• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

steel soul

Gonna work on that Kingdom Hearts fic at some point


Short and long stories of the daily lives of the Princess and Prince of the Crystal Kingdom

Chapters (1)

Vinyl is bored after having spent all of twenty minuets on her two day vacation at home. Knowing that he has no other choice but to entertain the mare, Frederic allows her to drag him off to a place she use to frequent in the past.

Something short and silly while I work on my other projects. Might make a longer story with the two if I can one day. Blame pic related for my pairing.

Sex tag for innuendos and Vinyl being a lewd mare.

Chapters (1)

Rarity thought that just finding a strange colt bleeding on her floor was out out of the ordinary. Despite that, she offers to take care of the colt as he get back on his hooves, taking sympathy on him.

Little does she know that this act of kindness will lead her down a path of adventure and danger. The colt's arrival is just the beginning, as Rarity and her friends soon find themselves swept up in a century-old war. Finding out the colt having strange powers were just the tip of the iceberg after all.

So...rewriting my Wakfu Story. Didn't quite like how it was turning out before after all.

Chapters (10)

Zipp decides to take Hitch up to her favorite spot in all of Maretime bay during the most clearest night of the year for a bit of late night stargazing. Despite the her happy demeanor, Hitch can see that something is bothering the mare quite a bit.

Chapters (1)

Zipp and Pipp spend a bit of time together to discuses the finer things in life, much to Pipp's annoyance and Zipp's satisfaction.

Just a simple Story. Wasting time while thinking up new stuff.

Pic by Claudio Naccari


Chapters (1)

One day, Twilight’s world is turned upside down upon meeting creatures Equestria had never seen before. But with them, something evil was brought from their world to her own. Now Twilight and her friends must help them defeat a looming darkness before it entirely engulfs the whole of their world.

Or maybe, it already has...

A FFxMLP Crossover by NightmareKnight and Steel Soul

(Final Fantasy 14 and My Little Pony are (c) of their respective companies.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

Riku knew he had messed up...

Not just with what had happened between him and Sora but with how he never asked for his friend's forgiveness. In order to gain his best of friend back he is willing to prove just how much his friendship means to him.

Riku just hopes that he didn't bite off more then he could chew.

Chapters (1)

It all started with a flash, strange beings appearing from out of nowhere. No pony knew where they come from but the pain and anguish wreaked upon them told them that they had been through enough of an ordeal to not refuse their need for help.

Let’s just hope that they had made the right decision.

Chapters (1)

Coco Crusoe is your average everyday stallion.

He wakes up.
He goes to work.
He eats.
He goes to bed.

He always dreamed of having more in his life but was content with where he was.

And then he died.

And his life went to hell.

Chapters (1)

A strange pony warring a blood-red jacket and wielding a giant sword? Just another day in the life of a Ponyvillien.

Opening Theme:Chrono Phantasma

Chapters (6)