• Member Since 15th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen June 21st


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.


Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
Can you not see that the Sun high above you provides enough light?

This now has a reading by Sunlestia! Russian translation courtesy of NovemberDragon and Randy1974.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Love So Much Closer

Anon is in a close relationship with Chrysalis. He's also in way too close of a relationship with existential indecisiveness. His bug girlfriend wants to change that.

Fully supported and entirely the fault of Not Enough Coffee. Contains things you should not attempt at home and general terribleness produced by insomnia and peer pressure.

Chapters (1)

You've held one in your hooves, and know that this feeling has come before. And in time, you will be by the balcony again, waiting for the recall. No matter how much you love them, something is always different, and you're left with the thought: Have you fought for nothing at all?

Chapters (1)

There is an empty place in the forest.

You should probably not go there.

Contains: Saucy scenery porn, an explicitly detailed landscape, and cover art with no source. Get fucked.

Chapters (1)

Sparkler is intent on shining, but will she fall flat of her aspirations? She has no great evil conspiring against her, no adventure waiting for her to answer any call... only wishes and a knack for managing what she holds dear.

It could be enough.

Now, if only she could stop having to second-guess herself.

Chapters (3)

Life is stupid, so I write things. Some of those things are not really worth anything in the end or are dumb or something and end up on this account. If they're weird or stupid or I progressively don't care about whatever it is that I ended up with and/or don't finish something, it ends up here.

This is the bottom of the barrel of the barrel's bottom. Do not expect high tier stuff. Groups reflect all content.

Everything is so Misc. in category it's stupid. There's also trollfics sometimes. And old things from the depths of the writing folder.

Everything is T or E.

Character tags are guesses based on what I usually write. Life is a lie. Context is given sometimes, at the start of each chapter of course. The cover art is the closest thing I found to relevance for a collection like this. Random tag because I trust nothing in here.

Chapters (6)

The world is ending. Or beginning. Twilight is waiting, but Twilight does not remember.

Contains: Scenery porn, unsourced cover art, the end times, and a title that is almost a Radiohead song. This story now has an audio reading from Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

...Or at least that's what the weird demon queen offering you pizza says. Aside from the whole suddenly face-to-face with a demon thing and the murder threats perhaps you can befriend this sassy mare? There isn't much else to do.

A silly story about befriending demons. And pizza. Rated T for murder threats, sass, cursing, and other surprisingly innocent things for a self-insert story. Also, bizarre metaphors. It's extremely stupid, but there isn't a random tag so...

Chapters (1)

Everybody loves Flash Sentry. Well, everybody except Flash Sentry, which is exactly why he's trying to convince everyone else to hate him while unknowingly going about his own ironic existence.

Inspired by the 'Self-loathing Flash Sentry' idea at the OC panel at BronyCon 2016 which was proposed by Razalon The Lizardman.
'Other' tag is for background EqG characters and anyone else who isn't Flash.
Don't take this story seriously and I'm totally not responsible if you're injured.
With help from ElderXelpud, who made the cover art.

Chapters (1)