Hi, I'm Xhoral. I attempt to write stories. Wish me luck!
favorite characters are as follows in no particular order. Zecora, Luna, Fluttershy, Spike, Berry Punch, Lyra & BonBon, Vinyl Scratch, & Discord, Oh and Big Mac (as long as he's gay).
Hiya, I'm Lucky! Lucky Narcissus Strikes, if we're being formal. Thanks for clicking on my face! Why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll get us some tea?
I am the Seneschal, the ruler of the eternal circle, and I have come for ponies.
Level 2 Grad Student in Physical Chemistry. Twilight Sparkle is best pone.
I'm a brony that loves FIM, hoping to publish a few books someday so hope you enjoy my ever improving writting. ^^ If you would like to support me https://www.patreon.com/Codyhiggins?ty=h
Just a big Man who's got a passion for Dragons. Don't gimme any Wyvern talk!
I am a student of economics,history and biology. I've come here to produce my seminal work Draconomachi. I hope to complete a and have it edited and posted somewhere it'll get noticed.
I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown in the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere