• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen August 5th


More Blog Posts51

  • 250 weeks
    Lifes DM to you that you're a psycho

    So on October 28th I suffered a stroke while at work. In denial, I stayed at work, then drove 60+ miles from Orlando to my home in Lakeland. I stayed in denial (it's just a pinched nerve) right up to the point where I lost control of my bladder and the right side of my face went numb. By that point there wasn't anything they could do to mitigate the damage. You have 4 hours people. I didn't

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    89 comments · 4,529 views
  • 297 weeks
    You'll Get It When It's Ready, But I'm Not Dead Yet. Also Sneak Peak

    See title. Work is work, and not a lot of time to write. I'm still around, I'm just as tired of answering the when is the next chapter coming out question as you are of asking them. I know it's shitty, I know I've let it sit too long, but it is what it is. This is why I don't accept donations for fanfiction. It remains a hobby, and thus very low on the to do list of my wellbeing.

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    38 comments · 2,065 views
  • 409 weeks
    Update 2: Beta Editing Received, Performing Hard Edit, Finishing and Adding Omake

    I've received preliminary 2nd draft copy from a beta reader. I'm currently performing my first hard read out loud edit of the whole mess. Initial reports are about what I expected. Part of the difficulty of writing this chapter is that it was always going to be a set up, explanatory type chapter. Making it interesting is a serious challenge, but I felt as though if I DIDN'T show the

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    28 comments · 1,871 views
  • 410 weeks
    New Chapter of Quantum Castaways, Rough Draft Completed, Sent to Prereaders for first Editing Pass

    Hey folks. Just a quick message to anyone who still cares, I have tentatively finished the rough draft for a new chapter of Quantum Castaways. Current draft weighs in at right around 12000 words, and that WILL change as the editing process moves along. Bear in mind that it has been a long, hard road to get this material out. It is a Frankenstein nightmare of bits and pieces jumbled together

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  • 468 weeks
    Ethics of Fanfiction

    So as everyone who pays any attention to the comments and blog posts and what have you knows, I've been having a really rough time of it. This last year has, frankly, been hell. I've had a couple of people offer to donate money, for which I am extremely grateful, but it actually brings up a topic of some interest to me.

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    50 comments · 1,761 views

You'll Get It When It's Ready, But I'm Not Dead Yet. Also Sneak Peak · 2:46am Jan 1st, 2019

See title. Work is work, and not a lot of time to write. I'm still around, I'm just as tired of answering the when is the next chapter coming out question as you are of asking them. I know it's shitty, I know I've let it sit too long, but it is what it is. This is why I don't accept donations for fanfiction. It remains a hobby, and thus very low on the to do list of my wellbeing.

That being said, I have been tinkering. Here's some stuff that I have in my notes for QC future stuff.

The US Navy deploying it's artificially produced FI-SEH(QC)L weapon. (Friendship Induced Elements of Harmony Quantum Cascade Laser)

In accordance with regulation 733.38 all negativity shall be kept at least fifty (50) feet from the Friendship Resonation Cascade Chamber (FRCC). Individuals reporting for duty observed with an unacceptably poor demeanor shall be relegated to non-resonator related duties until such time as their demeanor improves. No disciplinary action shall occur for repeated removal from the FRCC, however this may be grounds for reassignment and/or mandatory evaluation and counseling.

The FI-SEHL, (pronounced fi-sell) is an artificially generated Harmonic Resonance effect produced through a Quantum Cascade effect not terribly dissimilar to a Quantum Cascade Laser. Utilizing an artificially produced changeling emotive gland, positive and harmonious emotions can be collected and filtered of any negativity through an Emotional Bandpass Filter made of Equestrian Quartz in the 750 nm thaumic wavelength to 850 nm thaumic wavelength. Note that excessive disharmonic emotion can result in decreased service life of the EBF, necessitating regulation 733.38 for increased serviceability. This collected harmony charged thaumic energy is then run through a repeated stack of semiconductor multiple quantum well heterostructures, which through the use of intersubband transitions results in a "cascade" effect which, when used to induce a population inversion from a ND:YAEG (Neodymium doped into a Yttrium-Aluminum-Equestrian Garnet) 9 bounce Slab, produces a powerful harmonic induced Quantum Cascade Pulsed Laser capable of harmonically vitrifying any insufficiently harmonic combatants in a 250 foot radius from a distance of up to 30 nautical miles.

This weapon is classified as Lethal, but will eventually be downgraded to Less Than Lethal, as it places targets into a state of suspended animation that can theoretically be ended without lasting physical harm, although no current feasible method exists. Research into harmonic devitrification is ongoing.

