• Member Since 16th Jan, 2019
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Writing wrongs.

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Twilight doesn't remember how to poop, and that's no good. But with the help of her friends, and a little magic, can she learn how again before it's too late?

Thanks to Majin Syeekoh for the idea. Or at least showing me the cover art and being like "make this a story" like 2 years ago.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie Tries Mareijuana

Leftie Loosey decides to get vaccinated, and it's the worst mistake of her life.

Not a direct sequel to Pinkie Pie Tries Mareijuana, but a story in the same vein. This is inspired by the very reliable and studious moms who educate themselves with Facebook memes and anti-science echo chambers to warn us all of the dangers of vaccines. Also heavily inspired by the bible tracts of Jack Chick, because why not.

Chapters (1)

My Little Ponies Hitler Stories tells stories about how ponies tried to assinate the Furor himself, Adept Hitler, but can they succeed, or will Hitler assassinate himself before they can? Tune in and fine out!

Cover art is by passiveusererwinwoz.

Chapters (3)

Seriously, I racked my brain for hours, and I can't remember ever actually seeing a deer. You hear stories about them, sure, and they're all over the place, right? Then why hasn't anypony actually seen one with their own eyes? What's up with that?

Chapters (1)

After being offered a glass of milm, Anon goes bananas, denying that it exists.

Rated T for sTupidity.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer visits a fortune teller. She doesn't really want to, but Pinkie just insists. She learns that fate has something rather harsh in store for her, and soon. But maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

This is not an entry for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings, but was inspired by it.

Chapters (1)

Twilight sits at her desk. A glance reveals nothing. A look raises questions. A stare shows something unsettling. She's not moving.

A short experiment in some kind of horror inspired partly by Lovecraft.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is very science-minded, and when the chance to perform an experiment occurs, she takes it. Unfortunately, the experiment is simply to flush her crown down the toilet in Canterlot.

Chapters (1)

I was there during the Canterlot invasion. Something happened that changed me, slowly. I lost myself to it...

An experiment in something stupid. Perhaps some of you will like it, but this is a warning that many will be disappointed. I had to write it, though.

Chapters (1)

Twilight forgot to do her homework and now it's late, so she needs to fix this problem and Spike helps her, and also she is a Ninja.

Cover art is by michinix.

Chapters (1)