• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2013



well · 3:44pm Dec 21st, 2012

i see that no one likes to blog so i guess i will have to just put it in a comment or somethin like that.

Report dragonphillips · 367 views ·
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i have lost my account everpony my new account is shadow mist if you ponies want to follow my new one you can thanks. :derpytongue2:

436650 i hope that you continue to write me i can write a bit but not as good

I want to thank you for having favorited Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze :twilightsmile:

It means a lot to me that you're still with us this far into the story, and I can only hope that you continue to enjoy it with new content every Monday and Friday.

As always, Happy Reading,


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