• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2023

Brony Hectic

A wolf does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.


New Story Incoming my Friends · 5:27pm Oct 13th, 2014

Starting a new project to get my creative juices going again, so this means a break from When I Cry. But I believe you all will enjoy what is coming up soon. They story will involve Babs Seed and Button Mash. That's all the hints you're getting! (This means you NightShader)

Report Brony Hectic · 463 views ·

New Chapter on the way! · 5:55am Jul 11th, 2014

I have finished the new chapter and now it's in editing/pre readings stage. It will be out very soon! Again sorry for the intense break but I did not expect my PC to kill itself.

Report Brony Hectic · 345 views ·

Recent decrease in chapters · 10:47am May 7th, 2014

Hello fellow readers of my story. You probably noticed that chapters are coming out really slowly. This month they were suppose to pick up again but last month turned into one giant mess really early on. I was gonna get writing again a few days ago but my internet died and I was unable to. However since I now have my internet restored and nothing big happening that I know of is happening, chapters will come out quicker now and will hopefully remain like that. So sorry for the lack of chapters

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OC names · 2:21am Nov 28th, 2013

[9:19:09 PM] zach demmith: Hell if I know didn't think that far but can't you just combine 2 words and you got an oc name
[9:19:37 PM] Jay cohen: Genital Thunderstorm
[9:19:47 PM] zach demmith: Simply amazing

Report Brony Hectic · 458 views ·

Rate of Chapter Posts · 2:42am Nov 16th, 2013

Hey guys, as you know the rate at which my chapters for When I Cry has decreased. This isn't because I don't like it or have lost interest. It's because of school mostly, when I get home I mostly screw around until I sleep. I do most of my writing on the weekends anyway. So yeah, chapters won't be posted as fast as they usually do. Sorry.

Report Brony Hectic · 314 views ·

Poll for When I Cry · 1:57pm Aug 10th, 2013

Hello my friends; "When I Cry" is coming up on it's thousandth view and to celebrate I've made a poll so you guys can decide what you want in the coming chapters. So go vote: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13u8lfMjhOcpujPeU-VcqNle-XWf5aQ_Nz51i5t4AhYA/viewform

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Pre Readers wanted · 2:16pm Jun 23rd, 2013

So, I got some advice by new editor that I should have two pre readers so, anypony wanna be a pre reader? You'll get a first look at new chapters and you get to help me improve them.

Report Brony Hectic · 415 views ·

Washington D.C · 12:27am Jun 5th, 2013

Hello my followers. I will not be on for the next few days, for I am going to Washington D.C with my school. Unlike last time I WILL have a video camera, and I WILL upload my time there. I can't wait to see all the monuments, I'm also going to the Holocaust museum. They say that there's some pretty dark stuff there that some people can't even handle to look at. I'm definitely going to see what there is, I have Jewish heritage (I'm not Jewish). So yeah, I'll be gone tomorrow at like 5:30 a.m

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Field Trip · 10:37am May 28th, 2013

Hello guys, today I'm going with my team to Holiday Hill quite basically it's a super happy fun time place with everything. My friend said he'll be bringing hos video camera, I'll post anything that happened today. My camera was stolen my ruffians at 6 flags. But any way I'm so psyched!

Report Brony Hectic · 251 views ·

News · 1:11am May 17th, 2013

New chapter next week :)

Report Brony Hectic · 242 views ·