• Blogs:
☼ "How to Earn Followers (THIS CAN BE REALLY HELPFUL)" by DJ GarV the Expert
☼ "Wars and Rumors of Wars" by xTSGx
• Groups
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☼ Story Approved: Here In My Room by Crash Jet
☼ Story Approved: Sunny Skies All Day Long by PhantomFox
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29 users follow Approver
Approver follows 95 users
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Approval Stamps
I am putting all approval stamps that ever existed in here for personal use. I do not own any of these, and I approve of all of them.
Discord Approved*
Derpy Approved*
Princess Luna Approved*
Rainbow Dash Approved*
Rarity Approved*
Scootaloo Approved*
Vinyl Scratch Approved†
*Stamps by Ambris
†Stamps by Agarwaen117
I... See... You...
I'm following you
507288 Your Scootaloo has failed. You know, because school blocks.
I agree with you. Thank you for bringing that . . . error to my attention.
Have a Scootaloo. fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/063/9/b/scootaloo_approved_by_ambris-d4rj4ad.png