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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Friday
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • Sunday
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 4 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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  • 4 weeks
    Fic recs, April 28th!

    TheQuinch has done a reading of Grimm's There's a Monster Under the Stairs! He's also begun CanvasWolfDoll's Sepia Tock!

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Fic recs, November 16th! · 2:10am Nov 17th, 2023

The call goes out: Krickis has a friend in serious need!

VisualPony has done a reading of BikerPon3's Beating the Deadbeat!

And Scribbler has done a reading of Obselesence's In Memory Of…, with Tatsumari_K!

I packed a lot of stories into this one because I've started reading the really short ones myself <_< It takes less time overall, and it's the only way I'm ever gonna pare this audiobook list down!

H: 3 R: 12 C: 8 V: 4 N: 3

Pinkie Pie on Red Bull by Penn Hooven
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy/Implied HiE
It's supposed to give you wings.
Okay, so like… You know what this story is going to be. You've seen stories like it before, you understand the cultural memery revolving around Red Bull. And yeah, as the first comment suggests, this gives you just what you would expect. But I will give it credit: Pinkie opening the can with her mouth was unexpectedly really hilarious, and there are some gems in her dialogue, not to mention the way "Pinkie hopped up on caffeine" is depicted in the story is completely original. Which is all to say, this story is far from amazing, but an effort was definitely made, and in a few ways, even paid off.
Recommended Only If You Enjoy Pinkie Being Random

Speed Dating by AdmiralSassMcAwesome
Reading by Agent0Fluffy, et. al.
Genre: Shipping Comedy
Braeburn drags his cousin Big Macintosh out to speed date.
I shouldn't be surprised that in a comedy about speed dating, Braeburn is straight, but… Seriously? Braeburn? Straight? Ironically, I ended up being upset that Spitfire was gay, because heck, that's a pairing I never knew I needed! Regardless, there are some wild pairings in this piece, which mostly consists of watching a bunch of these speed dates as they go on. Which is to say, neither Braeburn nor Big Mac is the main character, they just open and close the piece for us. But it is a good bit of fun, especially Cherry Jubilee.

The Giving Fluttertree by Hungrybear
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: The Giving Tree Ponification
It has been forever since I last read The Giving Tree, and I think all my memories of it at this point are filtered through decades of pop culture analysis. Which, as it turns out, is quite divisive! The author, though, has one specific interpretation of the story, and sticks with it… Or at least, I think they do? I'm really not sure, nor am I sure how close to the original this hews. But I tell you what, without pictures, it's really boring! It maybe works as a kids' book, but I think even a kid would prefer some pictures to look at. It's cute that someone decided to do this, but… Eh, stick with the original, it's a classic for a reason.
Vaguely Recommended

Dusty Books and Cozy Nooks by PonyThunder
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Sequel to Forest Trees and Morning Tea
Genre: Cute
It's time to reorganize the library again!
Weird that this is marked as a sequel. I don't think any of the previous stories in this series were? But whatever. I have to say, PonyThunder had an idea and has rendered it quite well, this whole "cozyfic" idea. This is mostly scenery but also feelings since we have Twilight present. And I really like the detail that she sometimes turns pages without magic, that's honestly a great character note. Is there much substance to this? No, but sometimes you just want something cute and calm to read and relax with, and any of these will accomplish that easily, I think.
Recommended If You Like Cute Stories

A Sans-ational Judge by Gamerboygaming
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Undertale Crossover
Yeah, okay, so Sans Undertale is a judge in Equestria for some reason. Now that we're on the same page, I have a lot of thoughts to unpack here. First, why does Sans have a cutie mark? He mentions this, and Celestia calls him a skeleton, but like… Is he a pony skeleton? And why the heck is he a judge? While his actions feel Sans-like, marked as they are by laziness and whatnot, I did have a hard time connecting his dialogue to his character as I know it. Also, this is one of those crossovers where basically a character from A is in MLP:FiM and most of what they do is regurgitate canon events of their property for the sake of ponies. (In this case, that also includes some deep lore about Dr. Gaster.) And that's really about all there is here! Sure, there's lip service given to story happening before and after, he's been there for two years now and all, but that's all it is. This isn't bad, and if you're an Undertale fan, it might be worth reading since, if the description is to be believed, crossovers are rare. But I don't honestly think it works.
Vaguely Recommended

Soundless Symphony by Post Script
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Sad ScratchTavia
Man. Talk about having feelings about something. I may have mentioned it before, but I have a friend who has more or less lost the ability to speak as a symptom of long COVID. She's sometimes able to whisper, sometimes she can even talk at a normal volume (spicy food apparently helps), but there's always a chance either will send her into painful coughing fits, and her voice will fade away again. And the part in this story where Octavia — who has been accidentally rendered completely deaf by Vinyl — talks about hoping and waiting for her hearing to come back… Look, I'm not the one who's lost a major part of my ability to live and communicate with people, but that hit me hard. I'm not okay about it right now. This is short, and maybe could have ruminated on its main thesis a bit more, but for what's here? This is pretty damned realistic. And it's frankly terrifying.

