• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
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More Blog Posts51

  • 251 weeks
    Lifes DM to you that you're a psycho

    So on October 28th I suffered a stroke while at work. In denial, I stayed at work, then drove 60+ miles from Orlando to my home in Lakeland. I stayed in denial (it's just a pinched nerve) right up to the point where I lost control of my bladder and the right side of my face went numb. By that point there wasn't anything they could do to mitigate the damage. You have 4 hours people. I didn't

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    89 comments · 4,539 views
  • 298 weeks
    You'll Get It When It's Ready, But I'm Not Dead Yet. Also Sneak Peak

    See title. Work is work, and not a lot of time to write. I'm still around, I'm just as tired of answering the when is the next chapter coming out question as you are of asking them. I know it's shitty, I know I've let it sit too long, but it is what it is. This is why I don't accept donations for fanfiction. It remains a hobby, and thus very low on the to do list of my wellbeing.

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    38 comments · 2,067 views
  • 410 weeks
    Update 2: Beta Editing Received, Performing Hard Edit, Finishing and Adding Omake

    I've received preliminary 2nd draft copy from a beta reader. I'm currently performing my first hard read out loud edit of the whole mess. Initial reports are about what I expected. Part of the difficulty of writing this chapter is that it was always going to be a set up, explanatory type chapter. Making it interesting is a serious challenge, but I felt as though if I DIDN'T show the

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    28 comments · 1,874 views
  • 411 weeks
    New Chapter of Quantum Castaways, Rough Draft Completed, Sent to Prereaders for first Editing Pass

    Hey folks. Just a quick message to anyone who still cares, I have tentatively finished the rough draft for a new chapter of Quantum Castaways. Current draft weighs in at right around 12000 words, and that WILL change as the editing process moves along. Bear in mind that it has been a long, hard road to get this material out. It is a Frankenstein nightmare of bits and pieces jumbled together

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    103 comments · 1,757 views
  • 469 weeks
    Ethics of Fanfiction

    So as everyone who pays any attention to the comments and blog posts and what have you knows, I've been having a really rough time of it. This last year has, frankly, been hell. I've had a couple of people offer to donate money, for which I am extremely grateful, but it actually brings up a topic of some interest to me.

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    50 comments · 1,761 views

Update 2: Beta Editing Received, Performing Hard Edit, Finishing and Adding Omake · 6:14am Nov 3rd, 2016

I've received preliminary 2nd draft copy from a beta reader. I'm currently performing my first hard read out loud edit of the whole mess. Initial reports are about what I expected. Part of the difficulty of writing this chapter is that it was always going to be a set up, explanatory type chapter. Making it interesting is a serious challenge, but I felt as though if I DIDN'T show the characters reasoning that it wouldn't be true to the characters and the narrative as I've written it.

It was damn fucking hard to write, let me tell you.

Still, we're in the home stretch. As I caught my usual crowd completely by surprise with this update, none of them happen to have an Omake ready to go, and none of them want to be the guy that prevents the chapter from coming out as soon as possible, so I've decided to dust off one of the many alternative "what if?" pieces I have saved up. Thing is, this particular one is pretty long, so I think I'm going to split it up into three parts and release it serially with each new chapter update until it's all gone.

I spoil you guys.

So that means the total chapter length as of now, before final editing process is at around 15k words, with the Omake included.

So as of now, the next chapter of QC will be posted by Saturday the 5th at the latest. Maybe before, depending on how frisky I feel, but that date by the latest.

I REALLY hope you guys enjoy it.

Report DustTraveller · 1,874 views · Story: Quantum Castaways ·
Comments ( 28 )

Happy to see everything went well (as we all knew it would)

Eagerly waiting for the 5th now, can't come fast enough as far as I'm concerned.

[Excited gun noises]

Can't wait! Marshall and your Twilight are some of the characters I've cared for the most when it comes to fanfics, so just having some news for what they are up to is already great.

My man! *internet high five*


I know! And it just so happens my wife and son left me alone for the week to go visit the grandparents. Whatever will I do with all this free time?


I'm not finished my re-read yet. I haven't had the downtime at work to break out my e-reader, too much supervising or bar work.

Saturday 5th hmmm checks callender celestia dam it i have a D&D game that night :twilightangry2:
whelp no sleep for me

I REALLY hope you guys enjoy it.

I REALLY have no doubt we will! Your faithful readers believe in you. :twilightsmile:

Keep up the good work!

I dont it I definitely don't need it....I needs it! Or some such silly comment that will get a chuckle though I really appreciate your hard work

The 5th can't come fast enough.

Man, I stop paying attention for a month and everyone who has been gone comes out of the woodwork!

Looking forward to it.


The only question is, who's getting featured:
Raptors? Tazzleworms? Magnificent Bastards? Daleks? Alex Trevar? Something as yet unguessed?
Who's the NEXT contestant on "The Game Of Rassilon™!?" :rainbowwild:

Some will love it. Some will hate it. This always happens with this kind of chapter and/or this kind of gap. Just listen to the people who enjoy it and don't stress over the people who hate it, and it will all be fine.

[Snoopy Dance of Anticipation intensifies.]

Yeah, what he said. He has a country named after him, so you know he's lagit. :twilightsmile:




Not tatzlwurms I think ; Twilight already played tug-o-war with a graboïd over meal.

4283427 Ah, but there's still a graboid that one in the dessert, where that small portion of a MidWestern town got deposited. There's always the chance it could escape the confines of the dessert environment.

...wait, what?

What do you mean nobody's linked this yet? Lazy assholes, all of you! :rainbowlaugh:

I am sure we will enjoy it, thank you for continuing the story DustTraveller!!

4283275 [youtube=Indu-aUECsg]

I am literally exploding with anticipation here. Seriously, I'm glad I'm the one exploding so I don't have to clean this up. :rainbowlaugh:

Excellent news good sir! :pinkiehappy:

I am very much looking forward to it. :moustache:

4284236 Great find! Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

I am so glad to see you again.
Thanks for keeping on keeping on.

So...you predicted a Trump presidency off by one term. How does that feel?

Like, wow, your super awesome story is super awesome, but...you just Simpsons'ed a election.

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