• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 20th


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Found 3 stories in 17ms

Total Words: 119,537
Estimated Reading: 7 hours


Being reformed has really agreed with Discord. He gets his freedom, he has new friends, and all he has to do is not unleash his powers on all of Equestria. It's a pretty good deal.

Unfortunately, not everyone's happy with Discord's face-turn. A group of strange creatures are accusing Discord of behavior unbefitting of a Lord of Chaos. But Discord's not worried. He's a spirt with near-infinite power! It's not like they can take him to court.

In this story, Discord gets taken to court for behavior unbefitting of a Lord of Chaos. With Fluttershy there to help him, Discord must try and prove that turning good hasn't made him any less of a chaos-monger. If he fails, it'll be bad news not just for him, but for all of Equestria.

And with Discord representing himself, the odds don't look too good.

Chapters (6)

With no warning, Equestria finds itself in the middle of a crisis the likes of which it has never seen. Overnight, all four princesses have disappeared! That's real messed up!

Shining Armor has gone through these sorts of emergencies before, though. But with his wife and sister missing, he's not willing to sit on the sidelines and let Twilight's friends save the day without him. As circumstances begin piling up, Shining Armor finds himself in the middle of a plot that can only be solved by a few very talented secondary characters.

Unfortunately, Blueblood is one of them.

Chapters (18)

A fan sequel to the MLP movie, inspired in part by the film's original premise.

A month after Twilight and company's trip beyond Equestria's borders, a new threat arrives to take advantage of the aftermath. But things aren't simple this time, and Twilight finds herself arguing with Celestia over how to deal with this new enemy.

The Mane 6 and friends will have to venture deep beneath Equestria and travel through a strange, alien forest to save the balance of magic. But can Twilight and her friends also save bonds that have been broken seemingly beyond repair?

Chapters (4)