Always and Forever by TMNTBrony
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Emotional
Apple Bloom asks about the future.
Wow, damn. Talk about legitimate if dark fears a kid might have! This is Apple Bloom having a short existential crisis! And it hit me kinda hard, I might still not be okay after the last one. This is some good shit, you guys, solid Apple Family bonding moments here. Sad the author's not still around.

April Foals Founding Day by Alphamon_Ouryouken and VampDash
Reading by Agent0Fluffy, et. al.
Genre: Comedy
Taking a cue from the human world, Discord creates a holiday dedicated to pranking.
I really love where this story begins, with Twilight and Starlight discussing cultural differences between the two worlds. That it leads to what it leads to is frankly astounding, but it's also a lot of fun. There are a few instances where a chosen word wasn't the best pick, but on the whole, this is good, clean fun (minus when it gets blue, I guess! Which is nevertheless used as a solid punchline in at least one case!) and I really enjoyed it. It's surprising to see a story run a joke for this long and continue to deliver, but this absolutely does. And I love that the very first prank reduces somepony to tears! Ponies, man, they're just like that.
Highly Recommended

Luna Finds a Squeaky Toy by Drunk Luna
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Yeah, so Pony Does X. This taking place during Cadence's foal shower was an unexpected and quite funny decision, and I got a solid laugh out of Celestia noticing Luna noticing the toy. But that didn't quite lead to where I thought it would, and in the end, this is just a bunch of weird stuff happening that could have involved anything at all. But hey, if you like watching Luna act goofy, it might amuse.
Vaguely Recommended

When Push Comes to Shove by Quill Snapper
Reading by Agent0Fluffy, Pika Mew15 and Princess Midnight Harmony
Genre: Random Comedy
With his grades failing and the threat of being held back a year, Button Mash does his best to complete a book report the night before it's due.
It's funny, I've never seen Button Mash used like this before. Most of the time, it seems, he becomes a stand-in for the capital-G Gamers out there, who want to focus on his gaming exploits, his love interest with Sweetie Belle, or both. But if you follow the only character he was ever given — the excellent shorts made by Jan Animations — he's kind of a whiny loser? And so it goes with this piece. Though, I will say this story also makes him seem significantly more important than one might otherwise assume. I mean, main characters are ready to drop everything and help him at a moment's notice, he's friends with Princess Twilight, and Discord even shows up just to fuck with him for no good reason. And on that last note, I kind of feel like Discord's presence in the story doesn't really do anything? I mean, he basically just causes problems for Button, which he then solves for him, ratcheting up the tension a bit but ultimately coming off as pointless. And as I think about that, yeah, there's some inherent quality of the writing, and I really am not sure what, that doesn't quite work. It might be dialogue flow? Something kind of esoteric perhaps. Regardless, this is a fun story, if only because it's unique, but I think it also likely has limited appeal.
Recommended for Button Mash Fans

Luna Gets Wound Up by Bronyxy
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Random Comedy
Luna is not a morning pony.
Boy, this is weird. It's one long scene of physical comedy as Luna is awoken unceremoniously and has trouble getting out of bed, followed by… Well, you'll have to read and find out. It's intensely silly, but absolutely dedicated to its own silliness, and that's what makes it work. Short, yes, but quite amusing.
Recommended for Laughs

Sober by BewhoUr
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Sad
Applejack is the only one who never changed.
Man. Live long enough, and there's a better and better chance any given thing will just hit you in that right way. Alcoholism! Or at least, drinking to forget, it's not exactly clear in this case. The way AJ approaches this bottle is like something out of a horror story, and it's fantastic, though the denouement is quite down-to-earth, and maybe that's the point. Either way, it's intensely emotional and definitely hits the right mark.

Up All Night by GeodesicDragon
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Almost-Horror
Rarity is not a mare who gives up easily.
Boy, I dunno, this is another very atmospheric and intense story that could almost be a horror story, if only we knew a little earlier why Rarity was intent on staying awake. Not the specifics, mind you, but more than we get. (I do want to take a moment and mention that, in the middle of the story, she starts reading a book, and halfway through explaining the plot realizes, oh wait, no spoilers, and that was hilarious, more people need to do that!) But for what this is, oh yeah, I've been there, and it kind of is horrific, what we'll do to ourselves in order to stay safe. Hits close to home, but in a very different way!

