• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


The name's Dash. (Previously Ronnie) And I write humanized pony stories. Welcome to my humble page.


Rainbow Dash tries to get her feelings across to Rarity with a mistletoe kiss. Art by ourxnios.

Chapters (1)

Sunset orders something....different online and excitedly anticipates its arrival, but when she learns it somehow ended up at Twilight Sparkle's house instead of her apartment, it's a race against the clock to save her girlfriend's innocence—and herself from embarrassment. sex tag because really, we all know whats in that package

Chapters (1)

Tired from reoccurring nightmares, Sunset reluctantly enters a haunted house with her friends on Halloween night. The girls get split up, and Sunset ends up face to face with the person she used to be. Can she face the monster she sees in the mirror?

Chapters (1)

Adagio can't quite seem to hold a job, and she can't exactly figure out why. Even though everyone knows it's because of her voice. Desperate, she receives the help of someone unexpected— Sci-Twi. Can this unlikely pair keep the former siren employed? Only one way to find out.

Cover art by my good friend faith. sex tag for humor. Featured 10/12/18!

Chapters (2)

Sunset, ashamed of her relationship with Adagio, tries to hide it from her friends. Adagio then gives her an ultimatum: Tell them or she will. Join them as they try to navigate through the tricky journey of redemption, love, forgiveness, and who tops.

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys . rated T for mild humor/implied sex.

Chapters (1)

Sunset confesses to Twilight one day after school, and not quite sure how to take it, Twilight goes on a quest to solve the greatest equation of all: What is love?

Chapters (1)

The girls sit Sunset down because her jokes about dating horses have stopped being funny and have actually become really concerning.

Idea and cover art from my talented friend faith, aka fencingclubshimmer on tumblr.https://fencingclubshimmer.tumblr.com/post/173742593871/small-brain-sunsets-friends-make-horse-jokes-and

Chapters (1)

When the Ferris wheel they're riding on malfunctions, leave Sunset and Twilight stranded high above the amusement park for over an hour, Twilight panics and confesses her fear of heights, among other things.

my take on what will happen between Sunset and Twilight during the upcoming Me, Myselfie, and I special.

Chapters (1)

Sunset reflects on a rather dark time in her life after she finds her old leather jacket cleaning out her closet.

Written for Sunset's birthday, or more specifically, today, the day Equestria Girls first came out five years ago.

Chapters (1)

Unable to sleep lately, Sunset is advised by her friends to go see the school counselor. Reluctant at first, Sunset gives in, and soon realizes a lot of things about herself, her friends, and her past.

Chapters (1)