acupuncture does nothing. It can't even possibly do something, because it claims to work through magic, which, I might remind people, isn't real.
Praying on the sick is the most disgusting form of scam; acupuncturists have a special circle in Hell waiting for them.

Very lucky. No cognitive damage at all. No blindness, and by the second day I had a slur so slight only I could really tell.

I recommend trying dictation for writing. It’s what I do for leaving lengthy comments and discussions.

Damn, that sucks man. I'm sorry this happened to you. Don't worry about the fic, take care of yourself first.

I wish you an as quick as possible recovery. Rest well and don't worry about fics. Your health comes first.

Massive bummer. Hope your condition only improves from here!

Damn, here's hoping you regain all you can, the physical therapy has to be a grueling affair.

Dude... and I say this with all the love in the world, but...

Fuck the story.

Like, for realsies. You had a dayum stroke. Focus on getting healthy and recovering first and foremost. We've waited this long, we can keep waiting until you're healthy. Praying for you, duder.

Hey, I'm just glad that the story is still somewhere in mind as a "I want to finish this someday" thing. I can wait, there are obviously higher priorities to deal with. It sounds like you lucked out even despite the delay in treatment, so here's hoping things go well!

Yikes. Good luck with recovery, man.

I wish you the best on your recovery. I know someone who has had a stroke and it's taken them a while to try to return to normalcy

Get well soon. Thanks for spreading the awareness, hopefully someone else will think about the signs.

Dude, we totally understand.

Almost nothing is worth your physical health, and fanfiction is not on that short list of things that are.

Please, please, take care of yourself.

We will be here, just like we always have been.

Take your time. Get better. Be with your loved ones. You and they take priority.

We're rooting for you.

Wishing you all the best!

I am sorry to hear what happened to you, but I can tell you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

My father had a stroke several years ago, and like you, noticed it too late and went to the hospital too late. The right side of his face, his right arm, his right leg... much the same as your situation from what I read. It took hard work- he forced himself to write, and to type, even though it felt agonizingly slow to him. Forced himself to keep up with us, the rest of his family, even though he walked with a massive limp. And by forcing himself to do those things, he did get better. Today, years later, you can only tell he had a stroke when he is tired; otherwise, he is essentially fully recovered, he can walk normally, run, talk normally, type as fast as he used to, write as fast as he used to. Sing. Play pickleball with his wife. Practice, and work, recovered his abilities.

So don't get discouraged. Do they physical therapy. And then do what you want to do, writing, walking, biking, whatever, even if it seems useless and glacially slow. You can do it. You can recover.

Take care of yourself, man.

Site Blogger

Jesus, dude.

Your health matters way more than some ponyfic. Focus on getting your function back up; don't even be thinking about QC.

Good luck and godspeed.

on one hard if it'd been worse you might have gone for help... on the other, oh boy you were lucky. Take care of yourself, we've already waited this long, we can wait longer.

Glad you're slowly recovering. Take your time. I still haven't forgotten your story either. And as someone in the medical field myself (lab technician) never play around with this stuff. Anything seems really off get to an ER. Money can be replaced, you can't. That goes for anybody.

Not bashing on you because I say this somewhat from personal experience. Was having a bit of shortness of breath in September 2018 but didn't think much of it since I'm way out of shape anyway and I was just getting over a sinus infection that ended a day or so prior. Plus I have a fairly high pain tolerance so I tend to not to be bothered by much. And I had an appointment with my doctor on Monday (this was Friday) so what's the big deal?

At Mom's prodding I finally caved and went to the ER Saturday. Double pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung. I spent 8 days in the hospital and another 2 weeks off of work after that. And in the process of them testing as to why a seemingly normal and healthy 29 yr old ended up in such shape, well, they found out I have Cystic Fibrosis. A milder strain of it but still.

I'm just some faceless schmo on the internet, but I do hope and pray that all will go well for you. As little as my opinion might matter in your current life situation, I just want you to know that your writing still remains one of the best I've seen on this site, in all of the seven years I have been here.