The Flames of My Addiction… by Silver Melodies
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Review #8500!
Genre: Melodrama
Applejack has nothing left.
Huh. That's the exact same cover art as Sober. c_c What the heck was going on at this point in time? And with that observation made, comparison of the two stories becomes natural. Unfortunate, since Sober is by far the better story. This one confronts the specter of alcoholism far more head-on, but it's also one of those stories that, while it might have come from a place of genuine concern, is incapable of addressing serious issues in a useful way. The message is basically, don't drink, kids, or you'll start smoking, and from there, it's a one-way trip to burning your house down with your family inside. >_> Everything in this story is overwrought, and I don't think I really need to say any more. When a story starts off with AJ trying to kill herself, you know you're not dealing with a strong piece of emotional storytelling.
Not Recommended

Pirate Edict With Captains Pip and Lu by overlord-flinx
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Cute
Captain Pip and Captain Lu are here to teach you the pirate edict! Arrr!
Okay, this starts off with a fart joke, so I loved it. XD But seriously, this is adorable and funny, playing off the 'pirate Pipsqueak' thing to great effect. It's not deep, even if you take it as world-building of some kind, but it doesn't matter, it's just delightful.

Full.Stop by LackLustre
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Dark Scenery Porn
The world had ended. Or had yet to begin. She couldn't recall.
Dang, this is cool! Highly experimental, such that I couldn't even really tell you what it's about beyond the feeling the cover art might evoke. But yeah, self-described scenery porn, not lush because the scenery isn't, with a lot of very Schroedingerian might-bes as Twilight, uh, does something. Probably. I dunno, it's neat.
Highly Recommended

The Owl Critic by Art Inspired
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Random Comedy
Twilight receives an unwanted guest.
Well, this is an intense pile of nonsense! The writing is rather perfunctory, rushing us into the 'critic' part of the story. The denouement is pretty amusing, at least, though it could have used more setup. Ultimately, it may be a little too off-the-wall for a lot of readers, and the punchline isn't that funny. But it's unique?
Vaguely Recommended

Trauma by Starscape
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Immortality Angst
Ponies eventually move on.
Once again, I find myself brought to compare stories I just read. This one also deals with suicide, and while I would say it handles the subject ultimately better than Flame of My Addiction, it nevertheless starts getting melodramatic toward the end, as Celestia pens multiple suicide notes. And like… It does say something that, of all the ponies she's lost, Twilight is the one who makes her feel like she can't go on. That's a powerful, if incredibly morbid, statement about love and just how special Twilight is. On the other hand, it's also just immortality angst. Why can't Celestia give herself time and room to get over this loss, as she has with so many ponies she's loved before? It's a fine line to walk, and this ends up falling over it by the end. Not awful, but definitely overstretched itself.
Recommend Only If You're Okay Reading About Suicide

The Butterfly Affair by axxuy
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
Surely a diplomatic mission to the Breezie world won't be too bad!
Oh, this is really funny. :D The only thing that could have made it better was Luna being Breezified? But then again, her being normal sized in this situation is significantly better comedy.

Her Favorite Color by Esle Ynopemos
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Shipping
Oh boy, remember when I finally finished one of Esle Ynopemos's story collections? Yeah, it really did not matter, did it? :P This is pretty cute, just a little PinkieDash (and what's better than PinkieDash, I mean really?) told via a few — not all, thankfully! — color associations. Nice little writing exercise.
Recommended for Shippers

Editorial Mandate by LightOfTriumph
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
A. K. Yearling has a meeting with her editor.
Oh my god is this funny. XD It comes from a combination of this being about writing — so a lot of people on this site will surely relate — plus the excellent interaction between A. K. and Noteworthy, her friend and editor. Totally worth your time,

Comforting Cadance by Lucky Seven
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Comfort Fic
Cadance isn't useless… is she?
Oh yeah, she totally is. :V But that's not the point here. No, this is a cute little scene of Celestia comforting Cadance because she is thin-skinned gets some flak and takes it poorly. And honestly? It works. Both are written well, and the thing that really makes it work for me is Celestia's advice. This is more than just plain comfort; you could learn something from it!

