• Member Since 9th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 22nd, 2014

Lightless Void


*pfew!* · 6:51pm Mar 19th, 2013

Real life, also known as "the devourer of spare time." It comes after us all and there's no real way to stop it, which is of course the reason why the latest chapter is suffering from delays... again. I got quite a bit written down already, but progress is slow until I manage to free up some more time to write.

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I declare this writer dead, may he/she find his way to a peaceful place where he/she rests...

Absolute God bless. God loves you, now and forever.

You know I was looking back at my favorites and realized that this was the first Human in Equestria story that I ever read. I really enjoyed it and although its been in haitus for forever it had a good stopping point where while leaving me wanting for more wasn't a maddening cliff hanger.

Another great story that's been abandoned.

Only Human was one of the first good stories I read on this site and is still one of my favorites.

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