• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2023

Brony Hectic

A wolf does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

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Total Words: 67,725
Estimated Reading: 4 hours


As of February 14th, 2018 this project is canceled. It is unlikely I will pick this up again however it isn't impossible.
Dim Shadow, a new colt moves into Ponyville during the beginning summer. Dim will do his best to stand up for anypony and he loves doing it, it's even his cutie mark. Dim isn't the strongest but he won't hesitate to fight to prove his point, however he won't try to start a fight. After a small quarrel at a park he precedes to the school park to be alone, hoping that there won't be anypony there, he was wrong. He hears crying and quickly rushes to source of it. Before his eyes, he see's three ponies huddled around and verbally abusing a filly; at that point he doesn't waste another second and immediately runs to assist the filly. That day will start something new for Dim.

Major thanks to BluRoseFriendship for making the cover art.

Chapters (41)