• Member Since 13th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a college student and member of many fandoms, including MLP. I'm a total Fluttercord shipper.


An attempt from Discord to get some honey leads to him getting stung. Fortunately, Fluttershy knows just how to help with those. Written for Day 9 of Febuwhump 2024: Bees.

Chapters (1)

Discord and Fluttershy share a dance after Twilight's coronation ceremony. Fluttershy feels relaxed, content...and ready to share her feelings.

Day Six of #FluttercordWeek2023: Dance

Chapters (1)

Discord is confronted by an angry group in Ponyville for his actions in helping Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. Fortunately, Fluttershy is there to defend him.

And even more fortunately, he knows that he can find safety and comfort with her.

Day Four of #FluttercordWeek2023: Safe Space

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is in the middle of a record-breakingly cold winter. Fluttershy is safe in her cottage, but still can't help but shiver as she watches thick snow pile up.

Fortunately, her partner is able to take her mind off of things.

Day Two of #FluttercordWeek2023: Cuddles

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blank

Twilight was stripped of her title and arrested for using a dark "reformation" spell on Discord. Discord is still under the control of the spell, struggling to even think about making his own choices. Fluttershy has taken him in, doing everything she can to free him.

Friendships turn bitter and new ones form. Love blossoms in the darkest of situations. These are both powerful forms of magic...but will they be enough to free Discord and reconnect him with himself? Or will they only push him further into becoming a blank slate?

Chapters (9)

An AU of The Alternate Adventures of the Power Ponies. Discord, the god of chaos, adjusts to a more domestic setting with the love of his life, while Fluttershy balances being a vet and a superhero.

Day Fourteen of #FluttercordWeek2022: Fanfic Appreciation

Chapters (1)

For their first anniversary, Discord brings Fluttershy to an almost-untouched location, to show her one of the most beautiful night skies he knows about.

Day Thirteen of #FluttercordWeek2022: Stars

Chapters (1)

After Cosmos is finally defeated, Discord comes to Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy does her best to raise his spirits and help him feel safe, while trying to avoid pressuring him with her own feelings.

Day Twelve of #FluttercordWeek2022: Comfort

Chapters (1)

Discord finds himself unable to explain to Fluttershy exactly how it feels to have chaos magic. He still manages to think of a way to show her, though: switching bodies so that she can experience it for herself!

Day Ten of #FluttercordWeek2022: Swap

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy unexpectedly falls asleep in the library while working on her class project. Her dream is so vivid that it feels real, and she learns more about both her foalhood friend Rainbow Dash and the class troublemaker (and her crush) Discord.

Crossover AU of Deltarune Chapter Two.

Day Nine of #FluttercordWeek2022: Odd Combinations

Chapters (1)