May you have a full recovery and good days ahead. Godspeed.

Wow, Its good that you are slowly getting better but I am really sorry that happened to you, Hope the Recovery goes well

There exist keyboards meant for typing with one hand. you'll have a learning curve but you can start typing even while you're undergoing physical therapy. personally, I recommend the twiddler as I've used it, and it's fully programmable so you can customize it. It's $200 but works as both a mouse and keyboard while fitting in a single hand. Don't wanna make it seem like this will be the one thing you need, but you can use it while undergoing more physical therapy. Hopefully you will recover swiftly enough to regain enough strength and dexterity that you can live a relatively normal life, but you got REALLY lucky because strokes can damage more than motor control.

Yeah, no. There is literal scientific evidence that acupuncture does not work at all, and that any benefits are the result of the placebo effect. In fact, the only benefits acupuncture may have has to do with the usage of TENS on acupuncture points which reduces overall level of pain and opioid consumption on intubated patients under a mechanical ventilator, and even then there was no actual acupuncture being done. The only legitimate papers on acupuncture I've found in literal WEEKS of researching (did a paper on the concept for a class in which we were required to critique various traditional systems of medicine) tend to have to do with electroacupuncture for the purposes of reducing pain or other symptoms like vomiting due to chemotherapy, but even then there is a legit medical version of this, known as intramuscular stimulation which works BETTER. TL;DR, acupuncture is woo and you shouldn't be trying to push it on someone who is recovering from a stroke.

Jesus dude, fuck the story, look after yourself!

Yaa what he said

Holly crap, man. I mean... what do you even say to that?

Just got word about this and man.... Please take care of yourself and focus upon getting well! The brain is amazingly flexible in what it can overcome if one is willing to persevere beyond the hurdles presented. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the reminder to keep an eye out for this sort of thing, as I'm rather liable to follow the same tracks and just push through it as you did.

Shit, dude...what the hell? That's just...I don't really have any words...I'm glad that you're still alive and mostly functioning. Please do whatever you can to look after yourself and recover.

Hang in there, hopefully things improve from here on out!

This guy said exactly what I was going to. We're here for you man. ❤️

5159355 All it does in the best cases is counter the sensation of pain temporarily by stimulating parasympathetic nerves. It could be useful when you have a minor ache, and might tamp down on the inflammatory response in sore muscles and so forth.

But for actual disease and major damage, it's about as useful as waving a magic wand you bought from Universal Studios Harry Potter land at the problem.

It's total bupkis for use in internal organ damage of any kind. It can make pain related to it FEEL a little better, but only for a short time, and it does nothing with regard to healing.

The science doesn't bear it out, but never underestimate the awesome power of the human mind when applying the placebo effect. I have buddies who swear by acupuncture. The human mind is a fascinating thing.

That's what I was saying, so thanks for basically restating the facts for everyone in a more clear cut manner.

5170611 Yeah, I've had people try to sell me on all manner of oddities.

But with my extensive background in biomed and genetics all it does is tend to make me smirk.

Placebo will only take one so far. Especially when flesh-eating bacteria is involved, for example. :twilightoops:


It's about the only reason I don't actively campaign against it. People swear by it for pain relief. If it helps people because of the placebo effect... it's their money. If I'll say it's fine if someone wants to saw their dick in half lengthwise, I'm not going to argue against a few needles. I will say I think they'd probably get more mileage out of some pot, but that still bothers some people so, to each his own.

Rooting for you man, with the hell that is life.

My GRandma suffered something similar recently, a damn big scare too, she was alone for two hours before an aunt found her, keep focusing of your recovery man best of luck

The story can go hang. You take care of yourself.

Other people have already expressed their gratitude that you are getting better and as 'fine as can be'. I am not good at expressing such things, so I will leave it at that.

I do want you to know that the most recent published chapter, from... quite a while ago now... I have been saving for a special occasion. Kinda like having one beer left, or one candy bar left and not consuming it until you know there is more that can be obtained, or if there is a very special occasion. Because its that good.

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