• Member Since 16th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Meta Knight

I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown in the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere


I can't stop crying · 1:56am Oct 13th, 2019

the ending was so beautiful I'm glad I watched it it was a perfect ending for the show at least in my opinion as cheesy as this is going to sound friendship really is Magic

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Dealing with post con Blues · 5:19pm Aug 6th, 2019

I got to go to the last BronyCon thanks to a surprise from my wife all four days were great but I have been hit by post con blue so hard it's ridiculous I've never been hit this hard before. Even when I was there for the ending of nightmare Nights I could use someone to talk to if anyone is available I just feel so sad and empty I know the fandom will never truly die I believe Bronies will pursue on forever in the great gallop but this just hit me so hard

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I just reach 500 followers this calls for a celebration · 11:12pm Aug 24th, 2018

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Why I don't understand the phrase I'm leaving the fandom · 7:28pm Aug 9th, 2018

Warning before you read this there will be no punctuation and this if that's going to drive you crazy please don't read this because there will again be no punctuation thank you

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I'm really excited for this new season · 7:24pm Mar 27th, 2018

what are your thoughts?

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Oh my dear Celestia what has this fandom become · 8:45pm Mar 19th, 2018

Warning before you read this and there will be no punctuation so if you can't handle it don't read it.

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if you like My Little Pony and you like Worm · 3:21pm Jan 19th, 2018


feeling happy · 11:34pm Sep 14th, 2017


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I had to put my cat down and I can't stop crying · 7:04pm Aug 28th, 2017

I knew something was wrong starting Friday I just didn't want to admit it to myself he started constantly drooling and hiding on Sunday so we took him to the vet and I got some very very bad news he was suffering from feline AIDS his kidneys have shut down completely and and his liver was dying very fast so i had to make it very hard choice to put him to sleep he died in my arms I will miss you Stripes I will miss you so much this picture was taken before the doctor came in my mom was holding

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the Brony Community has lost a great Bony · 5:15pm Jan 3rd, 2017

It Is my sad duty to inform the brony community that we have lost one of our most dedicated and beloved at least in our group members Ryan Hendricks also known as Rachel Sapphire she unfortunately chose to take her life last night at around Ryan was one of the nicest and most compassionate and loving person I have ever known I really wish I could have done more to help her she will be very very missed she was a loving friend and great person I will miss you Ryan you touched my heart in so

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