Report DustTraveller · 2,065 views · Story: Quantum Castaways ·
Comments ( 38 )

Just nice enough to know you're still alive and kicking.

Also, Happy New Year.:twilightsmile:

I am, sadly, just a layman, so all of this is going way over my head, but I am glad to hear that you're still around and thinking about the story. That alone is enough for me, and I have my own fics I'm writing to keep me occupied, so take your time, man. No rush.:pinkiesmile:

good to hear that you are still writing, and I hope you had a great christmas

My heart might have skipped a beat when I saw that you had made a post. Glad to see life and needy fanboys arn't getting you down.

Meatspace trumps everything, so no heartburn here. You do what you have to do to maintain, and we'll wait.

In other news, the Secretary of Defense [will have] announced the award of the Defense Distinguished Service Medal to Captain Marshall Bailey, USN, for extraordinary contributions to the defense of the United States under unusually hazardous conditions. This award {will be] accompanied by the award of the Navy Cross for for extraordinary heroism under circumstances which [will] remain classified. Captain Bailey, recently having being repatriated after having been declared Missing in Action some five years ago, and subsequently having been promoted to Commander, then frocked Captain and reassigned to the Office of Naval Research, could not be reached for comment...

Always great to hear a good old story is being worked on! Happy Holidays!

Dust, you're awesome, you mad %$#%#

Always good to hear that you're still kicking, whether it's accompanied by an update or not. Happy New Year, good health (and hopefully lots of free time :rainbowwild:) to you.

Good to see you're still around. Thanks for keeping at it and happy new year.

Glad to know your still alive! :twilightsmile:

Hey DustTraveller, good to hear from you.
I'm glad you included a pronunciation, because I sat there for a little while trying to sound it out.
That's also a very human approach, building the lethal version first.

Loved reading this and would suddenly like to read a regulation handbook involving equestrian army military things. Great to hear news from you and to know that you're alive. I was and will continue to be waiting patiently. Take your time, the quality will show in the end.

Here's to a new year *raises glass*

Site Blogger

Very cool to hear from you!

Real life always wins; just keep on keepin' on.

Cool to hear from you again. Happy new years.

I was thinking of Quantum Castaways yesterday. It's great to hear that it is still being worked on.

Happy New Year!


Good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing better, and hope 2019 goes even better for you still.

Funny Rainbow weapon!
Good to hear you're still on it, DustTraveller. Don't worry about those who constantly repeat "when is next chapter ?" without bothering to browse older comments, check the authors' most recent words...
Take your time with it, we'll be there.

Really glad to hear you're still around. Take care of yourself first, then worry about us assholes when you've got yourself squared away.

We'll always be here; real life won't wait around for you.

Go get it.

The fact that the US has such weapons means that Twi and Marshall made it to a US. Whooooot!

Just happy to know you are still around. Great news to start 2019 off with, and I hope everything goes you well.

I solidly threw this one onto my deadfic shelf.
Good to see your not dead

Your story is one of my favorite ones on this site, so im glad to see it will still be continued sometime. Take your time with it, but I hope to see another update soon. Thanks for sticking around with it and us.

As much as I'm happy about QC still being on the works, I keep your wellbeing as a human at a higher priority. Do it when you feel like you should and don't be afraid of disappointing us. Remember: you're the one doing us a favor for writing it.

Thank you and keep on being awesome! :3

Echoing every other comment: real life takes priority. That said, I’m glad to see you’re still around!

It's good enough news to know that you're still around! :raritystarry:

Dusttraveller: <Slaps roof of 2019> This badboy can hold so many chapters.

Nice to hear from you! Never fear, all of us QC fans are still here for the grand adventure.

All the best in 2019! :twilightsmile:

Oh man, it's awesome to hear from you! I logged on today for the first time in a while and was reshuffling the stories on my profile. Your story is listed as #1 on my page, and when I clicked on your name out of curiosity there was a shiny new update! Take your time man, I know the QC updates will absolutely be worth the wait.

And just for the record, the famous "Thunderstruck" passage in Chapter 11 where Twilight and Marshall make their epic escape from Starbucks as AC/DC blasts out of the speakers is still one of my all-time favorite passages among the 200+ stories I've ever read on this site. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the update!

Glad to see you're still around Because your story has to be one of the best ones I've ever read, I don't care how long it takes.

i love you

I haven't even read QC just landed on it again for the umpteenth time because it's one of those stories people reccommend you read even though it's incomplete, so this is awesome to hear!

Cheers, man. Please keep kicking ass!

Glad to see your not dead! Also a magic FEL? Neat.

I'm a year late, but I'm glad to see you're doing well! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us when it's ready, but best to not rush that! Thanks for at least giving us the occasional update.

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