Chompers by SpaceCommie
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
An apple a day was supposed to keep the doctor away, consarnit!
This is another really good comedy. :D One part 'going to the dentist is hell', one part 'Applejack is the most ornery pony you'll ever meet', it's a perfect storm of an unstoppable force meeting one bull-headed immovable object. What a laugh!
Highly Recommended

Soaring Flight and Scenic Sights by PonyThunder
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Cozyfic
PonyThunder back again with another of their "cozyfics", this time with Rainbow Dash. And if there's anything that makes me enjoy it less than the rest of the series, it's that this edges up on being a flight fic, which, for whatever reason, I have always found rather dull. As a consequence, this does have a bit more action in it, which might appeal more to anyone who found the other entries less than interesting, but it does come after a heaping helping of calm scenery, so YMMV. (Also, I am kind of mad that the title doesn't say "Flights", like… why?) But I don't mean to pan this, it's actually just as good as the rest, so if you enjoyed those… Well, you probably already went and read this of your own accord. :P
Recommended as Relaxation

To Spread Your Invisible Wings by Dash_Into_Writing
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Friendshipping
Pinkie Pie has always wondered what it's like to fly.
I am never gonna say no to a story about Rainbow Dash being a good friend. :) I've seen this kind of story before, but never approached this way, and I quite like it. Very cute, very pleasant and relaxing, a very good slice of life.

Happily Ever After by Cynder
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Future Fic
A thousand years later, Twilight Sparkle returns home.
This, interestingly, features pre-canon Twilicorn, and about the only way you can tell is that she's visiting the library in Ponyville. But what an interesting piece this is. You just don't get stories like this anymore, mainly because this intersection of events lasted for but a season. But I found the combination of hope, sadness for what was lost, and the sense of self dying to be mixed quite well into something I might remember for a while.

Family Reunion by Anonymous Pegasus
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Slice of Life
Daring Do goes home.
So this is a unique twist on a classic concept. No points for guessing who the "Other" tag is obscuring, but how they're used is original. Granted, the ages I tend to think of for these characters super do not line up, and the writing is pretty simple. But it's a short, effective exploration of the concept, and Daring trying to get over her familial estrangement is compelling.
Recommended for Daring Do Fans

The Message by darkstone57
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Dark Mystery
Sunset wakes to her phone ringing. Who would leave a message at this time of night?
So, the author intended this as a mystery, but didn't leave enough clues to really put any pieces together. The message comes from someone who knew Sunset in high school, who says Sunset did something bad to them. And that's like… anyone who was at Canterlot High before Twilight showed up. None of the other info the caller reveals tells us anything about them whatsoever. It's got something of a horror bent to it, but again, falls short, because Sunset basically just finds out she has a stalker, and that's it. We don't know what they're capable of, they're just planning to "get" her. Any more info would have been a big help to either making this scarier, or more mysterious, but unfortunately, what's here just doesn't work.
Not Recommended

Starlight's Failed Dramatic Entrance by Rambling Writer
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
Starlight's revenge plans have one tiny oversight.
Looking at the cover art, you can probably guess what you're getting into here. It's a joke so funny, I even wrote a story about it, with more or less that same picture! But there's also more than one joke here, and that's what makes it work. :) I mean really, the joke is that Starlight is fueled by revenge and stupidity, and that's great. :V Really funny stuff.

Ten Years by TheExhaustedBrony
Reading by Agent0Fluffy and Grim Narrator
Mature: Gore
Genre: Dark
It's been ten years since Discord was reformed. And he's done with it.
I'm rather tired of stories where a reformed villain is revealed to have just been playing along the whole time. They're incredibly cynical on multiple levels, none of which fit the ethos of the source material. And while I have to assume this was more unique back when it was published (ten years ago, oh god), it nevertheless has the same pitfalls as the rest. In this particular case, it also rubs up against my understanding of Discord as, y'know, not killing people? That's another thing I tend to get tired of. Here, his long-held murderous intent leads to him going to Canterlot Castle, yelling a lot about not being held down, and then killing Celestia with a storm of glass shards. Not exactly chaotic, that. Well, and I have to assume he killed her, since the story just ends before we see the full outcome of the battle. I can't say I enjoyed this at all.
Not Recommended

Report PresentPerfect · 223 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 5 )

Thank you for the signal boost, it's a appreciated!

Congratulations on a very hefty list! :pinkiehappy:

Re: the Owl Critic - its clipped sentences read like a noir piece with a zany punchline. :pinkiegasp: It felt like reading Dragnet. I enjoyed it. That's just the facts, ma'am. /end Dragnet. It would concern me a bit if that stylistic decision wasn't intentional, though.

You are probably right that it may be too off the wall for a number of readers. (For anyone just drive-bying the comments: I did not write it, just commenting to note to PP that the review work is appreciated even though my taste differs!)

Agreed. And very needed. I'm trying to spread things around on other sites too.

Well thank you kindly for the review. And also for adding some new stories to my read later list, because that wasn't long enough already...

Author Interviewer

hmm :/ I definitely didn't pick up on that, and I'm not sure what advice I could give, save that it might be a writing style better suited to something directly pulling from or parodying such sources?

get in line

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